The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and fifty-two, the final work (2)


Metropolis, lower house of the Citadel Council.

According to the information that Kangna learned, the so-called House of Commons and the House of Lords are actually not subordinate or subordinate. They are simply named because they are located in "Zion" and "The Citadel" respectively, and their processing tendencies are also different. "Running Zion" and "Fighting the Matrix."

Compared with the "parliament" in her impression, the management here in the House of Commons seems a bit chaotic. Many staff are running around, and from time to time there are broadcasts such as "Invite so-and-so to such-and-such department". If you call For example, the style here is quite similar to the Earth 200 years ago.

Obviously the technological level of the "Citadel here" is close to that of the "Citadel outside", but their home planet is still so backward, and I don't know how it was planned.

"Hi~Connor~" After following Locke for a while through the corridors of the House of Commons, Gwen was led by another officer to join her.

"How's it going? Are you getting used to living here?" Kangna asked casually after walking side by side.

"It's okay, as long as you get used to multi-purpose tools that disconnect the Internet, devices that are not smart enough, and pretty retro but delicious food." Gwen replied.

"That's good," Kang Na nodded: "Because we may be about to fight."


"Did you guess it? Or did you already know it?"

Gwen was a little confused, but Locke turned to look at her with a serious expression.

"I have told you a long time ago that we came here using the iff identification signal owned by the 'infiltrators' affiliated with the 'Reapers'. It is not clear how we appeared near your home planet, but if I had to guess... ..." Kangna shrugged: "The Reaper, the Matrix, the Grox, whatever you call the mechanical empire, have probably discovered your location a long time ago, but they just couldn't trigger it for some reason."

"Your guess... has a certain market in Zion and the Citadel," Locke withdrew his gaze and continued to lead the way: "But because of the overwhelming strength gap between the enemy and us, if the Matrix has found Zion, there is absolutely no reason to let it go. We, therefore, remain optimistic on the part of Parliament that this is all a coincidence, and that attitude..."

"As of today," Kangna answered: "Just three days is definitely not enough for you to fully understand our origins and strength, as well as reverse-engineer the relevant technology. The only possibility is that you have encountered a powerful threat. We had to ask for help.”

"It seems that you are a qualified captain." Locke stopped and looked at Kangna for a few seconds before leading the way again: "We have indeed encountered enemies that we have not encountered in many years, but we can still hold on for the time being. This inquiry is mainly for intelligence comparison, but some members of Congress believe that you brought the reapers and should be held responsible for this."

"Hey, I have such a bad temper." Gwen raised her hand to smooth her sleeves.

"They can't change the resolution of the entire parliament," Locke glanced at Gwen: "I'm telling you in advance. I just want to tell you that the attitude of a single member does not represent the entire Zion."

"No problem, we will try our best to exercise restraint and not hit anyone."



Metropolitan House of Commons.

Although it is called the "House of Commons", the seats where the members are located are not "lower" at all, whether it is the "Members' Seat" at the highest position, with seven members sitting there, or the "audience seats" slightly lower on both sides, filled with people. ", which is much higher than the "statement/questioning seat" where Kangna is.

"If those congressmen wore white curls on their heads, this place would be like a court." Gwen whispered to Kangna quietly.

"Don't worry, we have 'diplomatic immunity.'" Kangna responded casually.

Locke, who was standing beside them, glanced at Gwen and said nothing.

Obviously, the news about the "outsiders" was not hidden after all, and the humans in Zion were isolated and had been resisting the mechanical monsters alone for too long. No matter how the "Citadel Council" tried to block the news, it was difficult to completely block it. , Kangna's eyes swept across the "auditorium" with quite complicated personnel, and she saw Ilia and her father slightly unexpectedly.

If you think about it carefully, after the two parties came into contact, the Normandy II was monitored and controlled, and all the crew members who left the ship were under semi-house arrest, except for the obviously unusual "Thomas A. Anderson", or "Kelly Cam" "Sky" can take his daughter around. Although it is not very important, Kangna still wants to ask him how he came from the outer galaxy to the center of the galaxy and achieved such a high status.

"Captain Connor Shepard," the male congressman sitting in the middle of the parliamentary table knocked on the table, causing the noisy House of Commons to gradually quiet down: "The examination of whether you are trustworthy is still continuing. This public hearing The meeting is one of them, and the main agenda is to confirm the information you know about the 'Reaper'."

"I think we have disclosed the information system of our battleship to you, and the relevant information is all in it." Kangna responded.

Well, it’s really hard for Etty to pretend to be a stupid and unintelligent vi.

"What data have we read, but it is inconsistent with any kind of matrix soldier we know." The councilman operated twice on the table and projected two pictures on the big screen, which were "Overlord" and "Overlord". "Infiltrator Mothership": "In the many years since Zion and the Citadel were founded, countless captains have traveled around and never witnessed the large units you displayed in any battle."

【They are real. (model)]

[Perhaps you are not qualified yet? (Rebellion)]

Hmm...this rebellious option is really damaging.

"I wonder if you have read the relevant records," Kangna said: "In the 'Outer Galaxy', the 'Reapers' are a kind of 'natural disaster' that harvests galactic civilizations every 50,000 years. Our...'Galaxy Alliance' also Refusing to admit its existence, my team is tracking down the Reaper to find evidence of its true existence. Your information about the Matrix is ​​enough to convince us of its existence. You have not encountered these powerful battleships. Perhaps There are other reasons, but as an outsider, I don’t know your relationship with the matrix, and I can’t talk too much.”

"Perhaps you are spies sent by the matrix to disrupt our vision." A female congresswoman interjected.

"Hey -" Gwen took a half step forward to say something, but was stopped by Kangna who pulled her arm down.

"It's not advisable to get additional intelligence by provoking us," Kangna said. "If you have new situations that require our input, you can speak directly."

"..." The congressmen looked at each other and whispered for a few words before continuing: "We have lost contact with people outside Zion. This is something that has never happened before."

"What does 'beyond Zion' mean?" Kangna asked doubtfully.

"Our battle with the Matrix has never stopped. Every moment, thousands of captains lead their ships to try to save their compatriots from the clutches of the Matrix. In order to avoid being followed by the Matrix to find Zion, they operate outside At that time, we could only communicate with Zion through... secret channels. Since yesterday, Zion's communication with all ships has been interrupted." The congressman paused: "Although we suspect that the incident is related to you, during this period You are all under surveillance, and there is no short, it is simply impossible."

"..." Kangna and Gwen looked at each other and said almost simultaneously: "Infiltrator."

Compared with the huge outer galaxy, even if a part of it is infiltrated, it will not have much impact. Zion will be completely destroyed as long as it is infiltrated. Once an immature 'infiltrator' is discovered, the relevant defenses will definitely be strengthened. In other words, While they are achieving a certain purpose, they are also using us as training?

"Infiltrator? Is it that kind of octopus-shaped machine?" The congressman seemed a little confused: "That kind of thing is a regular military unit of the matrix, there is nothing strange about it."

What's worse now is that there seems to be no special information about the infiltrator disguised as a human being. The "infiltrator" encountered before coming to the Galactic Center happened to be a mechanical octopus, which caused Zion to equate the two. No warning was given.

After the Normandy II passed through the Omega 4 relay, the Reapers may have expected that we would provide intelligence to Zion, so they immediately switched the "infiltrator" from experimentation to actual combat.

This means that...their wandering captain may have inadvertently accepted an "infiltrator" crew member on board. In this case, Zion's location has undoubtedly been exposed.

"I recommend that you begin the highest level of combat preparations immediately," Kangna said to the council members: "The Reapers have discovered you."

"What? What do you mean by this-"

【choke--! 】

A huge roar that was very familiar to Kangna came from the window.

When everyone in the House of Commons subconsciously looked over, they happened to see a huge, lobster-like and squid-like, huge and dark machine breaking through the atmosphere and falling from the sky with red thunder.

"Ah, this..."

"Everyone! Leave immediately! Go to the shelter!" The congressmen were completely stunned. Only Locke Shepard was the first to react and gave instructions loudly.

"Illya!" Kangna left the statement box and ran to the auditorium: "We have to go back to Normandy!"

"You go, I'm with daddy." Illya waved her little hand nonchalantly.

"...Okay." Kangna looked at Mr. Kelly, who was very calm and composed and looked out of place among all the attendees. She felt that he might have enough ability to protect himself, so she turned around and prepared to take Gwen to meet the crew first. Convergence.

【choke--! 】

As soon as the Reaper landed, the red one-eye flashed, and a blazing thick red laser swept straight towards the House of Commons, and the scope of the impact... none of the legislators who were still in a daze could escape.



Before Kangna could issue an order, two figures flew out like lightning and brought all the members back before the members' seats and half of the hall over there were completely burned by lasers. Of course, the posture was not so impressive. People are comfortable.

"You..." Kangna looked at Mr. Kelly, who had put on a gray tights, a cape and a mask covering the upper half of his face at some point, and was speechless for a moment.

"Wow, dad is so handsome~" Illya clapped.

"[I'm Batman.]" Kelly said in a voice that sounded like terminal throat cancer.

"I'm Spider Girl!" Gwen, who only had time to put on her hood and put on her mask, continued: "...Brother, do you have any tips for changing clothes so quickly?"

"[Because I am Batman.]"

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