The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and fifty-four, the final work (4)




It looks like a human, but its whole body is covered with weird electronic components. The corpse puppet with twisted joints is crawling around on the outer walls of the surrounding buildings like a spider.

"It's so disgusting! Spiders are not so ugly! Die to me!"

Then they were beaten by Gwen who was inexplicably angry.

"You won't be able to kill all the things you took, so don't waste time." Kangna stopped the "Spider Girl" who looked like she was planning to kill them all, and motioned her to follow Locke and Kelly.

Since she had seen Raven more than once in the subspace, the illusion of the "Source of Fire", Kangna had a dull reaction to this kind of "mechanical zombies", and even because she was very aware of their warning range and patrol mode, she occasionally encountered them. In the encounter, he appeared calm and relaxed.

This also makes the previous embarrassing "learn it as soon as you learn it" less abrupt.

Batman even added a comment, saying "It would be great if you were the savior", which made people confused.

By the way, although Kangna can "fly", she can clearly feel that it is an extended application of the "psionic interface", and it cannot "fly into the sky" and can only stay at about half a meter at most. height, traveling at the same speed as a trot.

Think about it, if superpowers could easily use psychic flight, there would be no need for "time and space guidance" to become a separate type of superpower.

And, come to think of it, isn't this exactly how she moves when she follows John in her disembodied state and can only communicate with him by holding up signs? Is this what "belief is true" means?

In view of the limitations of this kind of flight, she chose to only use this ability when crossing or falling. Under normal circumstances, she still acts with her own athletic ability.

"Don't worry." Since the "Academic Master Incident" had passed for a while, Locke ignored the incident for the time being. After crossing the house and crossing the spine, he began to fulfill the responsibility of a security force leader: "We have a record to deal with matrix attacks at any time. , your crew should be fine."

"Ah... um." Faced with this comfort, Kangna could only nod.

Otherwise, what should I say? The purpose of going to them is actually to prevent them from acting without permission, and to protect themselves. If you accidentally make the matter bigger or even directly carry the banner of resisting the invasion for the galactic humans, then it will violate the original intention of the "investigation operation" .

"What? Damn it! Let them retreat! This kind of thing is not something his ship can deal with!"

At this moment, Locke seemed to have received some news, and suddenly pressed the headset and started angrily:

"We are not giving up Zion! The defensive area of ​​the entire planet is too large. We can only evacuate non-important areas to ensure the safety of important cities! This has been specified in the plan!"

Even without listening carefully, you would know who disobeyed orders and took the initiative to attack the Reapers.

"Damn it!" Locke, whose communication seemed to have been disconnected, turned to look at the sky: "Don't look at those reapers who are all cumbersome and slow, it's because they are just having fun, this thing definitely has extremely high intelligence!"

Judging from Raven's situation,

He guessed it correctly, but not every Reaper warship is a "ship girl"... right?

Boom boom boom——

During the conversation, in the direction Locke was looking at, a huge battleship with a light gray body and a strange shape like a hammerhead whale broke through the clouds. A large number of close-in defense cannons directly cleared away the surrounding mechanical octopuses and wiped out the "heads". "Aiming at the nearest Reaper warship, the orange light continued to shrink and gather, looking like it was accumulating energy.

"That's an ancient spacecraft we found on a planet not controlled by the matrix, the 'Gorgon' class. Although the paper data is very strong, it has hardly been used in actual combat. I hope-"

"[Ang——! Aang——! Aang——!]"

Whatever Locke "hoped" for has probably been dashed by the Reaper's actions.

The targeted Reaper warship was still wandering around the city, occasionally firing a laser beam, but as soon as it was targeted by Gorgon's main gun, it rose up from the ground at a speed far exceeding its size and surrounded the warship. It traveled nearly ninety degrees. As a result, even if Gorgon insisted on firing its main gun, it would only be able to hit the air.

What made it rain all night was that the five or six nearby Reapers that had no reaction to its appearance also "turned their heads" simultaneously and flashed their red "one-eyes" at it.

"Damn it, it's dead." Locke raised his arm and lowered it.

Obviously, when the Reaper's red laser was about to activate in the next second, even if he ordered rescue, it would be too late.

But why did he glance at Batman? Even in this situation, can Batman turn the tide?

"[...]" Batman noticed Locke's movements and slowly shook his head: "[Some sacrifices are necessary.]"

["This is for the greater good." (Model)]

["This is a necessary sacrifice." (Rebellion)]

【remain silent. 】

Kangna glanced at the action suggestions and thought it would be better to keep her mouth shut.

But just when she was about to choose the third option, countless meaningless green characters converged and merged, condensing into a new option:

["Some redemptions are indispensable." (special)】


There was no time to think about its meaning. Kangna acted intuitively and read out this sentence quickly.

[Some sacrifices are necessary. 】

[Some redemptions are indispensable. 】

The too neat response made Locke, Batman and Gwen turn their heads at the same time, and Illya also looked curious about what she could do.

But... Kangna really didn't know what was so special about this sentence. She could only look at Gorgon who was being targeted with a confident look. Because she was so confident, the onlookers also subconsciously turned around. He turned his head and looked at the battleship that was in a certain death situation.


Naturally, the reapers would not stop their actions because of the neat pair in the corner of the battlefield. They activated their own rays almost simultaneously, and threw them at the "Gorgon" battleship like stage lights. However, these "lights" brought What came was not cheers and applause, but death.


At the critical moment, a golden meteor fell from the sky, blocking the battleship. The red lasers aimed at different parts of the battleship drew an arc as if they were attracted by magnets, and accurately hit the battleship. The target battleship is dozens of times smaller than the "Meteor".

The red beam, which had been indestructible so far, was like a wave hitting a rock, unable to move forward in front of the golden meteor.

After a moment of stalemate, the golden meteor started again, flying towards the reapers faster than when it appeared. At the same time, a young girl's voice shouted loudly on the public channel:

"[This is so imba!]"

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