The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and sixty-three, civil war (3)


Sanctuary One.

"The new 'Mage Supreme' seems to be sounding the alarm to every planet about to be attacked by the Reapers," Superstar showed other pictures: "He used the [Time Stone] to eliminate the time from his departure to his destination. , and the time between the warning and the other party finally listening to his warning, he almost single-handedly increased the combat readiness of the entire galaxy by 50%. Ebony Throat believes that his behavior and ability are critical to our future dominance of the galaxy. A serious obstacle, and he holds the [Infinity Stones] you are looking for. Instigate others to defeat him, take back the Time Stone and dedicate it to you. Others are persuaded, but I still insist on executing your 'stay behind' The command."

"..." Gray Feng listened silently, absorbing the information of this "new world".

However, even though I don’t understand it, I always feel that the superstar’s attitude is like a dog that is a housekeeper at home asking for credit from its owner and accusing a cat that sneaks out to play without permission.

"Even if Proxima Centauri and Black Dwarf are fine, General Deathblade will also be bewitched?" Thanos' tone was not questioning, but slightly difficult to understand.

"He seems to have decided to set off after hearing Ebony Maw say that there is a 'strongest shield' on the human side. He seems to want to use his 'strongest person' to compare with it," the superstar paused: "I'm actually somewhat interested in that psychic named Aleister Xavier..."

"That is a psychic who can cover a planet only after using a brainwave amplifier. He is not a very strong psychic. In terms of hard power, he is far weaker than you who can easily sweep across an entire galaxy. But strength does not mean victory. Once you start a head-to-head confrontation with him, the winning rate for both sides will be 50%." Thanos looked at the superstar who still seemed unconvinced: "If you can understand what I just said, then consider fighting with him. It’s a matter of confrontation.”

"Huh? It's not...huh?" The superstar hesitated, repeating it three times, seeming to understand something, but also seeming to understand nothing.

"Let's go." After waiting for a while, the Throat Superstar still showed no signs of recovery, Thanos turned to Gray Wind: "I have to confirm how much strength you can exert in this world, and do me a small favor."

"Okay, Lord Thanos."


"Well... that is to say, the intelligent creatures in this world will be 'extinct' every fifty thousand years, and the souls of the strongest among them will enter my world and become 'heroes' or even 'salary kings', and The weak will only become 'undead' or 'ashes', causing the world to sink into the deep sea." When following Thanos to the interior of the temple, Gray Wind listened to his explanation while trying to understand the basic logic of the world: "That way If we prevent the Reaper's reincarnation, even if we don't need to spread fire, the world will not return to darkness?"

"The steps to solve the problem are correct, but the answer is wrong," Thanos replied: "If there is no reaper in this world and there is peace, then there will also be no powerful souls born. Your world will appear because of the constant emergence and death of people. The ashes of the soul accumulate and fall into the deep sea.”

"But we just said that spreading fire is bound to fail?" Gray Feng was confused.

"So, we need heroes to be born and sent to your world when they are 'fiercely burning'." Thanos said.

"Hmm... Huh?" Gray Wind looked at Thanos in confusion.

If she understood correctly, Lord Thanos meant to have the reapers create a large number of heroes through their harvesting operations, then kill them all when they were at their peak, and send them to the "Kingdom of Shadows" to serve as salary kings. It seems like a villain's approach?

Moreover, the reason why heroes are called heroes means that they are powerful, such as "Hero Guda". Although Lord Thanos has a powerful fleet and many talents under his command, if he wants to fight against the entire world with the power of one person, it is still A bit difficult, right?

However, I heard that the Reaper attack has just begun.

It's still very early until that day, so there will always be a solution...probably.

"Here we are, take a look at this." After Thanos led Gray Wind into a room that looked like a lounge, he pointed at the huge fish tank in the corner of the room.

Perhaps ordinary people would directly observe the fish tank itself or the fish in it, but for Hui Feng, because something in the fish tank was too conspicuous, she had no time to pay attention to other decorations and ornamental fish.

It was a mini octopus about the size of an average person's head. It was sliding its eight legs to chase other fish in the tank, but it was not hunting for food, but just for fun.

What really makes Gray Feng unable to take his eyes away is the bright purple light on the octopus, which brings a strange feeling to people. This feeling is very familiar to Gray Feng. It is the resonance and trembling when facing a powerful soul. feel.

"If you give it to Ludos, you should be able to create something incredible." She murmured to herself.

"I have no plan to bring him out. Even if I had, he wouldn't be able to sincerely promise to 'follow' me like you." Thanos knocked on the fish tank: "I originally didn't mind letting it continue to grow, but things have changed. Suddenly, I have to collect at least four infinite gems - you can understand it as, to return at least four salary kings to their thrones."

No, that’s not the same thing no matter how you think about it.

"I... try my best to give it a try." Gray Feng tried to reach out to the octopus in the fish tank.

Puff, puff...

The purple octopus that was originally spraying bubbles angrily at Thanos for knocking on the fish tank now became extremely docile. It slowly swam closer and rubbed Gray Feng's hand through the wall of the fish tank.


The extremely rich "soul" that filled the body of the purple octopus swirled away from the octopus at this moment like duckweed being sucked away by a whirlpool, and condensed into a flower in the palm of Gray Feng's hand. A dazzling but extremely bright purple flame.

Gray Wind could feel the unimaginable power contained in it. If he had to find a reference...if he cut it into ten parts and threw one out randomly, he would be able to kill the Giant King Youmu directly. Storm Controller is not required.

"Lord Ashes," Gray Wind subconsciously used his original title, and then extended his other hand to Thanos: "Please touch the darkness within me, and that ownerless soul will be transformed into yours." strength】."

"Lord Ashes" held her hand just like he had done during the previous "upgrades".

At this moment, the powerful soul that originally belonged to the octopus swept through the gray wind like a hurricane, and condensed into a crystal clear and shining purple gem in the hands held by her and Thanos.

Even without Thanos explaining it, Gray Wind already knew its name.

【Power Gem】.

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