The Collection of The End

One thousand six hundred and ninety-six, looking forward to tomorrow with full confidence


Virtual dimension, dark temple?

The pillar of light soaring into the sky gradually dissipated, but the rolling dark clouds did not gather again. They continued to recede as if they were afraid of the traces left by the light, and finally revealed a sky full of stars and an unusually huge silver-white bright moon.

Since the field of view is not limited, and the moon is too huge, as long as you observe it for a while, you can find that it is actually a rotating "mechanical planet", because everything on it is a mechanical creation that does not pay attention to appearance. The light reflected from the stars is only gray and white, so it looks like a "moon", but in fact, the place where everyone steps is the real moon.

Attracted by the movement here, the members of the raiding group quickly divided up the spoils and rushed over. However, because they did not understand what happened, they just watched and did not ask.

He looked like he was waiting to see the CG scene.

"Huh... So, the core of Grox is actually on the satellite of its home planet. Even if we use all our strength to capture the 'Alfa Sanctuary', Grox can easily escape," Neo looked away from the sky and shook his head. He turned to look at Maiev Shadowsong, whose aura had changed drastically: "So, who are you now? More Grox or Connor?"

"[Eternal, infinite, immortal,]" Maiev said in a hollow and emotionless tone: "[I used to use these words, but it wasn't until I became the person I am now that I understood their meaning. Until now, I Only then did I understand how much sacrifice she had made.]”

"...Excellent, neither," Neo spread his hands: "So, what's your current state?"

Maiev was silent for a moment and looked up at the "moon". After a moment, she said:

"[Her death gave me a new life, and my appearance freed her thoughts. Now, her thoughts guide me, giving me the direction to move forward and the reason for my existence.]"

"You are absolutely right," Neo glanced at the original work: "The only reason why you can still exist now, instead of being torn apart by some angry 'sister', is that Kangna wants you to exist. "

"There's no point in tearing her apart," the original work said expressionlessly: "This is just a 'tool' she uses to convey messages. After merging with Grox, Kangna can be said to be the 'Reaper' itself. If anything unexpected happens, all the ongoing battles with the Reapers, whether in the center of the galaxy or outside the galaxy, must have stopped."

"[Just as she once guided her followers - those who helped her complete her mission, I will do the same,]" Maiev nodded: "[I will end unnecessary disputes and give the strong a stage to play." , giving the weak a chance to strengthen themselves.]"

"...I don't understand what she is saying at all, can you understand?" Neo shrugged.

"The general meaning can be understood," the original novel exhaled: "The harvesting cycle will end, and these reapers will become something similar to the 'space police'. It will ensure that all civilizations can continue and guide civilizations that have no room for development. To develop new star fields that are not on the repeater route, to prevent any civilization from bullying small civilizations with its strong strength, and to properly guide the development of those civilizations that have just stepped into the universe - it really seems like something Kangna can do. .”

"[I once understood that to achieve all this, she must become a higher being,]" Maiev said: "[Control is also a manifestation of power, and using the enemy's power for one's own use is also a kind of wisdom.]"

"I understand this time," Neo nodded: "If you don't intend to sacrifice anyone and maintain the self of each civilization, then 'destruction' and 'fusion' are not options. The former is equivalent to letting the universe re-enter the cycle. , and the latter... Although everyone seems to be happy, but a brand new race formed by merging biology and machinery? This is such a weird option, I would never choose it."

"You have made your position clear. So, specifically, what are you going to do tomorrow?" the original question asked.

"[I will rebuild everything that others have lost, and I will protect and maintain it all,]" Maiev continued to speak in that "unspeaking" way: "[I will create a future with infinite possibilities, I Will become——'Watchman'.】"

"I understand this time," Gwen said: "She will let the 'Reapers' participate in post-disaster reconstruction after stopping the harvest cycle, but she does not intend to change the pattern and form of the current universe. At the same time, because Zion still has Can't afford to support all those 'reincarnators' trapped in the matrix, so the 'reincarnation world' will continue to be maintained, Zion can pick anyone up from the matrix at any time, and the matrix will only 'watch' and not 'intervene'. "

"..." The original work was silent again: "It is indeed something Kangna can do."

"Although it seems good to do this now," Gwen said again with some doubts: "But the resources of the universe are limited. If all civilizations can develop, and the civilizations trapped in the matrix can be revived one by one, , won’t there be a situation where resources will be exhausted one day? When they fight for survival, what will you do?”

"[I will never forget those who made sacrifices to allow future generations to survive,]" Maiev responded without pausing, obviously having a plan: "[I will protect those who remember my past— —The woman who gave her life to save everyone.]”

"Huh? Wait?" Gwen stayed for two seconds, then turned to look at the original and Neo: "What this means is that if there is a battle or dispute in the future where the two sides cannot distinguish right from wrong, the Reaper Will you side with the person who knows Kangna unconditionally? If both parties know each other, then decide who to help based on proximity and distance? Am I understanding correctly?"

"That's what I heard too," Neo spread his hands: "To help relatives but not to take care of others, this——"

"——This is really what Kangna can do," the original author finished, and took a deep breath: "Although she disappeared, she did not disappear completely, which is good."

"No, no, no, don't act like the matter has been solved. Have you forgotten that there is a 'Thanos'?" Gwen reminded.

"But the matter here has indeed been solved," Neo adjusted his sunglasses: "Let's leave the virtual dimension for the time being and go back to Zion to discuss the next plan. Unless that 'Thanos' brings his army now, Immediately, come to us."

"What you said -" Chu Zuo suddenly stopped mid-sentence and suddenly raised his head to look at the sky.

In the bright starry sky, a huge and majestic castle, or fortress, that was gray-blue in color and seemed to be carved from ice, was pointing downwards, falling straight towards the top of the Dark Temple.

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