The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and thirty-three, infinite future (5)

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Because of the "Iron Man Mode", I have never looked at what state the world is in during the "settlement" this time. If I accidentally see a civilization fighting against the Reapers in an "touching" way, maybe it will happen again. Can't help but help them - even if it makes no sense.

But now that this world can be preserved, let's study a little bit about the form of the entire galaxy.

The first is the situation of the Milky Way, that is, "Elle's Painting World". It is roughly divided into three parts, the Mass Effect sector where the Earth is located, the StarCraft sector where the interstellar immigrants are located, and the Galactic Center where the Reapers are located. At the same time, they mixed some "science fiction stories with the appearance of the earth", "science fiction stories without the appearance of the earth" and "fictional or even magical science fiction stories".

At the end of the game, "Mass Effect" and "Avengers" also ended simultaneously. However, because there was an additional condition of "no time travel" when I created the world, the part involving traveling through time and space could not be realized, so the latter did not have a fourth part. , directly stuck at the ending of the third part. In addition, because all the followers have been recovered, we can only speculate based on the traces left at the scene that there must have been quite a fuss.

Then there is the "Inner Galaxy" or the "Dark Multiverse". There are a total of forty-two of them. Their overall size is the same as the "Outer Galaxy". However, the stories born in these "Dark Universes" are all strange and different. Basically, they are not suitable to be stuffed into the background of the stars and the universe - because they are all derived from my "dream".

These "dream fragment worlds" also have elements that are enough to destroy them, but they have basically been solved by someone in various forms. If you think about it carefully, it should be my forty-two incarnations, five billion years. Going down, thirty-six died to "save the world" while the remaining six gained the status of "Infinity Stones", which makes sense.

Finally, there is the most special "Mountain and River Sheji Map". In order to store the souls of members of destroyed civilizations, it was used by someone to establish a "reincarnation space" in the "virtual dimension". I stared at it and thought for two seconds. I just can't figure out how this kind of space can create the "doomsday".

At present, it should still be in a certain state of "inertia". No one noticed anything unusual, and their actions remained the same. Until they finally realized that there was no more outside interference, they would slowly fall into chaos.

But now that I have taken over this "reincarnation space", that kind of thing will not happen. Although I can't figure out how to place these people at the moment, there is nothing wrong with keeping the previous rules unchanged.

On the whole, it seems that my followers wanted to create an interstellar version of Three Kingdoms or Fengshen, but they forgot to calculate the difference in combat power, and ended up accidentally making it into Journey to the West.

Speaking of Journey to the West... Where is the monkey brother who ran into my dream and acted as a grandfather?

"[I seem to hear someone complimenting me on how handsome I am?]"

Almost at the same time I thought about this question,

Sun Wukong appeared in front of me in a "classic style", that is, a blue monk's robe and hat, a gold hoop on his head, and a tiger skin skirt around his waist.

Hmm... I didn't see Brother Monkey on the "settlement interface", so I knew he must not have gone back. However, it seems that I am not qualified to let him "follow". I am not Tang Seng.

"Yes, yes, the great sage, you are the most handsome in the world," I raised the ball in my hand to him: "How should we deal with this world? Can you give me some advice?"

"[Hehe, what's so difficult about this?]" Sun Wukong raised his hand and poked the ball: "[Just separate the mixed worlds, then initialize them, and use the 'Reincarnation' I got for you as a training ground.]"

"...Well, although it's a good idea, I don't have a 'reincarnation', and those followers know the current situation very well. Even if they are arranged to join, they must be messing around. And most importantly, I The 'doomsday elements' we have now have overflowed. There is no need to continue to 'intercept' other doomsday worlds. You can completely 'create' yourself. In this way, any event that produces 'doomsday elements' can solve the problem from the root. There is no need to go in either.”

"[Hey hey hey, that's not right, think about it again? How was the 'Doomsday Element' born?]" Sun Wukong began to lay out the pattern of the old man with the ring.

"Huh?" I looked down at the small galaxy in the ball: "If an entire civilization is convinced that 'something' has the potential to destroy the world, then when it is solved, the civilization will provide a copy of 'Doomsday'" element'."

"[Why is it 'the entire civilization provides one share' instead of 'all members of the civilization provide one share'?]" Sun Wukong asked.

"Because the world is 'Galaxy-level'? What ordinary people think of as a catastrophe may pose no threat to the Galaxy?" I didn't know what Brother Monkey wanted to say, so I followed his question and answered.

"[Then, use this 'reincarnation space' to create a large number of small worlds, make the residents think that some small thing will lead to the doomsday, and then eliminate it, wouldn't it be possible to obtain a lot of 'doomsday elements'?]" Sun Wukong said again.

"I have considered this issue before," I shook my head: "But the quality of the 'doomsday elements' produced in this way is quite low, almost equivalent to the result of dividing the 'doomsday elements' provided by a certain civilization according to their population size."

"[Who said you were asked to use 'ordinary people' as 'observers'?]" Sun Wukong stretched out his furry hand and pointed upward: "[Pull the 'players' down for fun.]"

"Then how can...huh?" I stopped mid-sentence and looked thoughtfully at the sofa below me.

The stupid system said that it could spend 20,000 doomsday elements to bring me to "reality" to find trouble for the "player", but there was obviously a huge problem.

The biggest problem is strength. If I go to "reality", I don't think I can retain my current identity as "the will of the world". This kind of "dimensionality enhancement" behavior is basically equivalent to changing the map in fantasy, opening a new version of Warcraft, and the God of War. In the new game, even if people are not turned into blank slates, they will basically fall to the bottom of the power ladder. If I run into "reality", I will almost definitely become the "Patient Zero" before coming into contact with PAX200, even if I can beat the "player" Two times, it's basically just scratching.

The next level question is the reason. Do ordinary people care about how many mushrooms they trample on while playing Super Mario? If the mushroom gained self-awareness, worked hard to become Bowser, and then decided to cause trouble for the player, the two would probably have to exchange information for a long time to confirm the day, which level, and which mushroom the other party trampled to death.

And...I'm not a mushroom that gets stepped on repeatedly and dies. I messed up that player in the first game of "Doomsday Inc." and ended up angrily deleting the game. Strictly speaking, I have absolutely no feelings for him or her. Great reason for revenge.

But if I lower her to my level and let her experience the feeling of facing the doomsday, this small revenge is very reasonable, and this kind of plot is easily accepted by netizens." Unlimited streaming”.

However, it seems that just one person is too few, and then it becomes a "Zhutianliu". At least twenty people must be gathered together to form a team for a team battle or something.

But in that case...60,000 doomsday elements might not be enough?

【enough! enough! ] The stupid system screamed: [Just use money to make money! You don’t have to invest your entire budget from the beginning! 】

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