The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and thirty-five, infinite future (7)

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"Sister?" I felt my arm being touched: "Sister, you are in a daze again. How could someone be so dazed?"

"Well..." I blinked, retracted my gaze, and looked at Meng Nali, who was sitting in front of me, wearing a doctor's white coat, and had stopped analyzing: "I'm just disturbed by some strange pictures from time to time. Attract, not distract.”

"Isn't that just a distraction?" Roman, who was also dressed in the same outfit, laughed.

"It's okay," Meng Nali shook her head: "Can you tell me what you saw? Under what circumstances?"

"What I saw were...a dark-skinned man with a hearty smile, a woman with nine tails behind her, a green woman with vines wrapped around her body, a sleepy-looking officer, and a car with a headlight on its head. A robot, a prairie dog that keeps screaming..." I counted on my fingers: "As for the scenes, it's hard to distinguish, most of them are in the wild, and a small part are indoors."

"Oh..." Meng Nali tilted her head thoughtfully and looked at Roman: "It's not a big problem. They are all guys who can't lose face or have done bad things. They're afraid that you'll slap them down." Becoming a 'doomsday element'."

"Actually, I think a few of them look familiar, as if I've seen them in the previous world," I crossed my arms and snorted, "When have I ever flattened people and turned them into doomsday elements?"

"You are a good person, but they feel guilty for doing bad things," Meng Nali pointed at Lin Shu who was standing next to me: "I felt that I was going to be punished, but I didn't want to act cute like him, so I had to hide from a distance, but I didn't To think that this time you just packed up the entire universe and took it away."

"Bad thing?" I glanced at my brother.

"I don't call that a bad thing!" Lin Shu shouted loudly: "That 'monitor' is really bad. No, I don't even dare to see my sister."

Hmm... I looked around and it was almost the same as before I set off, but it lacked a personal courtyard.

When we were walking here from Xianyue Sanxing Cave, the "monitor" who called himself "John Smith" was still in the yard, seeming to be arguing with Lin Shu and Roman about something, while Meng Nali was on the side smiling and trying to persuade them. When I was halfway there, he seemed to notice me, turned his head and glanced in my direction, and then left the small hospital and went back to his clinic.

When I walked into the garden, Lin Shu immediately rushed to complain, but I stopped him directly. The reason he used was "Don't bring out the emotions in the game." seems to be a "game" indeed.

But even though it was a game, it was no joke.

Judging from the identities of the followers, most of them thought that I was going to save lives, save civilization, and save the world to obtain doomsday elements, but they must not have expected that this time I would actually "capture" the doomsday elements. If they were in some kind of If something that might threaten the entire galaxy is suppressed before it develops, I would be more distressed.

As for the sacrifices and deaths caused by that kind of thing in the development process, as "Element Zero", I can responsibly say that they [are all me].

If the monitor has been doing something like "helping the growth of doomsday elements", although it may seem "bad" to outsiders, to me, well... "painful and happy" is a good description .

The only problem is that the doomsday elements overflowed too much in the later period and were eaten up by the stupid system. They were later used to reshape the entire universe and saved it as the "Reincarnation World", which was a complete waste.

"Leave him alone," I knocked on Lin Shu's head and turned to Meng Nali: "Where did we just talk?"

"As for the feasibility of 'dimensional ascension intervention'," Meng Nali raised her hand to adjust the glasses she had not known when. "There is actually no need to discuss this issue, because Roman and I started from the 'low-dimensional game' Although those who came here are affected by your will as the world, at least the feasibility exists, so it shouldn't be a big problem to go from this 'game' to a 'higher dimension'."

"According to my research, there is not much difference between 'your world' and 'our world', but we don't have the IP 'FATE' there," Roman continued: "All related concepts, when it comes to 'your world' , are all summarized by this IP, and this IP does not possess any supernatural power."

"According to your statement, this world was created by a game called "Doomsday Company"," Meng Nali nodded: "Similarly, this game cannot be found in our world or here, so according to the latest Bad estimate, it is very likely that all the power you currently have is just a set of data to the 'high-dimensional' world. I ask again, are you sure you can carry out 'dimensional ascension intervention'?"

"I'm very sure," I replied, while tapping the stupid system with my fingers: "I'm a little embarrassed to say it. Before I left that game, I was just an ordinary person, or even a passerby. I wasn't originally like you. The world has a strong power and a famous identity. The current power is all stolen from the "high-dimensional world fragments" through the "high-dimensional system". Since this system is set to "consume 20,000 kinds of doomsday elements" If it is possible to "intervene in a higher dimension", then it should be possible."

[Hmph, of course, you don’t care who I am? 】

‘I just trust Sister Tip. ’

【hateful! I want to eat all the stored doomsday elements! 】

The stupid system spun and flew up, and then I slapped it on the table with my backhand.

"Well...even though I can't hear what it's saying," Roman wiped his sweat, "but I feel like you don't have a very good relationship with it."

"Don't worry, Fufu is still kicking that VTB in the face all day long." I pressed the button on the stupid system that was whining.

"Uh... Although I've known about it for a long time, can I trouble you not to mention it?" Roman continued to wipe his sweat.

"What does it matter? It's not like I don't have the vest of the female version of Merlin. I can just ask for that account to run it later." I winked at Roman.

"No, no, if you were in charge of running it, she wouldn't be Magical Mellie." Roman shook his head repeatedly.

"...Is it true that only men know how to please men?"

"Uh-huh! You guys have gone off topic for too long." Meng Nali coughed hard and interrupted us: "If you confirm this, I have a bold idea - maybe the 'reality' you think is also 'virtual' What about?"

"Stop the nesting doll, right? That's not the end of it." I waved my hands repeatedly.

"According to the current crude dimensionality theory, there will be no works describing oneself in low dimensions, and this is almost impossible to verify in the current dimension," Meng Nali adjusted her glasses again: "But one thing can be verified, just like us There is 'Incineration of Humanity', there is 'Doomsday Element' here, as long as there is something incomprehensible in the 'upper layer' that can destroy the world, then it can be proved that it is also virtual, and our goal cannot be limited. It’s not about simply ascending the dimension, but be prepared to go to higher places.”

"No, what should I say? Don't there be such ghosts in 'reality'? I have seen all kinds of self-destructive civilizations."

"According to my speculation, there is a high probability that it won't happen." Meng Nali said confidently.

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