The Collection of The End

One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty-One, Resident Evil (3)

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What should you do if you encounter a surreal scene in the real world?

Trying to wake up, of course.

Because I must be dreaming.

Jin Jing thought so and did so.

After all, it's a little too surreal to have a stadium door turn into a black mist and swallow itself up.

When the feeling of "about to wake up" became clearer, she couldn't help but start to worry. If what she had just experienced was a dream, it meant that she fell asleep at some point, and the finishing work of the gymnasium might not be completed yet, so It's very troublesome.

Of course, there is a very small possibility, that is...

【Want to understand the meaning of life? 】

While half asleep, the voice in her ears confirmed her thoughts.

It was a low, hoarse, gentle female voice. Jin Jing was sure that she had never heard a similar voice.

According to the general theory, dreams are formed by people's irregular arrangement and combination of various information consultations they have. When dreaming, it is impossible to encounter something that you have never experienced before. Even if you do, as long as you carefully If you think about it, you can tell which familiar things they are transformed from.

However, the sentence pattern itself is somewhat familiar. It seems that someone has mentioned it before. It seems to be called "infinite flow"? If the next sentence is "Do you want to truly live?" that's right.

But shouldn't that be a virus pop-up on your computer?

【Thinking about real...】

The woman's voice continued to speak, but was interrupted abruptly midway, and Jin Jing's own feeling of "about to wake up" remained stuck there - which indirectly proved that she was not dreaming.

[Want to really...understand? 】

After a pause, the female voice completed the entire sentence, but something seemed wrong, and there was no yes or no choice for herself.


Then, accompanied by a slightly strange sound, a huge panel appeared in front of Jin Jing.

It is as gray as a marble material, with a clear portrait depicted in the center, which is Jin Jing himself wearing a blue and white sportswear.

However, the "self" in this portrait is sitting on the ground with his hands and knees, staring blankly ahead with empty eyes.

On the left side of the portrait is an empty equipment column, while on the right side is a row of attributes. When her eyes scan the attributes, she can expand an additional comment.

【Vitality: 10】

[Vitality determines the upper limit of HP, and every 1 point of vitality increases HP by 5 points. 】

[Concentration: 15]

[Concentration determines the upper limit of MP. Every point of concentration increases by 5 points of MP. 】

[Mobility: 7]

[Mobility determines the upper limit of EP. Every point of mobility increases by 1 point of EP. 】

【Strength: 7】

[Strength affects the damage of strength weapons, and some equipment has requirements for strength. 】

[Agility: 11]

[Agility affects the damage of agility weapons, and some equipment has requirements for agility. 】

[Endurance: 10]

[Endurance affects weight-bearing, and some equipment has requirements for endurance]

[Intelligence: 9]

[Intelligence affects spell effects, and almost all spells require intelligence. 】

【Faith: 15】

[Faith affects the effects of miracles, and almost all miracles require faith.

【Lucky: 0】

[Luck affects treasure hunting ability, and almost all hidden events require luck. 】

In addition to this row of numbers, there are three rows of red, blue, and green strips of different lengths above the head of the portrait:

【HP: 55】

[Health points cannot be restored automatically and will be reduced when attacked. When HP returns to zero, the character will die. 】

【MP: 90】

[Magic points cannot be automatically restored and will be consumed when casting spells or miracles. If the MP is insufficient, you will not be able to cast spells or miracles. 】


[Action points can be recovered automatically and will be consumed when taking any action. When no action is taken, the recovery speed will be accelerated. 】

She understood it, but she didn’t seem to understand it at all. These things seemed to be very similar to some games that she had been dragged into by her classmates, but because she couldn’t understand why she had to spend a lot of time to complete “daily” and “weekly” and regularly Participating in some "activities" just to obtain some "props" and "equipment" in order to better complete the "daily", "weekly" and "activities", but in the end gave up all those things, after all, the arrangements in reality Every day is full, and she has no time to spend on virtual things.

If I had known that something like this would happen, I probably should have tried more, at least now it would be possible to figure out what these numbers meant.

After looking through the "panel" completely, Jin Jing found nothing more and subconsciously "raised her head" to look at the upper right corner. She really found an "X".

She couldn't feel her body at the moment, so she tried to click on the cross with her mind. She got it right, but the entire panel shook, and a line of red words appeared in an empty box above her image that she hadn't noticed before. : [Please name the character].


Jin Jing thought about it in confusion for more than ten seconds, but couldn't figure it out. If she were replaced by those classmates who like and play games, she would definitely know what she is facing now, but it's a pity that she can't.

She first honestly filled in "Jin Jing" in the box, and then subconsciously felt that something was wrong. Even the online name did not make sense to use her real name, let alone this strange place. She thought for a moment, and then filled in the box. I wrote my online name "Jingjing Little Demon Fairy", and then realized that I seemed really stupid. I couldn't fill in my real name, but could I fill in a screen name that was also closely related to me?

After thinking for a moment, Jin Jing hesitantly filled in a new name: "Bai Jingjing."

She has watched Westward Journey, maybe because of the name, and likes this character the most. In comparison, she has no feelings for Supreme Treasure and Zixia Qingxia. By the way, her second favorite is Tang Monk, not The chatty one, but the one who said "Let's go, Tianzhu" cleanly.

After naming the character, Jin Jing turned off the panel as he wished. As the panel gradually disappeared, the eyes of "myself" who had been sitting with his knees in his arms suddenly became bright. He stood up and stretched. Start looking left and right.

Before Jin Jing understood what was happening, a new, smaller selection panel appeared.

[Please select an initial item]

[A: Random ‘ruined’ level gems. 】

[B: Random ‘normal’ level weapons. 】

[C: Random ‘excellent’ level armor. 】

[D: Random ‘premium’ level consumables. 】

Obviously, there is an upper limit to the "quality" of the initial items, and through this option you can see that in this strange place, gems are the most precious, consumables are the most common, and weapons are better than armor.

I don't know what I'm going to face next, but considering my physical fitness, weapons and armors that are geared towards combat are basically meaningless, and gems are not usable at the beginning, so there is only one option.

After Jin Jing chose D and confirmed it, a thin white branch appeared next to "himself", and then slowly disappeared into the backpack.

【Obtain ‘Tender White Branch (Exquisite)’. 】

[Tender white branches: The naturally fallen branches of the holy white tree contain a touch of natural flavor. 】

[Use: Disguise the user as something that fits the current scene. 】

[‘Try your best, don’t miss, friend’]

Sure enough, I couldn't understand it at all.

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