The Collection of The End

One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty Six, Resident Evil (8)

【Licker's Soul】

[A deformed soul with power. 】

[You can get many souls after using them, and you can also get the power in them through refining. 】

[Lickers are ferocious biochemical weapons and cruel predators that pose a great threat to unarmed targets, but their obvious weaknesses allow them to be easily killed by experienced hunters. 】

[‘Not all lickers have souls. ’]

"'Experienced hunter'?" Jin Jing held the "soul" that looked like a flame and looked at the Licker's disappearing body: "You look down on me too much."

First, walk quietly to the end farthest from the licker, use up your EP and fire five shots at it, then stand still, and when your EP returns to 50 points, fire five shots again, before the licker rushes in front of you. They use "tender white branches" to disguise themselves. After waiting for a while, they throw the giant python to the other end to attract the lickers back, and then do the same thing.

As long as the operation is timely and does not miss the target, with the attack power of the poisonous snake, the licker can be killed just when it rushes back in front of him.

She was originally prepared to be grabbed by a claw or poked by a tongue, but the licker did not seize the opportunity. When she was attacked at first, she even froze for a few seconds before running towards the location where the gunshot sounded.

In addition, the use of items is carried out in the inventory. You use your mind to select the item and then choose to use it, without actually taking it out, which saves a few seconds.

And its effect is to instantly turn oneself into a large potted plant. Although it is quite outrageous to have a potted plant in a safe passage, the licker has no eyes, and its intelligence is relatively worrying. When the giant python is far away towards the passage When the other end flew past and made a loud crash, it turned around and gave chase without hesitation.

If it were under normal circumstances, following the mercenary troops all the way, maybe it would be a matter of just catching fish with soy sauce. With only 600 health points, being surrounded by more than a dozen guns would only take ten seconds.

In any case, this monster that looks like the final BOSS of the novice tutorial has been defeated, so the road ahead...


The black fog that shrouded the exit of the passage quickly dissipated, revealing a rather advanced computer host room and a strange bonfire that was incompatible with the environment of the underground research facility.

Are you looking for a Red Queen motherboard...huh?

Jin Jing is considering the next action,

But he found that he had lost control of his body, and then his "perspective" was directly separated from "Bai Jingjing", and he turned to a "trailing perspective" to watch "her" walk to the bonfire and sit down, and then the entire field of vision went dark.

After a brief "black screen", a wonderful "fruit" appeared in front of Jin Jing. It was completely composed of continuously flowing colorful characters. It was still relatively blurry at first, but as the distance increased, it could be vaguely distinguished that it was a fruit. You can see an apple, and you can see the branch from which it hangs, the surrounding leaves, other nearby branches and fruits, as well as the larger branches and even the main trunk that support them.

What finally appeared in Jin Jing's field of vision was a huge tree with countless branches, leaves and fruits. From this distance, it was impossible to tell that it was a pixel pattern composed of characters.

Is this the world tree that supports the "reincarnation world"? But does it look pretty healthy?

The next moment, Jin Jing's "perspective" began to fall rapidly, instantly away from the branches and leaves, all the way down the huge trunk, and finally stopped at the "ground".

However, it is not so much the ground as it is a grassland surrounded by dense black fog. There is a dim bonfire in the middle of the grassland, and "himself" is sitting next to the bonfire.

Then, the "lens" suddenly zoomed in, and Jin Jing regained control of her body again.

No, judging from the situation so far, this is obviously just his "role", not his real self. Otherwise, the "Master Chief" would not face death so easily, and why would he remember to pay him back... Um?

When Jin Jing tried to observe the situation around the campfire, he found an extra row of text below his "health bar":

[There are still 2 minutes and 59 seconds left before returning to the real world]

Can you only stay here for three minutes?

Jin Jing decided to put aside what he needed to think about for the time being and explore this "resting place".

This resting place is very small, with a radius of only five meters from the bonfire as the center. Outside is a black fog that is constantly rolling and inaccessible. Inside, apart from the bonfire and the logs and stones used as seats next to it, there is only the unknown surface of the earth. Grass.

All in all, the only interactive thing here seems to be the teleporting bonfire itself.

Jin Jing returned to the campfire and sat down, focusing her consciousness on the campfire. Then, three options emerged.


【Memory spell】

【storage box】

These options are not explained but can be "clicked on".

After clicking on the [Teleport] option, a row of interfaces like slate prints will appear. There is only one on it marked "Resident Evil 1", which shows the scene of the safe passage. Jin Jing tried to poke it twice, but there was no response. .

As expected, this should be the way to go to the reincarnation world in the future. According to the Master Chief, there may be many alternative worlds here, and then he directly chose "Original Infinity" and messed up his novice tutorial. .

After clicking on the [Memory Spell] option, an interface similar to the backpack bar will open, but it is empty. Maybe you can remember it here after you get the "spell".

[Storage Box], as the name suggests, after opening it, you can see your own inventory and another much larger space, and you can transfer the things inside to each other. Jin Jing thought for a while, and combined "Venomous Snake", "Giant Python" and "Licking Box" "Eater Soul" has been put in. After all, it is not clear what will happen when these things are brought to reality.

[There are still 0 minutes and 30 seconds left before returning to the real world]

But...what seems to be missing here? Jin Jing stood up, straightened her clothes, and glanced at the "soul" number in the lower left corner of the camera.

Although I’m not very familiar with “unlimited streaming”, where are “redeem” and “enhancement”? Is it because there is a problem with the "Newbie Tutorial" and the relevant interface cannot be displayed?


If this is the root of the tree, Jin Jing raised his head and glanced at the huge branches that looked extremely tall and majestic from this angle. If there is something wrong with the roots of this "World Tree", those reincarnations are only willing to Playing on high branches without looking down, the "main god" has to find someone to save his life from the real world. Then, the relevant exchanges and enhancements that can be effective for him, a "reincarnator in the real world", may not be ready yet. .

In other words, this main god, who is like a candle in the wind, needs to rely on his own efforts as a "real reincarnation" to restore his old outlook and provide corresponding "real exchanges", instead of fooling those "virtual reincarnations".

Thinking about it this way, I suddenly gained a lot of motivation.

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