The Collection of The End

One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty, Alien (2)

Cold, shaking.

"!" When Dom Alex regained consciousness, he turned over from a lying position to a crouching position. He only briefly observed the surrounding environment before rolling towards the nearest bunker, and then reached out to touch the gun at his waist.

I felt empty.

"..." Dom maintained his original posture and slowly turned his head to observe his current environment.

This is a small room of about thirty square meters. The walls, tables, chairs, and floor are entirely made of silver-white metal-like materials. The only metal sliding door in the room has a bright red circular "locked" sign on it. You can use it yourself. What served as shelter was a single-person metal table half a person's height, with a blank data pad standing on it.

Besides himself, there were four other people lying on the floor in the middle of the room.

As for himself... he doesn't have any weapons except for the ordinary special forces uniform, and even the saber hidden in his shoes has disappeared. However, he is quite physically fit, and the slight soreness in his limbs should be caused by lying down for too long.

And just when Dom was thinking about his "state", an illusory panel made of stone material appeared in front of him, with his current image and a row of data on it.

Name: White Bear

Vitality: 12 The human average is 10, the same below

Concentration: 7

Mobility: 22

Strength: 13

Agility: 12

Stamina: 15

Intelligence: 10

Faith: 0

Lucky: 2

hp: 65

MP: 40

Ep: 72

"This is……"


"Damn Evil Spirit Castle! I know I can't trust you!"

Boom! when!

Before Dom could think clearly, one of the four people who had fallen to the ground suddenly jumped up and threw himself at the nearest table. He picked him up and threw him out. Naturally, he didn't hit anything.

"Leedrona!" Dom shouted at him.

"Oh? Captain, are you alive?" The special soldier turned his head and looked at Dom, then looked around: "What the hell is this place? Didn't they silence you?"

"The mouth should have been destroyed, but we are not dead." Dom glanced at the other three people who were still lying motionless on the ground: "Maybe we have other uses."

As an elite member of the country's military, he should not have been asked to write a suicide note before performing this very simple escort mission. Now it seems that perhaps the commander had anticipated this outcome when he came to borrow the man.

A group of scientific researchers who can only be said to be in good physical condition disguised themselves as soldiers, brought mysterious devices and reagents to the country to participate in the competition, and wandered around during the period. It was the responsibility of himself and Li De to provide the three assigned The wastes under his command plan their course of action and ensure that they will not be discovered by the country throughout the process.

This mission can be said to be extremely easy, because the Chinese people have always liked "good neighborliness" and "peaceful coexistence", and they never imagined that Congress would implement a plan comparable to that of the country during World War II.

Guo always first creates their expectations for others, and then wants to gradually make others become what he expects through his kindness and friendliness. There is no other word to evaluate this kind of behavior except naivety, and Guo has always used his own Use your strength to make others become what you want, and you won't care whether the other person wants it or not, whether they agree or not.

However, it is obvious that countries still have a certain fear of the hard power of other countries, and they only dare to do such sneaky things.

Perhaps all the relevant scientific researchers would be silenced afterwards, but Dom never expected that they would also silence him, the commander of the military's elite special forces team.

Of course, if he wanted to talk about the reason, he could still guess a little bit. It was because those three idiots accidentally broke the reagent two days before the delegation returned to China, causing him and Li De to be infected with that kind of thing. .

Although they were diagnosed with malaria by Chinese doctors and they only had to wait two days to return to China with the delegation, some emergency plans that they were not aware of were activated, and the military directly dispatched military planes to pick up the five-person team of Dom. Going back, judging from the strict disinfection measures inside that military aircraft, they knew exactly what the people they picked up were infected with.

Don’t they have an “antidote”? In other words, that thing is quite precious and can only be used by people with a certain identity?

"Do not kill me!"


"I have confidential information to report!"

At this time, the other three idiots, who were also wearing camouflage uniforms but looked like fools, woke up and immediately started shouting wildly.

"Ha, it seems that your physical fitness is better than others." Dom glanced at Li De.

"Our fearless team, no matter which animal is pulled out, is better than these soft-footed shrimps." Li De snorted.

"What are your attributes?" Dom asked.

"What attributes...oh." Li De's eyes were blank, as if he was looking at something close in front of him: "Name Liger, vitality 9, concentration 12, mobility 31, strength 9, agility 17, endurance 10, intelligence 5, faith 10, luck 7, hp50, mp75, ep81, what is this?”

Compared to his strong physique, Li De, who is relatively thin, has this attribute that is quite normal.

"As expected, it is the cost of our current mission," Dom said slowly: "We may have been thrown to the aliens in the area as some kind of experimental subjects."

"Ah? Do those really exist?" Li De asked in surprise.

"They'd better exist, otherwise our current situation will be even more difficult to explain," Dom took a deep breath and shouted to the three researchers over there who were scurrying around like headless flies: "Shut the hell up. Mouth! Otherwise I will pull your tongue out!"

"..." The scientific researchers all shut up and looked at each other and then at Dom and Li De. One of them, who was usually the leader, took the initiative to speak: "Captain White Bear, where are we now?"

"Although I don't know clearly, you'd better listen to me. It won't take much effort for me to twist off the heads of the three of you with my bare hands." Seeing the fearful look on the face of the scientific researchers, Dom paused before saying, "If nothing else happens, The master here will entertain us soon."


Before the researchers could say anything else, subtitles appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Reincarnation World: Alien

When the Nostromo cargo ship returned to Earth, they received a mysterious distress signal. They went to explore, but they didn't know what kind of horror they would bring back.

main mission:

Ensure that the heroine Ripley survives and uses the escape capsule to escape from the spacecraft. Reward: 1000 souls

Side missions:

a: Destroy the aliens. Reward: 1000 soul heads

b: Help the android Ash capture aliens. Reward: 2000 souls

c: Protect other crew members from dying at the mouth of aliens. Reward: 500 soul people

Hidden quests and achievements will be revealed when triggered.


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