The Collection of The End

One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty-Four, Grudge (1)


——Country City——



"I'm going for a walk."

As the opening song of "Focus Interview ■" played, the behavior of her mother and the visiting aunt who had been helping her plan various conditions for her future husband since the international news finally came to an end. Jin Jing quietly breathed a sigh of relief and said hello softly. , then got up and left.

When she was changing her shoes and going out, she glanced at her father, who was washing dishes in the kitchen, and his father gave her an expression that said, "I'm asking for more blessings."

This was indeed a self-inflicted mistake. Jin Jing responded with an "accustomed" expression, opened the door and walked out.

As a local, she can go home every weekend, but because her relatives are so good at "planning the future" for her, she usually only goes home once a month, but... she encountered After something like the "Lord God Space", even if you can't explain it to the outside world, you will still subconsciously want to return to your loved ones.

Of course, the excuse I used was that I was tired after being a volunteer and wanted to go home and rest.

The result was...the poor dad was sent to wash the dishes, while she was kept talking about "finding a man who can work" for half an hour.

Didn't she ever think that this was a false proposition? How can someone whom you don't know well instruct others to do work? If you get to know each other well and the other person wants to pursue you, he will show that he likes you even if he doesn't like working, right?

Well, of course this can also be said the other way around. As long as you are strong enough, even people who don't like to work in the first place will be forced to work after marriage.

Jin Jing looked up at the lighted kitchen in her home, blinked, and then walked out of the community.

She herself didn't really believe in the saying "take a hundred steps after a meal and live to be ninety-nine", but since it was her mother's request since childhood, just follow it. Anyway, there is no loss, and it can also be used to escape like just now. A certain context that you don’t want to participate in.


A gust of evening wind blew by, and the smell carried by the wind made Jin Jing subconsciously want to take back her previous thoughts. How did this "smell of burnt fish and rotten shrimps" come about...

Speaking of which, the biggest ■■■■ market is right near my home.

I'm basically used to the slight smell of seafood, but this kind of burnt...

Jin Jing looked up at the street corner where there was a faint light of fire, and was not surprised to see several groups of people drawing circles and burning paper at the intersection.

Ah, by the way, the 1st day of the 10th lunar month, the Winter Clothes Festival, and the Qingming Cold Food Festival are two days for worshiping ancestors, and these people burn paper at the intersection instead of sweeping the tombs, mostly because they are worshiping the dead. …

Jin Jing has always disagreed or opposed this behavior. Her previous view was that similar customs have been going on for many years, but there have never been any mysterious incidents related to it, so it should be just a kind of sustenance, just a little bit. Polluting the environment, and now, after running around in the main god's space, her point of view is... the water in this world is very deep, and those who have truly come into contact with the mystery have sunk to the bottom, leaving only these superficially reasonable aftermaths undulating. .

Speaking of which, until now, she had not figured out what the Lord God's purpose was for bringing her in. She did not seem to have an immediate effect on "repairing the Lord God's space".

Perhaps, she will have to wait until she is pulled in next time and the infrastructure of the main god space has been initially repaired before she can understand it.

The "Master Chief" said that the entry interval is usually one week or one month. In this case, he should have passed the minimum time limit. If the broken main god space wants to repair itself as soon as possible, it should soon pull itself... eh.

When Jin Jing turned the corner and passed through an alley, he saw at a glance that there was a white circle in the middle of the alley that looked like a chalk circle drawn at an intersection, and black-gray mist was continuously spewing out from it.

Will the method of recruiting people be modified based on the surrounding situation?

Jin Jing commented subconsciously, and then realized something was wrong:

"Wait? I'm taking a walk after dinner. If I don't go back within half an hour..."

The black mist ignored her appeal and surged to swallow her up.


When Jin Jing regained consciousness again, she found that she was back in front of the familiar campfire. In addition to the various rules and regulations in front of her, there was an additional reminder:

[There are still: 2 minutes and 59 seconds before entering the world of reincarnation]

This is too urgent, giving no time for preparation, even though I don't seem to have anything to prepare.

Jin Jing looked at the surging black fog around him, then opened the storage box and took out the two guns and the licker's soul, and finally selected "Teleport".

At this time, there is an additional rectangular icon showing a gloomy big house in the sub-option column of "Teleport":

[The World of Reincarnation: "The Grudge\

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