The Collection of The End

One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy-One, Grudge (18)

"Hello, are there any movie videos for sale here?"

"What kind do you need?"

"Um...can I choose it myself? Can I try it out?"

"The content and price are on the label. Let me know when you have chosen it. In addition, although you are allowed to try it out, you are only allowed to watch it for a maximum of five minutes."

"Okay, thank you boss."

Jin Jing was currently in a store selling video tapes on the only electrical street in Runer City, trying to find the video tape in "The Ring".

Of course, this store is not a "safe area."

After a night of thinking - although it was skipped - she finally decided to "fight fire with fire" and watch the video tape that would lead to Sadako running away while there was a "future death text message" on her phone.

Looking for the video tape that Sadako possessed among countless video tapes, based on common sense, is like looking for a needle in a haystack, but there is no common sense in ghosts. With Jin Jing's poor luck, it is possible to get the first video tape. That's the goal.

Oh, no, Jin Jing put the videotape he got into the projector and played it for a while. After confirming that it was just an ordinary videotape, he took it out to find a new one.

It wasn't until she decided to go find Sadako that she discovered that there was some kind of bug in the side mission in the main god's space: if she hadn't found Sadako's video tape on the first day of arriving in Junji City, she would have "escaped from Sadako's pursuit". There is no possibility of completing this side task. After all, he will die on the seventh day after completing the two prerequisite tasks of watching the video and receiving the phone call, and the reincarnator will have already left after seven days.

In this way, either the mission will be interrupted, or this "hunting" will be accumulated into the next world with a similar world view. Think about it, being chased by evil ghosts as soon as you enter the world, what kind of hell difficulty is this.

Therefore, use BUG to defeat BUG.

At present, it seems that the hunting methods of "Ghost Call" and "Midnight Ring" are consistent, that is, giving the hunted a "countdown", and only when this "countdown" ends, Mimiko and Sadako will start Chase, and once the chase starts, it will be an inevitable thunder blow. Mimiko doesn't know, but Sadako's men never seem to be alive, and there is no record of being restrained or sealed by anything. How to avoid her The only one is "Don't watch the videotape".

So, what if you are "counted down" by Mimiko and Sadako at the same time?

Mimiko wants you to die in three days,

But Sadako has to wait until the seventh day. So, how will Sadako react when Mimiko appears on the third day and starts hunting?

——Leave aside for the time being the influence of the Haki mark, the effect of Hakurei's guard, and the possibility of using a projector to counterattack.

Would Sadako think that Mimiko wanted to seize the food from the tiger's mouth? And then attack Mimiko?

However, even if this is possible, there is still a premise, that is, Sadako must know that Mimiko has given her a "countdown" goal. After all, this "countdown" ignores the ghost mark and the guardian effect, and even Tomie has Not seeing it is enough to prove that the person who gave it does not know the target's situation at all.

The most direct evidence is that there is nothing similar displayed in his "status bar".

So, what you have to do is...oh, yes.

When she tried the seventh videotape, Jin Jing finally noticed something unusual.

Video tapes with the same specifications have basically the same weight. It is impossible for the weight to change due to different recorded contents. However, the tape in my hand is obviously about twice as heavy as other video tapes.

However, although there is something obviously wrong with it, like other video tapes, it does not have any instructions or prompts, as if it is an ordinary video tape. Well, this is also in line with the convention of "Countdown" not showing negative status.

The title... "Research on the Folklore of Runer City"?

Jin Jing shrugged and inserted the videotape into the player.


As the video tape began to rotate and play, Jin Jing felt that something "something" suddenly spread around it, but she could not see anything.

Since "invisible things" appear, then...

Jin Jing took out the projector with her backhand and raised it in front of her face, looking around through the viewfinder window.

At this time, in the video store, with the video player as the center, a foggy-looking sphere about five meters in diameter appeared out of thin air. There was nothing abnormal when observed directly with the naked eye, but when viewed through the viewfinder, this "sphere" appeared. "There are distortions, tears and white noise spots that can only appear in old movies, as if the field has become the world of old movies.

So it turned out that it was not "Sadako crawled out of the screen", but "people outside the screen were pulled into the screen", and Sadako had to climb out of the screen that had no practical meaning, probably just for some kind of ceremony. feel.

However, when I watched the tape for the first time, Sadako still couldn't crawl out. No, even the floating spirit indicator light on the projector didn't light up.


At this time, the contents of the videotape also began to play.

First, a volcano began to erupt, with thick smoke rising into the sky and lava flowing everywhere. Then it suddenly switched to a woman with long hair in white clothes, sitting with her back to the screen, combing her hair. Then, there was a close-up of a bloodshot eye. , the word "Zhen" is displayed in the middle of his pupils, and then there is a rapid switching between a bunch of words with unknown meanings and a montage of various modern social scenes. Finally, the picture turns to an ancient, moss-covered stone. On the quality water well, it was frozen and motionless.

Next, it should be...

Jingle Bell--!

A sudden and harsh ringing sound rang from the video counter.

Speaking of which, the owner of the video store should still be there...oh?

When Jin Jing got up and went to answer the phone, she found that the boss she had spoken to before had disappeared. She tried to lift the camera and took a look, and found that the layer of "grey fog" had completely filled the video store, and even the store door was sealed. Strictly true.

Why does it feel a bit familiar...but I didn't plan to escape in the first place.

Ding bell - before it rang again, Jin Jing picked up the phone: "Hello?"


As expected, there was no human voice coming from the receiver, just the annoying noise that occurs when there is no program on the TV or the radio cannot reach the frequency band.

Jin Jing said "Hello" twice more. Guessing that Sadako might have had enough threats and was about to hang up, she put the phone next to the receiver and clicked on the "Future Death Message" she had received.

“[Help—help me—I don’t want to die—ah—!]”

Although it was my own voice, it was still very unpleasant to hear.


The noise coming from the phone was immediately interrupted and turned into deathly silence. After more than ten seconds, with a slight "click", the sound on the receiver turned into a normal busy phone tone.


Sadako should know that someone is competing with her for business... right?

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