The Collection of The End

One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Seven, Mummy (4)

The City of the Dead "Hamna Tower" only exists in Egyptian myths and legends. It is said to be the cemetery of past pharaohs and contains many treasures. Greedy adventurers flock to it, but few can return from it.

At this time, on the outskirts of this magnificent city of the dead, a blinding sandstorm was chasing an old-style biplane like a tsunami.


From the perspective of the plane passengers, the front of the sandstorm was a giant human face, with its mouth open and ready to swallow them.

"This is such an unbelievable experience -" the gray-haired pilot Allen shouted as he controlled the control column.

"Why is he chasing us?" The warden hugged a wooden box with gorgeous patterns tightly.

"Yes, yes, master, no, that Immorton guy has obviously resurrected his wife -" Beni, the warden's number one subordinate, was holding another box, and there seemed to be something making a rustling sound inside. sound.

"Why are you two pretending to be stupid?" Dom looked away from the sandstorm that was chasing behind him: "One of you took away Immorton's life savings, and the other took away more than 80% of his strength. If we are allowed to run away, If you don't, he's just a bald man who can create sandstorms. If you really don't want to continue running away, just throw the box in your hand out."

"No way!" "No way!" The warden and Penny hugged the boxes in their hands at the same time.

"I'm not interested in any treasure -" the pilot yelled: "But you should have a way for us to escape smoothly - I also want to brag about this experience to my grandson -"

"Don't worry, I'm not looking for death yet," Dom pointed in the direction of the sandstorm: "Since I'm here, it means it's relatively safe here."

"You're kidding!" Seeing the faces on the sandstorm getting closer and closer, Beni's voice changed. "What could be more dangerous than an angry Egyptian high priest?"

"Of course..." Dom looked at the angry face on the sandstorm, but his eyes seemed to penetrate it, and he was looking at Hamnata from a distance: "A vicious woman who doesn't want to be entangled with her ex-boyfriend."

【——! 】

At this moment, the face of the crazy and angry sandstorm man suddenly showed an expression of shock and disbelief, and then, the sandstorm that originally covered the sky and the sun disappeared instantly.

"Hahaha - I just said that I am the best pilot in the world -" the pilot laughed: "Hold on tight.

Next stop is Cairo! "

"Well..." Dom glanced at the "Black Book of the Dead" in the inventory, then looked up again in the direction of Hamna Tower: "You'd better succeed. If you die, my losses will be great. "

At the same time, outside Hamna Tower.

"You——" The handsome bald man Immortun staggered two steps, turned around with difficulty, and looked at the beautiful woman who just stabbed the dagger into his heart: "Why..."

"Look at yourself, Immorton. You haven't made any progress in the past three thousand years." Ansuna, who still exuded a noble temperament even though she was wearing ordinary modern clothes, had no sense of the self-consciousness of just attacking someone. Instead, she said in a regretful tone: " The world is so wonderful now, but you want me to stay with you in this barren desert and be a ridiculous pharaoh?"

"I thought you would like it..." Immortun stood unsteadily, holding on to the pillar beside him, and looked at her with eyes that were expecting to change his mind: "If you want to live a modern life, I can also..."

"What can you do?" Ansuna interrupted him: "Can you rob, intimidate or control the minds of those people? So, you have not made any progress at all. What I want is not those at all. Do you think, if I really fall in love with you? As for you, why would you marry the Pharaoh? Hahaha, I just want to enjoy the power of the Pharaoh and the high priest at the same time."

"..." Immorton's eyes were distracted and he said nothing.

"Jonathan?" Ansuna stretched out her hand to the side, and Jonathan, who looked obsessed, immediately handed a big golden book into her hand.

"If you weren't so stupid and gave up all the wealth in the tomb and the infinitely powerful scarab, you might be able to compare your charm with the only son of Jonathan's consortium." Ansuna picked Jonathan's chin and opened the sun gold book. Aimed at Immorton: "But now, you are just a dead person from three thousand years ago who hinders me from enjoying modern society."

"...Is your brother okay with his appearance?" In a corner far away from the love triangle scene, O'Connor, who had shaved off his beard and became quite handsome, quietly asked Evelin.

"I never use the family's wealth, let him do whatever he wants," Evelin, who was as beautiful as Ansuna, glanced at him: "What? Do you regret it?"

"No, no, no, how is that possible?" O'Connor swore repeatedly.

Further away, there are the descendants of the Pharaoh's guards wearing black robes and holding scimitars, the liger Li De, and three "birds".

"I am impressed by your strategy," the leader said to Li De, looking at the love scene over there: "We have been guarding this monster for thousands of years, and we never expected to eliminate him in this way."

"Haha... I didn't think it would be successful at first..." Li De scratched his head: "Imerton's long-cherished wish for three thousand years is to resurrect Ansuna, but she is completely ungrateful. Women are terrible."

"Maybe this is 'What does it have to do with you loving me?'" Falcon continued, but the tone and content obviously didn't match.

"[Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, what should go should not stay.]"

At this time, Ansuna had already recited the contents of the Sun Golden Sutra to expel the undead.

At this moment, everyone's vision was enveloped by a burst of bright blue light. In this blue light, a chariot pulled by four camels fell from the sky and hit the immobile Immorton head-on.

However, this collision did not cause any actual impact. It just brought out a blue figure exactly like him out of thin air. The warrior on the chariot ignored the blue figure's struggle and carried it with him. Heading straight into the depths of Hamna Tower, the blue light that enveloped everyone's vision also disappeared.

"Just continue to rest, Immorton. I will miss you someday, and maybe I will come and resurrect you," Ansuna said ruthlessly while handing the Sun Golden Scripture into Jonathan's hand. , and then swaying towards the nearby camel caravan: "Now, take me to that 'America'."

"Hahaha, okay, okay." Jonathan followed Ansuna with a look of shamelessness, but when he passed by Li De, he secretly handed him the Golden Scripture of the Sun.

Therefore, no one is a fool. Li De put the Sun Golden Scripture into his inventory and thought silently. Although Jonathan was fascinated by Ansuna and seemed to be planning to give all his family property, he did not want her to continue. Master this power beyond reality.

[In 1926, Ansuna followed Jonathan to the United States, and some relevant plots were modified. When the reincarnations involved in the incident go to a world with a common background, this modification may have a certain impact. 】

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