The Collection of The End

One thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, the god of death is coming (19)

[The world you are in is invaded by the dark spirit ‘Soap’, the dark spirit ‘Ghost’, and the dark spirit ‘Yuri’]

"Huh?" Dom was dealing with a series of troubles caused by the "accidental death" of the sparrow, when he saw a particularly obvious prompt panel appear.

Perhaps it was because he encountered an "invasion" for the first time, and there is still more explanation to follow.

[Invasion: When one of the following conditions is met, the reincarnator can launch an invasion into the world where other reincarnators are in progress. 】

[A: Qualified for ‘Revenge Invasion’ or holding ‘Revenge Mark’]

[B: Use cypress death pendant, ivory death pendant or ebony death pendant]

[C: Join a specific camp and meet invasion requirements]

[After killing the invader or the reincarnation, the reincarnation or the invader will get at least 5000 soul points]

[When the reincarnator is killed, it will be regarded as a normal death, and he will lose the equipment and all souls he carried. If he is not killed by an invader holding a 'Revenge Invasion' or a 'Revenge Mark', he will gain the corresponding invasion qualification. 】

[When the invader is killed, only the consumables carried during the invasion will be lost. 】

[Reincarnators may encounter multiple invasions in the same world, but they will only encounter the same invader once in each world. 】

[Invaders are in a peaceful state with the monsters in the invaded world by default. They cannot trigger or complete tasks, nor can they obtain any benefits other than kill rewards. 】

Humph... Is this how aliens raise Gu?

Dom studied this rule for a while and found that if invasion props or invasion qualifications are easy to obtain, a group of "professional invaders" who target other reincarnations are likely to be born. After all, as long as they do not bring consumables, they will not There will be losses. If you succeed once, you will get 5,000 souls. It is much easier than working hard to complete the task of the reincarnation world. As for the income of the reincarnation in the world? What does it have to do with their intruders?

However, they themselves are likely to encounter the revenge invasion of the suffering master in their own reincarnation world.

"Boss, do we want to retreat first?" Li De on the side obviously saw the same news: "Most of the side tasks have been completed. If we continue to ensure the safety of the protagonists in the second part, we may be Those 'Avengers' took the back road, and I don't want to fight those three guys who have probably obtained some kind of revenge capital while dealing with the endless tricks of the 'Reaper'."


Dom thought for a while and rejected the proposal: "Even if we leave now, we will be chased by the 'Reaper' halfway. It is better to fight them at this home stadium that we have been operating for a week and are already quite familiar with it." "

"Okay, I'll listen to the boss." Li De scratched his head and didn't put forward any other opinions.

"In addition, maybe you haven't noticed that the identity of their intruders is the 'Dark Spirit'." Dom spread his hands, and a big book that seemed to be carved from gold appeared in his hands: "If their attributes at this moment are If it's classified as 'undead'...ha."



Following a strange sound that sounded like bubbles coming out of a deep pool or strong wind blowing through a canyon, three human-shaped black figures with vague outlines appeared in the backyard of the abandoned motel.

From the appearance, they look like they have painted all the people in the photos or videos black, and then erased some of the black to make them less dark. To put it simply, except for those who are very familiar with them, outsiders think It is difficult to judge who they are from this vague image.

After the three black figures appeared out of thin air, they casually looked at the surrounding environment, and then gathered together to whisper. It seemed that the experiment was discussing some plan, but no words came out.

However, this "silent conspiracy" could not go on for too long. In less than a minute, three car headlights lit up around the backyard, and the light beams were directed towards the three "black people". However, even in the snow, Under the illumination of the high-beam headlights, they still showed a strange and bizarre black and gray color.

"[Originally I planned to get information about the 'Dark Spirit', but it seems we can't communicate with each other," Dom's voice came from the loudspeaker: "[Then, I'll just ask you to die." "

Following the words, four or five armed men appeared from the corner of the backyard, picked up various automatic weapons in their hands and opened fire on the dark spirits.

Ta-ta-ta - chi chi chi -

The three "Dark Spirits" were caught off guard by the surprise attack and stayed there stupidly. However, the activation of a certain protective method was obviously not determined by their will. When the dense bullets roared towards them, the three Dark Spirits were stunned. Light blue "shells" shaped like eggs appeared all over the spirit. When bullets hit them, they fell off as if they hit a steel plate. However, these "eggshells" obviously also have defense limits. Under the continuous attacks, it was shaking and cracking, as if it would shatter in the next moment.

At this time, the three dark spirits regained their composure and used not-so-standard tactical moves to roll and hide behind a nearby bunker.

"[Hmm, some kind of 'high-tech bulletproof prop'?]" Dom said nonchalantly: "[You saw me in a world with a modern background, and then bought it specifically to deal with me? Unfortunately, this pair It is completely useless to us. The gap in tactical literacy between us cannot be filled by one or two pieces of high technology.】"

As if in response to Dom's words, the armed men who were still pouring bullets ceased fire for an instant, then disappeared behind a nearby bunker. Finally, the high-beam headlights were turned off one after another, except for the smell of gunpowder that still lingered in the courtyard. , it is completely impossible to tell that an ambush has just been carried out here.

The three "dark spirits" waited for a while, each took out a very small single-handed weapon, propped up the "eggshell", and cautiously approached the motel.

Obviously, even if they encountered such an unexpected ambush, they were still confident of counterattacking or even killing Dom's side under very unfavorable circumstances. Most of them relied on the "shield" that could withstand random gunfire and their sustained Some "pistols".

However, perhaps because they were afraid of the force they had, Dom and the other armed men had no plan to intercept them halfway. After dealing with some too simple traps, the three dark spirits easily entered the motel lobby.

To the surprise of the dark spirits, the lobby was not empty. A strange man wearing a very poor taste in a bright yellow suit, a wide-brimmed hat of the same style, and a green mask with a strange expression on his face was sitting at the reception counter. Staring at them.


Except for one dark spirit who was relatively calm, the other two people directly raised their guns and fired. Two bright red rays accurately hit the weirdo's head, knocking his hat away, revealing his bare forehead.

"[Oh, this is such an unexpected surprise. Although I can't see it, you probably just hit the 'Reaper'.]" Dom's words with an exaggerated and surprised tone came from the speaker.

Whose code name is "Death"?

Before the dark spirits could understand what Dom meant, the weirdo in the yellow suit had already picked up his hat, bared his teeth viciously at them, and then turned into a green whirlwind and disappeared.

The next moment, there was a biting cold wind passing through the backyard.

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