The Collection of The End

One Thousand Eight Hundred, Alien 2 (1)

Lingtai Fangcun Mountain and the Three Stars Cave with the slanting moon.

In other words, the top part of the artificial rockery in Shanshui Lecheng Community.

At its outer entrance, a young man with an majestic face and gentle temperament wearing a community doctor's uniform was trying to enter.

But no matter which direction you go, you will always be blocked by some invisible barrier halfway.

After repeated failures and repeated attempts, in the end, he began to stare thoughtfully at the cliff behind the rockery, as if planning to climb.

"Hey hey hey, don't think about it, no one can get in here."

With a voice that was slightly sharp and hoarse, and a slightly mocking tone, a monk walked out. He was wearing a blue cloth monk's robe, a cloth hat and a gold hoop on his head, a tiger skin skirt around his waist, and pedals on his feet. He has monk boots, a hairy face and a thunderous mouth, and a pair of blazing eyes.

"Great Sage... do you want to look back and see where you came from?" the community doctor sighed.

"Ha," the monk with a rough face and a loud mouth jumped up on a rock half a man's height nearby, stepped forward with his left foot, rested his left elbow on his left knee, tilted his head and glared at him condescendingly: "What did you call me? Big?" Holy?"

"Then...the Victorious Buddha?" The doctor looked puzzled.

"If you never plan to go in, you can call me that again," the monk raised his eyebrows. Then he rolled his eyes: "Change it to a suitable name. There is only one chance."

"Let me ask first, is the title you want related to horses?" The doctor thought for a moment and then asked.

"Yes." The monk crossed his arms and nodded.

"The title is higher than Ma?"


"The title and the horse are jointly managed by someone with a higher status?"

"It is clear."

"Last question, is this title three words?"


"Then..." Xiru Xiru

The doctor looked at the stick that the monk had taken out from nowhere and was playing with:

"...[Senior Brother]."

"Junior brother is so good." The monk put the stick back.

After the inexplicable conversation between the two "people" ended, they fell into silence together. The "senior brother" looked up at the sky with a half-smile, while the "junior brother" looked at the cave entrance slightly nervously.

"Very good," after a moment, "Eldest Brother" took the lead and said, "No one will jump out and yell at you for cheating on other people's feelings."

"This side proves that no one pays attention to this place." "Junior Brother" responded.

"That's right." The senior brother raised his hand, conjured a small hammer in his hand, and then struck the "junior brother" three times on the forehead with lightning speed, and started walking towards Lingtai Fangcun Mountain with his hands behind his back. Walk.

"Uh..." The "junior brother" who could have escaped, but stayed in place to get knocked, looked at the "senior brother"'s actions: "Come here to find you at three o'clock in the middle of the night?"

"No," "Senior Brother" raised his head and looked at him with a 45-degree attitude. "This is the resentment gathered by the aliens who were killed by Thanos with a snap of his fingers."

"...Really few." Junior brother replied in an incomprehensible tone.

"Hehehe, the total amount is quite a lot, but not many can come here." Senior Brother chuckled, turned around and sat down on a big rock: "In terms of status, they are basically the same as little dolls It’s like carrying a water bottle to fill an ant hole.”

"I guess you're going to say 'but' next?" Junior Brother adjusted his glasses.

"[However]," the senior brother snorted: "Your reputation among the 'followers' has dropped greatly. Originally, you were only one step away from being qualified to enter here, but that moment Just snap your fingers and hit it, and the [wall of heart] will become thicker in an instant."

"Rat..." The junior brother seemed to want to say something, but he paused halfway, glanced at the invisible wall of the heart, and changed to a less intense statement: "I can only say, 'I don't know the true face of Lushan.

It’s just because I’m in this mountain.” "

The senior brother said noncommittally: "Continue."

"Some people think that my behavior goes against 'her' will and makes her efforts in vain. Others think that 'she' will wake up on her own. My cruel behavior is completely unnecessary, ha..." Junior Brother sneered: "They Can't you see what 'she' has done at all? She is learning from 'Pangu' to open the sky!"

"I can't say they are exactly the same, I can only say they are very similar." Senior brother nodded.

"Because Pangu's method of turning his body into the world after opening the sky is not very acceptable, she used the 'Nemesis' model, which first separated the 'self', and then separated the 'time' and 'space' ', 'soul', 'mind', 'power' and 'reality' and other 'world rules' turned into gems, coupled with a total of [42] incarnations scattered throughout the universe, perfectly supporting the entire 'omnipotent universe' '," the junior brother sneered: "But at what cost?"

The senior brother did not answer this question, waiting for him to continue.

"The price is that after five billion years of operation, all the [42] incarnations are 'worn out'! Only the few who inherited the six 'Infinity Stones' are left. If I hadn't happened to create the 'Dark Universe' ' ability, they can't save any of them!" The junior brother gritted his teeth, but seemed not to know who to be angry with: "I have never heard that the world consciousness will fall asleep due to boredom! No matter how you think about it, it is too heavy a burden!"

"Indeed, your identity as the 'Dragon of Creation and Destruction of the World' cannot be discovered by ordinary followers." Senior Brother nodded.

"If I leave these six gems alone and let the universe 'harvest' a few or dozens more reincarnations, after all six infinite gems are worn away, 'she' will become the 'world' itself. For example, this sudden Expanding to the 'Kingdom of God' as big as the Milky Way," the junior brother looked up at the sky: "At that time, 'her' self will always be trapped in a dream that will never wake up, even if it can respond to the outside world. , is also the form of 'root' that only has chaos and simple logic. If it weren't for me, I would never allow this to happen. I really want those followers to see the ending."

"Hehe... That dream can't be called 'beautiful', but it's quite interesting." The senior brother scratched his face and let out a laugh.

"Even now, those six gems cannot be recovered, because they have become part of the rules of the world, and 'she' who had fun pretending to be the Lord God on Earth 0, strictly speaking..." The junior brother ignored the senior brother's words. To make a joke, he paused and then said: "It's just a 'self-gem'."

"According to this theory, these seven gems are all 'her', right? There's no need to chase after the 'self gem'," the senior brother chuckled twice: "I remember you and the 'soul gem' and the 'time gem' Are your relationships pretty good?"

"..." Junior Brother glanced at Senior Brother: "Qingxia, Zixia, Princess Iron Fan, Bai Jingjing or Jin Chanzi, which one do you want?"

"Well," the senior brother thought seriously for a few seconds: "Is there something strange mixed in?" Mi He Mi

The junior brother did not continue to complain about this. He reached out and poked the "wall of the heart" again, and found that although it was a little thinner, it was still impassable.

"I will return."

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