The Collection of The End

One Thousand Eight Hundred and Five, Alien 2 (6)

"I'm so sorry! My daughter has caused trouble to everyone!"

Meng Nali pressed Lisa Meng's head, and the two of them bowed to everyone present.

At this time, Luo Shen had returned to the virtual dimension to clean up the mess, and took away the reluctant Abi. In addition to Emil, Sophie, Matthew and Melissa, there was Meng Na who hurried back. Li and Roman.

Lisa Meng was held down by her mother to apologize, while Roman was there analyzing the data of this reincarnation world.

[It's okay, it's okay, the harvest this time is not small,] The stupid system is spinning next to it: [And even if it fails, it's just a few "high-dimensional creatures" that die and can be brought back in at any time. Their souls can be directly Pull them in to do the work, and if you want someone alive, you can continue to pull them in with a pass. 】


Because the Meng family mother and daughter were apologizing seriously, I couldn't just blow it away, so I could only pull it off and dig into the temple with my knuckles... Uh, where should the temple of the cube be?

"Actually, it's not a nuisance," because others couldn't hear the stupid system speaking, I took the initiative to speak after a short silence: "At least it proves that '■■■■■-■■' is extremely concealable. It will only burst out after certain conditions are met, and there is no higher-dimensional 'player' behind it, and it is a relatively stupid doomsday element."

"Mom, look, Sister Lin has already seen it -" Meng Lisa shook her head, but she couldn't get rid of Meng Nali's iron hand.

"You mean...that's it." Meng Nali thought for a moment and then understood what I was talking about.

"Yes, no matter how you look at it, '■■■■■-■■' cannot be called 'complete transmission' in the high-dimensional world. It accidentally mutated into 'nucleic acid neutralization' and 'inhibition of modified genes' to enhance the concealment After the special ability of sex, if there is a 'player', then he or she will be willing to accept it, instead of directly evolving the 'annihilation gene' at the end of the series, which caused the infected person to die directly. This behavior will cause all The host disappeared and the transmission was interrupted." I said while looking at the intelligence that Roman was reviewing.

"Indeed," Roman was holding coffee in one hand and typing on the virtual keyboard with the other: "All current analysis results have proven that the evolutionary model of this doomsday element belongs to 'play whatever cards are available', just like an operating logic A poorly written AI is taking control."

"It is not a good thing to have to look into the 'higher dimension' when we first come into contact with the 'higher dimensional world', but I would actually rather it be controlled by higher dimensional creatures. After all, as long as it is an intelligent creature, it will make mistakes. , you can use it." I said, throwing away the stupid system.

The temple could not be found at all, and the guy had no intention of escaping, which proved that my drill operation was a complete failure.

[Yes, that’s right, you took advantage of the PAX200 players because they were asleep. 】Stupid system spinning in the air.

"Even if you have results, you can't cover up your wanton behavior and causing trouble for everyone!" Meng Nali pressed Meng Lisa's head again and forced her to bow.

"Okay, don't let the child be too restrained. She did a good job in data collection and analysis while you were away." I waved my hand so that she didn't have to insist on apologizing.

"Well..." Meng Nali let go of her hand, sat down opposite Roman and started working, while Meng Lisa smiled and ran behind her to press her shoulders.

"Since the 'Hachiku Girl' has reached high dimensions, our observation range has expanded, but not in the area, but in the linear form. We can only observe the straight line range between the 'Bachik Girl' and the Jin Jing. For this reason, we get Let her circle around the golden crystal, um... it's like radar or sonar." Roman said.

"If there is no suitable place for the eight-foot girl to appear on the extended line between Jin Jing and the target we want to observe, we have to use the triangulation method..." Meng Nali answered naturally.

Okay, now it’s time for me to understand, but it’s very difficult for me to understand. Let’s wait until they discuss and come to a conclusion. Now…

I turned my attention to Sophie and Emile.

"I didn't do any sabotage!" Emil raised his hand.

"I didn't eat randomly!" Sophie followed.

"...Then what were you two doing on Flight 180?" I raised my hand and showed the "screenshot" of the two of them asking the protagonist Alex to change seats.

I have long been used to the "random entry" of characters from other worlds. In other words, if one or two characters don't enter the world randomly and follow the plot to the end, I will be surprised.

In most cases, these "intruders" will participate in the plot in a very crude but relatively reasonable way without appearing obtrusive. Some of them will become followers, and some will not, so when I see them, they basically Turning a blind eye and not mentioning it from a distance, the last time Nyarlathotep pretended to be the key character "Coroner" in the "Death Comes" series, I ignored it. After all, this character has no None of the films has explained its origins clearly, and has never provided effective help to the protagonists. It is not surprising at all to say that it was Naija who caused the trouble.

But the relationship with me is too close, and if I am not careful, it can completely overturn the plot and even destroy the world itself, I still have to pay attention to it.

"I want to give the 'God of Death' a try..." Emil tilted his head.

"I want to see if the 'Death' can be eaten..." Sophie lowered her head and pointed her fingers.

"I was there at that time, Master," Mashu interjected. "If the 'Death' is too powerful, I will protect them."

"..." I was speechless for a moment.

Fortunately, Flight 180 was just a normal accident and the "geek in disguise" was not here, otherwise he would have been "killed", "served on the table" and "eaten" like a dragon - as the incarnation of high-dimensional doomsday elements, he is indeed very powerful , but still completely defeated by these girls.

Later, because I intervened along the way, Jin Jing was also very powerful and did not give them a chance to take action.

"Good," Meng Nali said at this time: "In order to further observe the high-dimensional world, we need to let the 'Eight-foot Girl' evolve more content. It is recommended that we give a 'Short, Flat, Fast' next time, but it has certain risks. In this world, let Jin Jing strengthen and redeem it.”

"I think so too. She has accumulated so many 'souls' that she doesn't need them, which is in sharp contrast to the next door." I nodded in agreement: "So far, the world that has ended the fastest is "Alien", so let's continue this series. alright."

"Uh... do you want a girl who was born in modern society and has almost no combat experience to go to that kind of place?" Roman hesitated.

"After experiencing three worlds, this girl must have grown up a little. Moreover, I will arrange a group of 'bodyguards' for her this time." I waved my hand and looked at the introduction to the world of reincarnation that Luo Shen had just sent.

[Create Map: Alien 4]

[Game Mode: Multiplayer Mode]

[Doomsday Elements: Alien (High Dimensional)]

[Map type: Reincarnation World]

[Map size: medium]

[Limited time: 3 days]

[Escape conditions: time runs out, aliens, humans or reincarnators all die]

[Characters: Human (2000+), Bionic (1), Alien (100+), Alien (?)]

[Event: The evil scientists cloned and resurrected Ripley, who died with the Alien Queen, and tried to use her genes to control the aliens. In the process, they smuggled humans who were deceived and frozen as the mother body for alien reproduction, but This time, an android will thwart their evil plans. 】

[Environment: Smuggling spacecraft "Betty", space alien training base "Auriga". 】

[Conditions for obtaining doomsday elements: destroy the aliens or destroy all humanity. 】

...Who secretly walked through the second and third generations?

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