The Collection of The End

Chapter 181 Fragments and Rings

——4E, 201, Last Seed Moon, 23rd, 19:00——

When Arthur and Wells returned to Snowrun City, the rumors about the White River Overlook Rock still did not stop, but the focus has become how much the lord got out of it. Combined with the rumors that the robbers found the treasure earlier, The specific wealth obtained by Lord Balgruuf also began to grow like the number of orcs led by Arthur and the number of robbers defeated.

And the rumors that those robbers just snatched some silver weapons can be heard sporadically, but they are completely worthless, and they quickly disappeared silently. As for the "batch of vampire silver hands near Xueman Gathering, I don't know if there is any conspiracy" It is better to let the lord worry about this information.

After reporting to Lord Balgruuf the Great, Arthur returned to Moonvaska and met Kraco Whitemane after dinner. The two found a table in the living area and sat opposite each other.

"Well, this thing is a fragment of Wuuthrad."

The old man had some doubts about the bright golden pieces that Arthur took out, but when he touched them, he blurted out immediately.

"Wuslad?" Arthur originally thought it was related to the plans of those silver hands, but he didn't expect it to be a fragment of a legendary weapon.

"That's right, Ysgramor (Ysgramor) used it to kill countless elves, hence the name 'Elf Killer'," Krakow said with emotion: "After the leader of the first generation of comrades in arms returned to Songgard, the Wus Ladd has also been passed down from generation to generation, but no one can control it freely until hundreds of years ago, when a large number of elves raided Moonvaska, the leaders at that time tried to use Ursrad to repel the enemy, but it failed because of this. Broken, and then..."

"Afterwards, that leader was bewitched by the demon god to obtain the blood of the werewolf in pursuit of power?" Arthur continued.

"It seems that you and Wells have encountered a hard battle." Kraco was not surprised that Arthur knew this, but just nodded. It has become a tradition that the upper echelons all share the werewolf blood to enhance their combat effectiveness after finally defeating them completely."

"So, those silver hands are actually trying to deal with the comrades-in-arms group? But how did they know about it?" Arthur frowned. The number of hands added up can't be used up that much, unless they also use one bad one at a time like themselves.

"The comrades-in-arms group is not afraid of any enemies." Kraco didn't seem to care too much about the silver hand: "But you got the Ursrad fragment from them, which is even more important."

"Did it get snatched after it was broken?" Arthur touched the shards on the table.

"It's not 'broken', but 'scattered'," the old man spread his hands in a gesture of spreading out: "according to records, the leader used Wuslad to sway the sun-like light to sweep away the besieging elves. empty, but the ax itself also shattered into several pieces and flew in all directions, and now the unbroken handle is enshrined in Sgrammer's tomb, and the orb at the back of the handle is still preserved in Yuevaska."

"Speaking of which, the situation seems to be very similar to when you defeated Cisco Moon." Clarko looked at Arthur with a smile.

"This...Could it be that Silver Hand is collecting other fragments, planning to snatch your orb, and steal the handle from the tomb for recasting?" Arthur was also a little ashamed, so he quickly changed the subject.

"Heh, although Uslad is not a divine weapon, reforging it still requires the owner's permission. If those vampires dare to do such a blasphemous act, they will probably be turned into fly ash in an instant." The old man obviously Dismiss it.

"Are all werewolves in the 'circle'?" Seeing that Kraco was very confident in the combat effectiveness of the comrades-in-arms group, Arthur had no choice but to try to guide his thoughts from the side.

"Ella and Cisco month consider it a gift,

And will use it covertly and flexibly, but the three Wilcas brothers regard him as a power that needs a price, what do you think? "Craco answered Arthur with a rhetorical question, and those he nominated were naturally members of the circle.

"I think it's better not to rely too much on power that doesn't belong to you." Arthur raised his hand and patted himself on the shoulder, where was the hilt of the two-handed sword of the Sky Furnace on his back.

"That's right, your strength is enough to join the 'circle'," Kraco stroked his white beard: "The three Wilkas brothers are fine, but if they don't share wolf blood, I'm afraid Cisco and Ella won't Then trust you."

"Where are the people who refused to join after learning that the 'Circle' are all werewolves?" Arthur took a deep breath and asked the most critical question.

"You can rest assured about this, we... huh?" Krakow said in general, and suddenly stopped and pondered.

Yes, that was the problem, Arthur was relieved.

When we met for the first time, the old man said that he has a powerful soul, which can preliminarily prove that Kraco has a certain degree of mind reading ability. Yue said that he was unknown, which proved that although the comrade-in-arms group has some intelligence channels, the coverage is not large and the efficiency is worrying.

Then there was the temptation just now. Obviously, the comrades-in-arms group is very confident in themselves due to a long history, and they will not collect information on those who have been expelled or left voluntarily, such as the "unyielding" Usgai who had a fight with Arthur before. De, has been looking for trouble with ordinary members of the comrade-in-arms group in the hotel. This is an act of obviously discrediting the comrade-in-arms group, but Yuevaska has no way to deal with it.

This proves that if someone quits after learning the secret of the comrades-in-arms group, and joins the Silver Hand or even the vampire camp by chance, Vaska will be equivalent to being undefended for the whole month. With the strength of the members who are still in training, how can it be possible to block their assassination?

Compared with glory, history, and inheritance, Arthur, who was born as a hunter, is more concerned about the potential crisis in front of him. If the enemy comes prepared, he cannot resist it with "confidence", because it is also within the enemy's plan.

"I'll tell them to pay attention," Krakow finished thinking, and nodded towards Arthur: "Now, it's time for us to attend the ceremony to celebrate your passing the trial."


The large open space at the back door of Yuehuaska is an entire training ground, and there are many dummies, archery targets, and fighting fields surrounded by soft treatment of the ground, but the circular platform at the northernmost end is not allowed to hang around at will because it is The place where the core "circle" of the comrades-in-arms group discusses matters.

This low platform looked like a huge shield lying flat on the ground, with unidentified but symmetrical and graceful lines drawn on it, because it was late and several torch stands were burning around.

The entire platform seemed to hold dozens of people, but currently only Ella, Cisco Moon, the three Wilkas brothers, and Erindir Graymane were waiting on it.

The battle between Arthur and Wells at the Dusterman Stone Tomb was called a trial, but it was actually a private pursuit of revenge for the silver hand. Don't care about these details.

Krakow led Arthur up onto the platform, bringing him to the center, and stood on the edge himself.

"Arthur Pendragon," Erindil Graymane nodded to Kraco, and then raised his voice and said, "This warrior has completed the trial to join the ring, and now please judge him."

"Pass," said Ayla, drawing a dragon on her face today: "To save strangers by challenging giants, he proved himself brave enough to stand against a strong foe and willing to protect the weak -- though not weak."

"Ella?" Clarko looked over.

"I'm done." Ella shrugged.

"Pass," Cisco Yue said: "He was able to stimulate the power of the sky furnace with ordinary weapons and restrain the power in time. He proved his strength and control over power."

"Pass," Farkas said: "Daring to talk to Lord Balgruf proves that he is not afraid of power, and he also teased Nachim with me."

"Farkas..." "Huh?" "Shut up." "Oh."

"Pass." Wilkas nodded to Arthur: "Leading the Xueman guards to fight and kill the dragon with his own hands. No one was injured or injured during the process. He proved his compassion."

"Is the point wrong...Okay, I'll shut up." Farkas covered his mouth under his brother's stare.

"Passed," Wells said lastly, "Whether it was the battle at the White River's Overlook Rock or the subsequent visit to the Dastman Stone Tomb, he has fully proved that he can protect his comrades well while killing the enemy. I am very grateful." Proud to be his shield brother in this fight."

"Then the review of the circle is over." Erindir looked at Arthur: "Welcome to join the circle, let's say a few words to everyone."

"I just now know that the assessment started when we first met. Fortunately, I didn't slack off, such as avoiding Aunt Tirma and sleeping late," Arthur said, causing a burst of laughter. Most things are unfamiliar, and I am not good at words, so I will make a few vows here to end."

Arthur pulled out the two-handed sword behind his back, stood in front of him with the tip of the sword facing down and held the handle in both hands, and straightened his face.

"I swear to be kind to the weak;"

"I swear to stand bravely against rape;"

"I swore against all mistakes;"

"I swear to fight for the defenseless;"

"I swear to help anyone who asks me for help;"

"I swear I won't hurt any woman;"

"I swear to help brother knights;"

"I swear to be true to my friends;"

"I swear to die for the one I love."


As the voice fell, those weird lines on the circular platform suddenly emitted a dazzling golden light. Before everyone had time to react, the surrounding environment had been replaced by the interior scene of a huge and resplendent palace. There are huge round tables with delicious food and wine, and the Nord people talking and drinking around them, and there are many faces that seem familiar.

【well said! 】The closest to them was a tall warrior with golden light all over his body, his appearance and armor style were exactly the same as the Sgrammer recorded in the book. He laughed and raised his glass to Arthur: Garter is waiting for you, boy! 】

The golden light disappeared, and everyone returned to the ring platform. Judging from the reactions of the ordinary members of the comrades-in-arms who were watching the ceremony in the distance, they didn't notice that the ring members in front of them had just gone to the Songjiade Hall of Valor.

"Uh," Arthur didn't know what to say for a while, "Does that lord mean that I'm dying?"

"Shut up!" Everyone in the circle said in unison.

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