The Collection of The End

One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighteen, Resident Evil 2 (8)


In a room that resembles a military camp, a variety of texts, photos and charts are scrolling on a briefing screen with a large logo:

[A biochemical virus leak occurred in Raccoon City three days ago. 】

[The virus is extremely lethal. Nearly 90% of the city's population of 350,000 died in less than 24 hours, and fewer than 5,000 people survived and were waiting for rescue. 】

[You, the Special Tactics And Rescue Service, will be responsible for rescuing these people waiting for rescue from the city. 】

[The good news is that the virus is spread through blood and you will not be infected during your normal activities. 】

[The bad news is that the dead affected by the virus stand up again and try to infect every living person they see through their bites. 】

[To prevent the spread of this virus, federal authorities have decided to launch a nuclear bomb to destroy Raccoon City at sunrise tomorrow (8:00). 】

[You only have 24 hours to act. 】

[Deadly force authorized. 】

【good luck. 】

Click, as the briefing paused on the final city panorama, a large hand reached out, pausing it.

"Okay, this is the world of our next 'mission'," the owner of the big hand is a middle-aged man wearing a brown camouflage uniform and a black beret. His appearance is quite ordinary, and he will not attract attention at all if he is mixed in the crowd. , at this moment he glanced at the men and women in front of him who were dressed roughly the same as him: "Who has a problem?"

"Can you not go? I hate zombies." A tall, beautiful woman with goggles on her forehead and a long ponytail raised her hand and asked.

"No," the middle-aged man poked the coat of arms on his chest with three stars, an eagle with spread wings and the letters "STARS": "Our identity is the delta team belonging to STARS, and we enjoy the benefits of this identity. When it is convenient, you must also assume corresponding obligations. When orders from high-level officials are issued, you will not be able to refuse the mission and choose other worlds.”

"Captain, 'Dead Leaf Butterfly' is kidding you," a strong man with a big beard interjected: "Of course we know that we cannot refuse the 'Team Growth Task'. In fact, we have no other world to choose from now. .”

"I know," the man called "Captain" replied, "I'm not explaining this to her."

"Oh... yes, there is a new person in the last world." The bearded man turned his head and looked at the three people sitting dejectedly in a corner of the military camp.

Their equipment and clothing are very different from the "Stars team members" who are watching the briefing. They look like some kind of very sci-fi style spacesuits and matching sci-fi weapons.

"Hey! You guys!" A shorter woman with short hair yelled over there: "The 'avoidance' captain has graciously lent you three sets of power armor and weapons with 'kinetic energy shields' attached. It comes with nine strips of 'Medical Glue', and after you agreed to 'Revenge', you will fully contribute to our 'Mimic' team. Now do you want to default on the bill? I can tell you--"

"Calm down, 'Koala,'" the tall and thin man next to the short woman raised his hand to stop her from continuing to yell: "The fact that they did not hide in their personal dormitories but came to the briefing hall has already explained their attitude. .”

"You're so naive. How can a guy who takes the initiative to engage in 'PVP' behavior be unprepared for 'revenge'?" The tall woman known as "Withered Leaf Butterfly" sneered: "If they can take revenge on the spot, then they can It’s a weird thing.”

"But..." The three frustrated men raised their heads when the "STARS" team members were talking about them. One of them couldn't help but said: "Even if we work hard to develop ourselves, 'White Bear' That guy can't stop moving forward. If we don't take revenge in time, we will just 'deliver food' in the future."

“It’s as if you didn’t deliver food before.

"The short woman named "Koala" choked him.

"'Reincarnations' have two tendencies, the 'PVE' which focuses on conquering the 'Reincarnation World', and the 'PVP' which focuses on 'invasion' and 'battlefield'. There may be some who are involved in both, but that also means a mixed "I'm not good at it," the captain of "Escape" said: "All the help I can give is towards PVE. If you really can't swallow this breath, you may consider changing to a team that focuses on PVP. You don't need the equipment you have now. return."

"Captain?" Koala looked at him with dissatisfaction.

"You know, I only do the 'right thing'," Miyu shook his head: "We jointly decided to make the 'Resident Evil' series our home field and 'Main PVE' as our basic course of action, and it will not change. The same , nor will they persuade people who want revenge after being killed. The words 'it won't really die anyway' are closer to ridicule to them."

"Sorry, we just died in the last world." The frustrated trio stood up one after another, and the first one to speak continued: "You are willing to give us a few newcomers who have nothing, equipment and supplies, so that we can have a chance to take revenge. , we are very grateful, and even if we have to leave, we will repay this kindness."

"Hmph, as long as you don't cause any trouble." Koala crossed her arms and turned around.

"Hehehe... don't worry about Koala, she has always been like this," the tall and thin man tried to smooth things over: "But to be honest, Soap, Yuri, Ghost, etc., your names are not suitable for 'mimicry', do you want to try it? Want to change your name?"

"You think 'Stick Insect' sounds good, right?" The bearded man said.

"You have the most inappropriate name! How do you look like a 'rattlesnake'?" the tall, thin man retorted.

"you this--"

"You are the one--"

While the team members were laughing, Dead Leaf Die walked up to Yu Yu and watched the mission briefing with him, while comparing it with his own "mission record".

"Seriously, Captain, this 'Team Growth Mission' is very troublesome, and the degree of completion may not be high." She circled some key words: "With a time limit of 24 hours, it is impossible for us to rescue all the survivors. When looking for Ahn'Qiraj, the most serious "attrition" that reduces the completion level will basically come from the attack of the Nemesis (). That is the monster that wiped out Team A and Team B in the plot. I don't think it can distinguish between NPCs. ' and the ability of 'Reincarnation', so we have to count ourselves when it comes to 'ensuring the survival of STARS members', but now we have a chance."

When she said the last sentence, her voice dropped, and her eyes glanced at Yuri, Ghost, and Soap.

"...No, I didn't use the equipment as bait for them who are better equipped and don't belong to 'STARS'. When I loaned them equipment to seek revenge, didn't we not receive the team growth mission yet?" Yuu Yao frowned. Mei shook her head.

"Received now."


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