The Collection of The End

Chapter 183 Demon God and Night Mother

My name is Akatosh,

also night mother

——4E, 188, Frost Moon, 13th, 22:42——

The impact of the war between the ancestors of Shenzhou and the Septim Empire did not end with the signing of the "Platinum Agreement".

First of all, the Redguards in the western province of Hammerfell did not recognize this agreement, and unilaterally continued the war against Thalmer, and drove all elf forces out of Hammerfell in 180 without any support from the Empire, and finally It forced the elves to re-sign a supplementary agreement to the "Platinum Agreement", setting up terms for Hammerfell alone.

Then there is Skyrim Province, because the belief in Talos is prohibited, the reputation of the empire has plummeted in the entire province, and the "Stormcloak", which was originally close to the private arm of the lord of Windhelm City, has gained more and more popularity because of its clear-cut opposition to this regulation. Support, and due to the unfair treatment they received in the battle to recapture Markarth City, the seeds of a rebellion have also appeared.

However, this kind of political level has little effect on me. What is really troublesome is the order that collapsed due to the war. As the empire's control over the surrounding provinces weakens, the lords of those places—or not The leaders of the various factions under the name fought fiercely for power and power, and various crimes also emerged in endlessly.

"Is there really no way to interfere?" I nestled in Songjiade, looking at the chaos in other provinces and asked the stupid system: "Obviously it can be done in Fuyuki."

[At that time, you can't interfere,] the little black dragon flapped its wings: [All you can intervene are those who will appear in Fuyuki during the Holy Grail War and their related parties. 】

"So, I can only interfere with those who will appear in Skyrim Province after 201 until Alduin is defeated and those who are closely related to them?" I looked at the globe of Nirn Star and the reminder of some events : "What about Martin?"

【He is the 'Emperor', and the 'Emperor' has been to Skyrim Province. ] The stupid system flew onto the globe: [If you want to interfere with things in other provinces, you must ensure that the target of the interference will come to the sky afterward, otherwise any interference results will disappear after you leave. 】

"Well, in other provinces, it's worth interfering, and I will come to Skyrim Province..." I began to think.

Although it is possible to achieve the goal by directly issuing the oracle to send people to the sky, it will be discovered by the hostile demon gods. If they take the opportunity to make trouble, it will be more troublesome. If they cover up their actions under the attack of a certain demon god...

"dark brotherhood" I reached out and poked the stupid system: "Where is the Nightmother now?"

If I want to save as many people as possible who have unfortunately died due to various reasons in the process of defeating Alduin and obtaining its breath of annihilation, this killer organization is a hurdle that cannot be bypassed. Murder for no reason—or, for money alone.

If you want to hire the killers of the Dark Brotherhood, you don't need to look for them, you only need to perform a dark ritual, and the appeal will be perceived by the Night Mother, and arrange for the killers to complete the goals and collect rewards.

In the earliest legends, the Night Mother was an ordinary person, or a position within the Dark Brotherhood. After the legend of the Night Mother had far exceeded the lifespan of ordinary people, it began to spread that she was the incarnation of Mephala (), and even the consort of Sidis .

With Mephala's style of interfering in mortal affairs, it is somewhat possible that she is her incarnation. As for Sidis's spouse, it is pure nonsense. How can a mortal, even a demon god, become the spouse of the pure concept of "void"?

[Cyrodiil Province, Chantinghell Sanctuary in Bravel City] The little black dragon flapped its wings and turned the globe, focusing on the capital province of the empire: [Well, it is indeed the Dragon of Time. 】

"What's the meaning?"

[Hint: The Chantinghall Sanctuary of the Dark Brotherhood is under attack. 】

Is this still a major event? The most recent reminders that my sister sent out on my own initiative without consulting are "The Empire is at war with the ancestors of Shenzhou" and "Platinum agreement is signed".

"You can try to interfere with this incident. Since the night mother's sarcophagus will come to the sky later, it is acceptable to capture Mephala or take the opportunity to make the Dark Brotherhood disappear." I zoomed in on the city, and there was indeed a large-scale fire and.

After the war, the empire could only maintain the superficial peace of the various cities, but in places where the sun was not shining normally and after nightfall, many hidden forces would surface one after another and fight for various reasons.

At this time, it was the largest skooma drug dealer in Cyrodiil who organized the attack on the sanctuary of the Dark Brotherhood under the street. Obviously, the Dark Brotherhood's style of daring to kill anyone as long as they gave money finally kicked the iron Board, a commission for this businessman made him furious, intending to completely destroy the Dark Brotherhood.

Although the members of the Brotherhood are good at assassination, they are really not good at fighting head-on. The mercenaries have been blocked in the depths of the Sanctuary when the mercenaries step by step and do not give them a chance to sneak attack.

"Hey, Mephala is still here, but how should I catch her? Wouldn't it be too exaggerated to let Akatosh's dragon incarnate directly?"

In the huge iron coffin guarded by fraternity members in strange black and red uniforms, there is a strange creature with a woman on the upper body and a spider on the lower body laughing triumphantly - this is exactly the name of a certain Mephala who "weaves the web" The incarnation of the name of "The One".

[Akatosh has no reason to intervene in this kind of battle under the water, right?] The stupid system said: [Didn’t there be some evil left in this world last time? Throw it to devour her. 】

"Hmm, good idea." I dug out the black moon left after pinching three people before, it was not enough to pinch a complete person, either a severely disabled living person, or a perfect corpse, If it's just thrown out to devour an incarnation of a demon god, it shouldn't be a problem.

The so-called demon gods and holy spirits are existences far beyond the comprehension of mortals, and their incarnations will also inherit some of their characteristics. For example, when I just decided to deal with her, I looked up at the incarnation of Mephala. Looking at the sky, and then the figure began to blur, as if planning to escape.

"You can't leave." I waved my hand and threw the black mud.

If the demon god himself wanted to leave, I might not be able to stop him, just like the escaped Nocturnal and Dagon who pulled the network cable. But a mere incarnation, even if he finds his own crisis, he can't escape. This is already some kind of restraint in the rules.

As expected, the incarnation of the half-man, half-spider was directly swallowed by the black mud before disappearing. If the guards now open the iron coffin, they will find that the inside is full of surging black mud—if they have not been swallowed .

[Hint: Devour Mephala's incarnation. 】

[Hint: Obtain the Doomsday Element: Dark Ritual. 】

[Hint: No available priesthood has been obtained. 】

Hmm... This is also normal. She incarnates as the Night Mother, chooses specific believers to become "listeners", and assigns assassination tasks perceived through dark rituals, but it does not contain any priesthood or domain power.

Surge, tumbling--

"Great Mother of Darkness, please guide us to avoid this crisis."

...What's the matter with the sudden black mud perspective and inexplicable prayers?

[Because the incarnation of the demon god was devoured, the identity of the night mother was also inherited,] The stupid system sounds a little gloating: [You will be locked in a coffin like a ghoul~]

"Are you too proud?" I stretched out my hand to pull the little black dragon's wings: "Give me a solution."

[This avatar is incomplete, unless you go down in person, it is just a corpse, if you change the black mud to its original appearance, and only communicate with the listener through the oracle, they will not notice anything wrong—— Open me~] The stupid system fluttered its wings.

"You want me to continue to use the appearance of that mummy old lady, there's no way," I pinched the wings of the stupid system and threw it out: "Although it's wrong, but this identity can also be used."

Forget it, the Brotherhood of Darkness in Skyrim Province still needs the Night Mother, otherwise there will be a big leak, I shook my head and began to gradually transform the black mud into shape.

"This is their last hiding place!" "We're going to get rid of these rats!" "Ha, Brotherhood of Darkness, you're about to be reduced to ashes with your Night Mother!"

During this period, the merchant's mercenaries had entered the last shelter, and the Brotherhood members immediately began to resist desperately.

"Ganag, Andronica! Take the night mother and go first! I can guarantee that these greedy jackals will not be able to catch up with you!" After the end of the transformation, I could hear the fierce battle outside even in the iron coffin , the nearest location outside is the voice of a contemporary listener.

While the strategy is sound, I don't want to be brought down and carted away.

[Alison Dapney. 】I call out to the listener outside. This method is completely impossible to have the problem of voice inconsistency. The receiver can clearly know where it comes from. There is no doubt that it was the order of the night mother.

"...Mother?" The words of the listener's instructions suddenly stopped, and then they approached the iron coffin.

[Open my coffin. ] I continued, although I am a bit allergic to the name mother, but this is not the time to worry about it.

"But, mother."

【immediately. 】

"Yes, I will follow your orders."

Creaking—the iron coffin was opened, and the people who were watching from outside were all stunned.

Ganag and Andronica have the same round face and fiery red hair, and they look like twins at first glance, while the listener Alisan Dapney has wavy brown hair, but his appearance is so ordinary that he can't find an adjective for a while ——But maybe this kind of appearance is a qualified killer.

After I stepped out, these people backed up a few steps in fright.

'Looks like they're overwhelmed by me. ’ I said to the stupid system.

[No matter who it is, seeing the mummy-like old lady turn into a big sister with blue skin, cloth strips wrapped around her body, and strange tentacles behind her will be shocked. 】

'It's the tentacles! This is the shape of a soul healer, and the wings are those of the angels in the high heavens! '

[I'm not interested in the game of shushushuhua - anyway, it's usually just a corpse, it's up to you. 】

"Mother, mother?" The listener and the rest of the brotherhood members looked disbelieving. Even if the invading mercenaries came in, they just looked at it blankly and ignored it.

"Holy Spirit, what kind of monster is that?" "Could it be the legendary Night Mother?" "Isn't that just a deceptive legend?" "It's pretty..."

[Leave him alive. ] I raised my finger to the mercenary who spoke last, and the wings on the back suddenly burst into blue light.

After the light faded, all the Brotherhood members who died in the previous defensive battle appeared around the intruder in a blue, transparent figure, and thereafter, blood splattered.

[Wow, the Holy Mother killed——] The stupid system yelled.

'If it's not the Virgin Mary, it's—forget it. '

[Give you the power to 'summon the shadow assassin', and also, go to the Sanctuary of Skyrim Province as soon as possible. ] I said to the listener, then turned and walked back to the iron coffin, and slammed the door behind it.

As I left this special avatar, she folded her hands in front of her body, and the wings made of white light bound her and covered her, even if she was opened again, only a cocoon could be seen.

[Is there any point in doing this? 】

"In this way, the entire branch of the Dark Brotherhood is under my control, and it is completely impossible for any accidents to occur, eh."

【hope so. 】

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