The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and forty-one, Resident Evil 2 (31)

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——September 29, 20:19, Suburban Raccoon City, supermarket attached to a gas station——



Moving slowly, a zombie wearing a supermarket security uniform approaches Claire Redfield () with his hands raised.

"You guy! Don't come here!" Claire raised her SLS60 lady's pistol and fired three shots at the zombies. All the bullets hit, but the zombies only swayed slightly and continued to approach her slowly but resolutely.

"Damn it!" Claire looked around, pulled down the supermarket shelves with her backhand, pressed down on the zombie, and ran away from it.

She came to Raccoon City to find her brother who she had lost contact with, and she just stopped at the outskirts of the city to get gas, make a phone call, and buy some things. How could this happen to her?

While shopping, I saw a supermarket security guard lying in the corner covered in blood, with his hand pointing towards the depths of the warehouse. He went in with the attitude of wanting to help, but found that another security guard was looking at what looked like a rumored zombie. The same monster was fighting, but before she could help, the security guard was knocked down and bitten to death. She emptied two magazines before knocking it down. When she returned to the supermarket lobby to help the injured security guard, she found that he He stood up unsteadily and looked like the biting guy inside.

Could it be that my brother has been fighting this kind of monster? What happened to Raccoon City, which was cut off from the outside world?

“[Roar——]” “[Gah——]” “[Woo——]”

When Claire bypassed the security zombies, she discovered that more "zombie" appeared from the corners of the supermarket, between the shelves, and from behind the ATM, making terrifying roars as they approached her.

"Shet!" Claire was so angry that she cursed the foul language that her brother had never allowed her to say. Then she looked at the magazine with only three bullets left, and decisively ignored them and rushed to the supermarket door.

My motorcycle is already full of gas. As long as I can get to the car and start it...

Boom! Click.

When Claire opened the door, she was shocked to find a blond young man in a police uniform in front of the door with a gun aimed at her.

"Don't shoot!" She hurriedly raised her hands - after all, zombies can't raise their hands, at least not above their heads.

"Get down!" The blond young man shouted loudly without putting down the gun.

"!" Claire immediately squatted down with her head in her hands.


The blond young man shot a zombie that rushed from behind Claire, and then grabbed her: "Let's go!"

"Oh, okay..." Claire hurriedly followed the blond young man.

The situation was so urgent that she didn't have time to observe her surroundings. Only then did she realize that there were several... more than a dozen... at least dozens of zombies surrounding the gas station slowly gathering towards the supermarket. If she ran slower, The only possibility is to be blocked by them in the supermarket, and what will happen...

Claire shuddered and got into a police car with the blond young man.

"Sit tight!" The blond young man turned the steering wheel fiercely, and the police car drew a long arc. After knocking away several zombies, it rushed out of the gas station.

——September 29, 20:35, Raccoon City suburbs——

"Huh...what kind of monster is that?"

Because the speed of the police car is already quite fast, although there are occasional zombies on the roadside extending their arms to it, they will be left behind by the car before they even take a step.

In this safer situation, Claire felt relieved a little and asked.

"I don't know, maybe I have to ask my colleagues at the Raccoon City Police Department." The blond young man replied while driving.

"Huh? Are you a police officer from Raccoon City?" Claire tilted her head and looked at him.

It was a young and handsome face, with sparkling blue eyes. Although he was slightly confused and worried because he encountered something beyond the scope of understanding, such as a zombie, the overall look still showed a very confident look. Attitude, if encountering such a police officer in a difficult situation, ordinary people should feel very safe.

But he's not as good as his brother.

"My name is K...Lion," the blond young man paused for some reason: "Leon S. Kennedy, just assigned to Raccoon City, but in order to celebrate yesterday, he drank a little too much, and today he didn't dare to test for drunk driving. Drive out."

"Are you late for work on your first day?" Claire teased.

"Well... Actually today is supposed to be the welcome party..." Leon grinned: "Why does it seem to be worse?"

"I'm Claire, Claire Redfield. I came to Raccoon City to find my brother. His name is Chris Redfield. He is a member of the STARS rescue force. He may be regarded as your colleague." Claire said.

"I've heard about this unit, and its members are all good." Leon looked at Claire again: "Did you... come alone? This is not very safe."

"A classmate wanted to come with me, but I refused. This is a private matter after all, and..." Claire looked at the zombies flashing by the roadside: "I'm glad she didn't come now."

"..." There was a little doubt on Leon's face, but he quickly calmed down and showed a very sunny smile: "Then before you find your brother, I will act as the flower protector."

"That depends on your performance~" Claire said quite relaxedly.

Although there seems to be zombies in Raccoon City, meeting a handsome guy is a blessing in disguise. He is so awesome, so he will be fine.

"[Zizi - Attention, citizens of Raccoon City,]" As the car approached Raccoon City, the originally silent car stereo rang: "[Due to the increasing spread of 'biting disease', all public facilities in Raccoon City will be used as temporary shelters." The accepted citizens, please--Zizi--citizens go there in an orderly manner. The facilities currently open include the Raccoon City Police Station, Clock Tower, City Hall, Mercy Hospital, and Raccoon City University--Zi Zi--】"

"They call these 'cadavers' 'biters'?" Claire looked incredulous.

"At least it's very appropriate, and this shouldn't be the current broadcast." Leon slowed down slowly and gestured to the front.

Ahead, at the entrance, or exit, of Raccoon City, there are a large number of barbed wire fences and roadblocks piled up, surrounded by overturned and burning vehicles. Although no bodies were seen, there is no doubt that "they" must exist, and There are quite a few.

"The police station is not far from here. Let's get off the car first. Just be careful-"


Before Leon could finish his words, more than a dozen zombies walked out of the surrounding shadows, roaring and approaching the car. One of them even jumped directly on the front hood of the car.

"Go back quickly——"


At the same time, a super giant oil tanker came speeding from behind, and it seemed that it had no intention of braking.

The fat driver was covered in blood, with only the whites of his eyes left. Apparently he was bitten and drove away, only to turn into a dead body along the way.

Claire pushed the car door twice and found that it seemed to be locked due to the attack of zombies.


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