The Collection of The End

Chapter 186 Blade and White Dragon

— 4E, 201, Last Seed Moon, 25th, 1:00 —

After capturing the "tanner", Arthur and Ella spent some time cleaning up the supposedly "richest" stronghold, but unfortunately, only a little over a thousand gold coins were found, and the rest were not so easy to cash out. precious metals and beautiful gemstones of various colors, which the tanner claimed were "flawless" and worth at least two thousand gold pieces each.

It is said that gemstones are inherently attractive to women, but Ella didn't feel much when she looked at these gemstones, but she was a little thankful that she didn't have to carry a few large boxes of gold coins back.

"Are you going back to Snowrun? I know a shortcut that can shorten a day's journey to half a day." Since the cobbler couldn't beat anyone, he was tied up symbolically. After he was taken out of the fortress, Said to the two members of the comrades-in-arms group who were observing the environment.

"Oh," Ella glanced at the vampire captive, "Because we're sure we won't kill him for the time being, we started to make small moves. The 'shortcut' may indeed be short, but it must be convenient for him to escape."

"It's a bit dangerous, you may encounter trolls and bears, but it's not a problem for the comrades-in-arms group." The tanner answered with a smile after seeing through the trick.

"Hmph, if those guys with muscular heads are here, I probably really listen to you," Ella snorted, and turned to Arthur: "Hey, Arthur, change quickly, I I still have to ride."

The speed of this face-changing made the cobbler dumbfounded, and he didn't have the time to think about the problem with this wording.

"Even if you say that, I don't know how it changed." Arthur tried to stretch his arms and jumped twice, but there was no change.

"Huh... Do I have to bite you?" Ella licked her lips, her eyes shifted: "Exclusive mount?"

"You'd better not have the idea of ​​'just bite me if you want to go'," Arthur shuddered: "It was fine at night before, but in broad daylight a dragon was flying around Xueman, that Mirmenier is the end."

"So, as long as it's at night?" "Uh, this..."

What dragon, day and night, the cobbler was confused. When he tried to speak again, he saw the strange female werewolf walking up to the Nord youth, hugging his neck and taking a bite.

Boom! The violent airflow and explosion blasted the cobbler far away, making him dizzy and unable to get up for a while.

"Ahaha! That's right!" Ayla hugged the giant red dragon's neck and laughed: "Let's go back to Xueman, remember to take that vampire - don't let him come up, just grab the rope and hang below."

"[(Dragon's language) may have attracted the attention of the guards before! We can't fly in so grandly!]" the red dragon roared, stretched out its huge claws to grab the cobbler, and spread its wings and soared into the air.

"Don't worry~ I won't use this trick often~" Ella, who was sitting on the dragon's back, patted the dragon scales that were afraid of the red dragon.

"【(Dragon language) Don't pretend you don't understand!】" Arthur flapped his wings and circled around, and after identifying Xueman's direction, he began to fly there.

In those ancient documents, there is no mention of the reason why the dragonborn can become a dragon... Is it really because of those resurrected dragons?


"【(Dragon language) Wait a minute!】"

After the cobbler begged for the third time to put him up and Ayla refused, a loud dragon roar sounded behind Arthur, startling them who didn't understand Draconic at all.

Air combat? Arthur stopped moving forward, turned around and flapped his wings to hover in the air. If the purpose of that black dragon was to revive all the ancient dragons, then sooner or later he would face the situation where the sky was full of dragons, and the dragon form Air combat is also inevitable, so it's not a bad thing to encounter and familiarize yourself with it in advance, but before that, you have to put Ayla down and throw the tanner out.

"[(Dragon Language) Wait for me!]" Farther behind, a giant white dragon was rapidly approaching.

"[(Dragon language) what's the matter?]" Arthur replied with a low growl, and at the same time began to think about countermeasures. The white dragon should be of the ice and snow type. , and can't breathe, and can only rely on melee combat when fighting.

"【(Dragon language)...Why are you so big?】" The white dragon flew in front of Arthur, then stared at him in a daze - the red dragon in front of him was more than twice its size.

"[(Dragon language) is born, you just want to ask this?]" Seeing that this dragon is so "pocket", Arthur was relieved, at least if he really fights, he can fight with his size advantage.

"[(Dragon language) No, I stopped you because—you look so good, can you be my father?" Bailong replied.

"..." Arthur was dumbfounded, he forgot to flap his wings and fell for a few seconds.

"[(Dragon language) My name is 'Sophie Lanier', and I live in the Nike Forest in the north,]" the white dragon continued: "[I and my father 'Saroknier' were called 'Sophie Lanier' not long ago. Alduin's dragon wakes up, it tells us to wake up more dragons and then leaves, but there are many humans with strange weapons in ambush nearby, killing Dad, I escaped while they were not paying attention .]"

Hmm... Arthur remembered the "Dragon Stone" he had given to the mage Farenga of the Dragon Cloud Palace before. There seemed to be many ancient dragon burial sites on it, and it seemed that someone said that the order of resurrection on it was regular , if someone gets this rule, ambush in the dragon tomb in advance, and can kill the dragon when it has just awakened and its power has not fully recovered.

As for the little white dragon coming to recognize his father... He is not a giant dragon, how could he know the customs of the dragon society? Could it be that these dragons cannot grow up without the care of their elders?

“[(Dragon language) ‘Saroknir’?]” Arthur repeated the name: “[Do you know a dragon called ‘Mirmenir’?]”

"[(Dragon language) Dad seems to know him, but not very well,]" Bailong, or Sophie Lanier stared at Arthur: "[Will you be my father? If you don’t want to, I will find someone else the dragon.]”

Even if you want to, you have to know how to raise a dragon. Arthur is a little worried, and this red dragon can't maintain his form all the time. Even if this little guy is a young dragon, he might open his mouth if he sees himself turning into a human. It was a dragon's breath.

call out--! An arrow shining with ominous black light flew from the ground like lightning. Arthur quickly flapped his wings to block the white dragon. The flying arrow penetrated the red dragon's scales without hindrance and got stuck in Above the wings, the half of the wings instantly lost consciousness.

Ha, Arthur thought of the whole story like a flash. Those guys who killed Thaloknir have been tracking Sophie Lanier, and they are planning to use this "habit" to hunt more dragons, and The two dragons yelled in dragon language for so long, it would be strange not to be discovered.

Even if I may need to kill those dragons that make trouble in the future, this young dragon must be preserved at this moment!

"【Yol】!" Arthur shouted at his wings—although he didn't get the dragon soul to use this spout in human form, he is now a dragon himself, and a hot flame enveloped the red dragon wings, and swept away the arrow and the toxin it brought.

"【(Dragon language) is incredible.】" Sophie Lanier said blankly.

"[(Dragon Language) I've decided to be your father! Come with me now!]" Arthur greeted the little white dragon, and then yelled at the ground: "[Fus]!"

Many humans wearing standard black armor, carrying crossbows and arc knives appeared on the commanding heights nearby, but they were blown down by a gust of wind the next moment, colliding with each other, and they were turned on their backs.

"Huh, 'Blade Warriors'? When did their sphere of influence expand to the province of Skyrim?" Ayla seemed to recognize their identities and frowned at the humans.

"[(Dragon language) What is that? Forget it doesn't matter,]" Arthur flapped his wings, although there was still some pain, but it was acceptable, so he patted the little white dragon who was still in a daze: "[Follow I'm leaving!]"

The two dragons flapped their wings and escaped from the attack range of those people at a very high speed.

"'Blade Warrior' is an organization that existed in ancient times. It was originally a pure dragon slayer, and later became the royal guard of the Septim Empire. They should be in the capital province of Cyrodiil at this time!" Ella Holding the red dragon's neck tightly, he explained loudly: "The news of the giant dragon appearing in the sky won't spread so fast, right?!"

"Slowly, slowly—" The rope on the cobbler's body had been loosened at some point, and he was pulling it and screaming in the strong wind: "I still don't have the advanced ability to transform into a bat—"


Yuevaska residential area, Krakow Whitemane's room, Arthur and Ella brought the "White Dragon" here after locking up the tanner.

"Hmm..." Clarke Baimane, who was a little unconscious, looked at the people in front of him: "You woke up the old man in the middle of the night to tell me that you have a child, right? Well, congratulations~"

"Grandpa, has anyone ever said that your sense of humor is sometimes very inappropriate?" Ella sighed while clutching her forehead, "We're looking for your advice."

"While it sounds unbelievable that I became a dragon and then adopted a dragon that turned into a little girl, it's better than me and Ayla having a baby - whoa! You What are you doing!" Arthur's right hand was bandaged miserably because of being shot by an arrow and burned, but the next moment, Ayla twisted it severely.

"Hi, Grandpa." Standing in front of Ella and Arthur was a little girl in a pink and white plush dress, with pink hair, blue eyes, a round face, and a pair of hairs on each side of her forehead. With short horns and a thin pom-pom tail behind her, she bowed slightly to Kraco Whitemane: "My name is 'Sophie Lanier', you can call me 'Sophie'."

When Thalocnir is resurrected next time, I have to ask how it taught his daughter...

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