The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, infinite future (22)

"Currently, due to Xiaohao's behavior of degenerating '■■■■■■■' all symptoms, transmission methods and special abilities in "The End of the World", let's call this... let's call it 'demonstration AI' The 'player' cannot continue according to the original preset actions, causing the current 'high-dimensional world' to be in a state where 'time advances normally' but 'the game process is stuck'," Meng Nali looked at the scene on the Sheba globe. Explain: "For example... Just like what you experienced before in "The Elder Scrolls", the protagonist of the game robbed the target of the Dark Brotherhood and also received the blood hand seal letter. As long as you find a place to sleep, you can advance the quest line, but you But at this point it destroyed all the beds in the world."

"...Am I doing some kind of performance art?"

Do you want to count how many performance arts you have done over time? 】

‘It’s so noisy! Shut up! ’

"But this is just an example I gave casually. We are not sure what the situation of 'Gao Gao Dimension' is, and it is very strange to let an AI destroy the world according to a fixed procedure. Could it be..." Meng Nali said mid-sentence. He turned his attention to Luo Shen, who still maintained the appearance of Ancient One and came to open the door today.

"It's very similar to the situation of the 'Reaper', but there is obviously no 'Matrix', 'Dark Soul' and 'Pictured World'," Luo Shen nodded and shook his head: "We sacrificed when we harvested the 'Doomsday Element' The intelligent creatures just changed their living form, but on the 'higher dimension', there may be a real 'harvest', or...'hunting'."


"High-dimensional players" plan to destroy the "high-dimensional world" on a large scale by driving "high-dimensional AI". Or, in that dimension, this behavior is no longer a game, but a low-cost and stable gain. Cold Harvest, either, is producing "self-drawing numbers" and "initial numbers" - can this mode of gameplay really be made into an online game?

"That is to say..." I pointed to the "bubbles": "As long as I don't do anything, the world will always be stuck in this state?"

"That's true, but if we want to 'enhance the dimension', we can't do nothing," Lisa Meng pushed up her glasses and spread her hands: "And we have to formulate the plan for the next dimension upgrade during the process. plan."

"Even if everything goes well and we reach the 'high-dimensional world', we are still not sure whether there is a higher world." Roman picked up the coffee and said in a long voice: "Is anyone going to ban the matryoshka dolls?"'s not difficult to judge this. When it reminds my sister that she can't analyze the world and the great sage turns back into monkey hair, that dimension should be the real world.

"If you can't leave yet, don't worry about running away." Meng Nali reopened the calculation and analysis interface, and streams of light flashed on her glasses: "Our goal at the stage in front of us is to destroy all those who may be 'gaogaodimensional' The 'DNA bubble' used by AI, even if it can obtain our evolution simultaneously, there will be no extra DNA points to add evolutionary projects that will cause harm."

"Destroy... you can't just pop it, right?" I looked at the "DNA balloon" hovering above the convention and exhibition center.

"No, what we have to do is to make them disappear on their own," Meng Nali said while looking at the jumping analysis results: "Xiao Hao, you said that in the game 'Doomsday Company', DNA points can Obtained by popping 'DNA bubbles', and 'DNA bubbles' that are not clicked for a long time will disappear, right? But this higher-dimensional, I don't know what the name is...'program', will not be like this, it seems You can’t actively click on the bubbles, but they won’t disappear over time, which is why there are so many densely packed ones.”

"Indeed, if it can obtain 'high-dimensional DNA points' by actively popping bubbles, then we can do nothing but abduct 'high-dimensional creatures' and 'high-dimensional souls' as much as possible to look for opportunities to make a comeback. No." I agreed.

"But the current situation is different. You have obtained the 'high-dimensional priesthood' of 'Lord God' by guiding 'Reincarnation Gold Crystal', 'Reincarnation White Bear' and other 'high-dimensional creatures/souls' to complete the reincarnation world. Then you can The 'high-dimensional world' exercises part of the authority of this priesthood." Meng Nali moved her hands on the projection operation interface like an afterimage: "Through this authority, you can transform these 'DNA point bubbles' into a 'low-dimensional world'. Doomsday World', as long as you 'save' them as before, the corresponding 'bubbles' will disappear."

"So, how will the 'high-dimensional AI' react? The stuck fixed program must be trying its best to find a breakthrough, right?" I subconsciously planned to count the number of bubbles on the globe, but gave up because those things were too dense. .

"This is the trouble," Meng Nali's hand paused: "Since these 'bubbles' appear due to the spread of '■■■■■■■', the people in each transformed 'world bubble' Doomsday elements all belong to that 'high-dimensional AI'. They will not be controlled by you and will very resolutely try to destroy the world. They can do things like opportunism like Mass Effect or modifying the world setting like the reincarnation world. Can’t reach it.”

"Oh... online confrontation, right? I've played this mode before in Journey to the West, and I'm quite familiar with it." I stared at the "bubble" above the convention and exhibition center where Jin Jing was: "Should we just start with it?"

"No, wait... Now there is bad news and worse news. Which one do you want to hear first?" Meng Nali began to make calculations and observations again.

"Shouldn't there be good news to choose from?" I complained.

"That's good news: Since the 'World Bubble' itself is incomplete, the world settings it transforms will not be complete enough, and may even have serious bugs," Meng Nali replied: "However, in the original work If you’re not sure, you can add the underlying settings yourself.”

"I understand, just like Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece, the basic settings of the world itself are completely encapsulated black boxes. In the end, the analysis will only conclude that 'Chakra is inherited from Kaguya's family' and 'Zanpakuto man' Everyone has such outrageous conclusions as 'Devil Fruits are born', and as a world consciousness, I obviously have to know what they are." I nodded.

Yeah? So what’s the ‘root’ thing about? Where did it come from? 】

‘Program source code! ’

"Then, the bad news is that the 'high-dimensional creatures' within the influence of the 'world bubble' will be brought into the world bubble. If they die in the 'world bubble', they will also be in the 'high-dimensional world' in a kind of way. A relatively reasonable way to die," Meng Nali continued.

Why does this setting become more and more like a truly infinite space and the Lord God?

No, I am.

"Then, let's announce the codename of this 'Operation Dimension Ascension'," Meng Nali adjusted her glasses: "Because we want those DNA bubbles in the 'crown' position of the coronavirus to disappear, that is, the 'Seal Designation' , so the code name for this operation is——"

"Grand designation]."


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