The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and seventy six, burning pollutes the city (4)

The overall high-tech style of Mitakihara Middle School and Mitakihara Town are very consistent. Because they are schools, there are more avant-garde and high-tech designs than ordinary residential areas and commercial districts.

For example, the walls are completely transparent, there are no windows, and the ventilation vent is on the roof of the classroom. This design directly eliminates the campus horror legend "the face of the class teacher in the rear window", but at the same time, there is no room for the "penultimate second to last". Row by the window" the protagonist's throne.

Madoka Shikama's seat is in the middle of the classroom, towards the back. In front of her is Sayaka Miki, and on the left is Hitomi Shizuki. At this time, they are chatting together.


"Really? Did you go to see Kamijou Kyosuke arimakousei-san yesterday? Is he feeling better?"

"On the outside, it looks like nothing, and he plays the violin very well, but he insists that he can't hear the sound of his violin. The doctor said it might be due to congestion on his head, or..."


"Or, maybe it's a psychological problem."

"poor thing."

"Yes, so I was thinking about how I could help him. After all, we are childhood sweethearts."

So sign a contract with me and become a magical girl】人????人\


I waved my hand and knocked away the stupid system sitting on the table.

"Huh? Madoka, what's wrong with you?" Sayaka, who was chatting happily with Hitomi, turned her head and looked over.

"Nothing, there seemed to be mosquitoes just now." I waved my hand twice more.

"Are there any mosquitoes? There must be something wrong with the classroom's environmental control system. I'll go to the principal and report it to the whole thing," Hitomi said, tapping her cheek with her finger.

"Oh, is this Miss's solution? All I can think of is catching it and beating it to death." Sayaka looked impressed.

"That's what I thought too." I glared at the stupid system that climbed back onto the desk.

Just kidding, she can't see me anyway. A creature like Kyubey can completely decide who to appear in front of. 】

‘Be honest, or I will let Xiao Meiyan kill you. ’

I was wrong! 】

This gave in too quickly.

However, when I received the stupid system at the school gate before, it looked very miserable.

But it's not Qiubi Benqiu...could it be an act?

Speaking of which, as the two heroines in the "Young Plum Loses from the Sky" drama, Sayaka and Hitomi should both like Kamijo Kyosuke. The accident in which the guy was injured and unable to play was also the inducement for Sayaka to become a witch.

I was already thinking about how to solve this matter, but judging from the atmosphere between the two of them, it seemed that there was no intention of competing at all. Could it be that I haven't noticed it yet?

I don’t want to fight the mermaid witch.


At this time, the school bell rang, and Sayaka and Hitomi each returned to their seats and sorted out their books.

Speaking of which, when Akatsuki Homura sees "Kyubey" and "Shikame Madoka" stay together, I wonder what the expression will be on her face?


"Question Time!"

The female teacher with short brown hair, wearing a yellow striped skirt and a green long skirt, tapped the blackboard with a pointer:

"Who is the strongest person on Earth, Sun Wukong or Xiao Lin!? You answer it!"

"Ah, this..." The male student who was pointed by the pointer looked confused: "Sun Wukong... right?"

"Wrong!" The female teacher glared at him with a look of hatred: "Kakarot is a Saiyan! And Xiaolin is the strongest Earthling!"

"Yes...really?" The male student was shocked by the momentum and subconsciously replied: "I'm sorry."

"Hmph..." The female teacher turned to the other students: "Everyone, please remember that if you read the wrong question or do the wrong question, you must honestly admit your mistake, instead of using "The Monkey King is of course better than Xiao Lin" as a sophistry! This kind of man will never find a girlfriend in his life!"

"Ah, the teacher's relationship that lasted for two months has ended again." Sayaka said secretly.

"After all, she is Auntie Saotome and Ujimurataiga." Hitomi also answered quietly.

Um? Strange, do Saotome Kazuko and Shizuki Hitomi have this kind of relationship?

Although there is no "World Will" authority in confrontation mode, there is still no problem if you look at the basic settings.

Well, it is engraved on the world base that "Saotome Kazuko daidoujisonomi is the aunt of Hitomi daidoujitomoyo Shizuki and the daughter of the director of Mitakihara Middle School Holdings."

So why does this young lady fall out of love again and again?

I said that because the world setting is incomplete, the details may be automatically added after transforming into the reincarnation world. Otherwise, why wasn't her messy teaching style dismissed? 】The stupid system interjected.

‘It seems to make sense, but isn’t this automatically added detail a bit outrageous? ’

Your opponent is an AI, and the world consciousness is now neutral, so whose idea do you think the details were added based on? 】


"Okay, then I want to introduce a foreign transfer student to you." Teacher Kazuko calmed down and said in a business tone.

"Tell me about that kind of thing from the beginning, teacher -" the students booed.

"So, Akemi-kun?" She turned to the door.

Um...wait, foreign transfer student? Xiao Meiyan's appearance doesn't look like a foreigner, does it?

Da, da, da, a girl walked in from the classroom door.

She did not wear a school uniform like other students, but wore a red top, a dark purple mid-length skirt, and black stockings. She had neat long pale pink shawl hair. Her appearance was very delicate and cute, but her eyes were cold and sharp. .

"Wow... what a beauty..." "So beautiful."

The students around him all praised him.

"Damn ranking on the class beauty list is about to drop again." Sayaka muttered, tilting her head.

"That's not the case, Sayaka has always been cute," Hitomi comforted quietly.

‘What about the black and long straight hair we promised? ’ I reached out and poked at the stupid system.

Is it true that my hair was black and straight when you hit me? 】

'No way, could it be that...'

"Okay, please introduce yourself." Mr. Kazuko gave up his seat.

"I'm Homura Akatsuki," she said, looking straight at me... the stupid system on the table: "Please take care of me."

The invisibility effect doesn't work on her, ow! ] The stupid system covered his head with his ears and shivered.

"Uh... Akemihomura... Huh?" Mr. Kazuko originally wrote his name at the back, but stopped mid-write.

It's okay if I forget to write when I pick up my pen, but it doesn't matter. I really can't be a teacher.

"..." Xiao Meiyan picked up the chalk and helped complete Teacher Hezi's name, then wrote a row of sounds next to it, and then turned around: "Also, everyone can call me by my German name: 'Chloe Feng... Einzbern einzbern'."


This is absolutely none of my business. I am Madoka Shikama now, not Illya.

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