The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and eighty-two, burning pollutes the city (10)

Just like the residents of Mitakihara cannot adapt to high-tech life, various schools in Mitakihara cannot adapt to various advanced teaching facilities and methods. The boys and girls of Mitakihara Middle School still have to think about what to do after school. Questions like whether to join club activities, hang out with friends, or just go home.

However, Madoka Shikama and Sayaka Miki naturally don't have this problem. They have made an appointment with Tomoe Asami to experience "the daily life of a magical girl".

At this time, the three girls had already met at the school gate.


"Is that Homura Akatsuki's classmate? She is also a magical girl, but she joins the track and field club." Hitomi said, looking in the direction of the playground.

"This is normal. According to the rules, radio girls usually pretend to be eldest ladies who are excellent in studies, versatile in sports, have extraordinary looks, and may also be cadres of the student union." Sayaka waved her hand nonchalantly.

"Uh... um... let's collapse, this world, this world..." Hitomi raised her hand to cover one eye and stumbled.

"That's Chuuni, not a radio wave!" Sayaka grabbed her shoulders and shook her hard.

"But we are really in the second grade of middle school?"

"Just be yourself!"

"Ah haha..." I could only laugh dryly, and then turned to look at Xiao Meiyan.

Tap tap tap - Phew!

The moment I looked over, Xiao Meiyan did a graceful back high jump over the railing.

Even the stupid system won't believe her if she says she's not playing tricks.

I really don’t believe it, no matter what you think, this cos Shirou’s behavior was all done by your followers. 】

‘But there really isn’t Chloe among my followers. Where did she come from? ’

Try asking directly in person? 】

‘It’s weird to be able to talk, right? ’

"Good afternoon, Hitomi, Sayaka, Madoka," At this moment, Tomoe Mami walked out of the school gracefully, carrying her schoolbag, "Sorry, it took a little time to arrange the work of the student union."

"Ahaha..." Sayaka scratched her head: "If you're busy, it's okay not to 'experience' with us."

"That's not okay. As a 'senior', you have to teach the 'juniors' well. Moreover," she looked at me: "The witch who was injured by us yesterday will definitely attack ordinary people to obtain magic power. I must do it before nightfall." Destroy it."

"Huh?" Sayaka blinked: "If it's so urgent, why don't we go during the day? If you can't take leave, you can skip class."

"Because the 'Witch' doesn't move during the day..." Tomoe Mami looked around and walked away from the school gate: "Let's talk as we walk."

"It's not good to skip class." Hitomi followed up while trying to correct Sayaka's wrong ideas.

Hmm... I kept silent because I wanted to see how long you were going to talk about "Second Two" at the school gate.


"Witches usually hide in their own barriers. Although they can find ways to find and attack them, it is very time-consuming and labor-intensive. On the other hand, they will not start their formation until after 18:00 every day, that is, after the 'moment of encountering the devil'. world and move autonomously, at this time, the witch will be easily tracked by the 'soul gem'. This time limit is called the twilight frontier by the predecessors, and the traces of the witch that can be tracked are called griesyndrome." Asami Tomoe explained while holding her soul gem and searching for some kind of trace. this name serious?

Magical girls suffer from depression because they become witches?

"If the witch was not stopped in time, there might be victims?" Hitomi frowned slightly.

"That's true. Those 'self-sharks', 'shark abuse' and some bizarre deaths that you can occasionally see in newspapers and text messages may be caused by witches. They give their victims a 'witch's kiss' , to amplify a certain negative emotion they have belonging to 'Tzeentch', 'Nurgle', 'Khorne' and 'Slaanesh', it is likely that the victim will die holding this emotion, regardless of the victim Whether they are dead or not, witches can obtain magic power from this process," Tomami paused, "But, if it is a 'witch of despair', the victim will basically die."

Everyone fell into silence for a moment, perhaps because they were afraid of the witch's methods, or perhaps because they sympathized with the victim.

"...Is it just inducing emotions? How is their own fighting ability?" Sayaka was the first to recover and took out a metal bat from her school bag: "I borrowed it from the baseball club. If I encounter a witch, I will beat her. fly!"

"Hmm," Tomoe Mami said noncommittally, "The combat abilities of witches are not the same. They may be strong or weak. If you encounter a witch of small size, I can let you try it."

Yes, yes, someone's witch form is the size of a teacup, I won't say who it is.

"Senior, you said that if our wishes are too strong, Kyubey will appear and invite us to become magical girls. Then, who will design the clothes after the 'transformation'?" Hitomi also asked. road.

"This...change yourself based on the clothes that you subconsciously think are handsome and beautiful?" Tomoe Mami was in a daze, as if she had never considered this kind of problem.

"Then, if you design it in advance, can you change into different clothes every time you transform?" Hitomi asked.

"No, I don't know, maybe... it's okay?" Tomoe Mami continued to be in a daze, and even the light of the soul gem in her hand froze.

"I have been designing costumes since I found out about 'Magical Girl'. It only took me one afternoon. Maybe the design was not good." Hitomi took out a drawing book from her schoolbag and unfolded it: "Look."

The one with the sword, the one with the staff, pink, blue, with wings, with streamers, dreamy, handsome, elegant, corseted, slippery, furry...

There are no less than ten kinds of costumes of magical girls after transformation in the album, with different design styles, and some of them have specially marked certain details. However, the "magical girls" wearing these costumes in the design drawings, without exception, are all. Sayaka Miki.

"The painting... is great..." Tomoe Mami said dryly, looking like she didn't know how to evaluate it at all.

"Hey, many of them don't suit my style," Sayaka said carelessly, pointing to several outfits in pink fantasy style, pure white solemn style, and purple ethnic style: "These are suitable for Madoka."

With a good eye, I picked out the magical girl, the clothes of the sky, and Shidunai's outfits. 】

‘That makes no sense. Can’t Illya wear anything else? ’

what? A raincoat and a bikini are not suitable for magical girls. 】

‘I’m talking about Illya’s black spiritual clothes, or the clothes of other class cards, you stupid showerhead! ’

Xiao Hei was ecstatic. 】


While I was talking nonsense with the stupid system, a golden whirlwind suddenly appeared in front of Hitomi, causing everyone to be on guard and retreat.

After the whirlwind subsided, a small animal with a golden body, pure white wings, a round head and round ears appeared there.

It looked left and right, focused on Hitomi's drawing book, and then focused on Sayaka Miki:

"Sign a contract with me and become a magical girl!]" To be continued

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