The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and eighty-five, burning pollutes the city (13)


After using ribbons and flintlocks to fight with the familiars of the "Rose Witch", Tomoe Mami found an opportunity to jump to a high place and conjured a huge silver gun out of thin air, with a bright golden stream of light gushing out from the muzzle. In just an instant, the Rose Witch was blasted into scattered colorful lights and shadows.

The next moment, the weird "Garden Stadium" disappeared, and everyone present reappeared in the corridor of the Botanical Garden, where everything seemed normal.

The big gun in Tomoe Mami's hand also disappeared, replaced by a cup of steaming black tea.

Warm tea and kill the witch, right?

It’s just that the primary school student looks a bit weird holding tea. Do you want to remind her to change back first?

"It's amazing. Is that a special move like Ultraman? But why didn't you use it from the beginning?" Sayaka was obviously impressed by Tomoe Mami's fighting skills. He clenched his fists and stared at her with wide eyes. .

"That's..." Tomoe Mami pondered while holding the tea cup, seeming to be thinking about how to explain.

"That's a special move that consumes a lot of magic power. If you miss it, you won't be able to use it again for a long time," Xiao Ke responded first.

"Oh, because it's a non-locking technique, you have to use a control technique to immobilize the enemy first, right?" Sayaka clapped her hands: "If I become a magical girl, I must be a melee type and be able to control the enemy."

"Put it on me!]" Xiao Ke patted her chest.

"Then I will assist Sayaka then." Hitomi held one side of her face in her hands and answered.

...Then I go to the jungle?

I think what you are saying is not the same thing at all. 】

"As a magical girl, you must plan the use of magic power rationally." Tomoe Mami flipped her wrist, hid the cup of tea, and replaced it with her golden soul gem: "Look, it's even more turbid inside."

"I remember you said, senior, that you can 'replenish your magic power' after defeating the witch? But it doesn't seem to have changed?" I tried to pretend to be new.

"I just picked up the props to replenish magic power," Tomoe Mami flipped her wrist again and took out a black sphere with spikes: "This is the 'Witch's Egg', or in other words, Grieseed."

"Eggs? Those things just now?" Sayaka looked like she didn't know what to say: "How to use this..."

"It's very simple, just bring them close and activate the magic power..." Tomoe Mami placed the soul gem and the Lament Seed side by side in front of her, with a slight golden light shining on her hand.

Then, the black turbidity like ink floated out of the Soul Gem and went straight into the "Seed of Lament". At the same time, a subtle golden light escaped from the Seed of Lament and was sucked into the Soul Gem. .

"This is..." Hitomi and Sayaka watched the interaction between them without blinking.

"No matter what kind of evil thoughts there are, there will always be some goodwill left. The 'Soul Gem' can purify itself by absorbing the remaining goodwill from the 'Seed of Lament'," Tomoe Mami explained: "When there is no goodwill in the 'Seed of Lament', When the soul gem cannot be purified, a new witch will be 'hatched'."

"Ah? Are we going to continue fighting later?" Sayaka asked nervously, holding the bat she had never had a chance to use.

"No," Tomoe Mami shook her head and looked at the stupid system: "Under normal circumstances, I will only use it if I find another 'Guardian Beast', but there are two here today, and the matter of destroying the Seed of Lament is completely Don’t worry anymore.”

Hmm... I followed her gaze and looked at the stupid Kyubey-shaped system.

‘Another duty of Kyubey is to swallow the Seed of Lament to prevent the birth of new witches. Do you have this function? ’

Do you have any misunderstanding about my identity? 】

‘Indeed, I shouldn’t question a foodie’s recipe. ’

"The Lamented Seed that cannot purify the Soul Gem will be filled with pure malice. Therefore, in addition to being called the 'Witch's Egg' according to its function, it is also called the evil of this world]," Tomoe Mami raised her hand to lament. The seed was thrown over: "And the 'Magical Girl Guardian Beasts' born through the 'Will of the Great Universe' are responsible for destroying it."

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Xiao Ke and Chou System jumped up at the same time and rushed towards the Seed of Lament, while Chou System was a little faster, curled up the Seed of Lament with his tail and stuffed it directly into his body from the pattern on his back.

"Damn rabbit!]" Xiao Ke arched his back and bared his teeth.

"You have a quick hand, but you don't have a slow hand. Hiccup] The stupid system gets an advantage and behaves well."

"Okay, when I become a magical girl in the future, you will be indispensable." Sayaka took Xiaoke's neck and put it back on her head.

"Oh? After fully experiencing this battle with the witch, you still haven't changed your mind?" Tomoe Mami clasped her hands together, put away the soul gem, and then transformed from a primary school student body back to her original senior sister in a golden light and shadow.

"Ah, after all, witches are harming people. If you become a magical girl, you have a chance to save them. After all, this city is so big, and senior sister may not be able to catch up." Sayaka scratched her cheek: "Besides, Hitomi designed it for me. There are so many magical girl costumes, we can’t let her work go in vain.”

"No, don't worry about me. No matter what decision you make, I will support you." Hitomi answered quickly.

"Don't be anxious, think about your wishes first, don't become a magical girl just for the sake of becoming a magical girl." Tomoe Mami said something that seemed like nonsense.

"Ah haha, I will seriously consider it. After all, I can't think of any wishes right now..."

These words were said by the senior sister to Madoka in the "original work", but they are not a big problem if she said them to Sayaka.'s a bit strange. Why does Sayaka and Hitomi's relationship look more and more like Sakura and Tomoyo? Even Xiao Ke showed up.

I'm pretty sure I didn't recruit the character who was the originator of Magical Girl. What exactly is... huh?

Tomoe Mami was still communicating with Sayaka about the "wishes" issue, but something went wrong with the stupid system that had just swallowed the "Seed of Lament".

Tiny pure white light spots appeared out of thin air on its head, and then combined into the shape of a butterfly. This "butterfly" flapped its wings gently and flew in my direction.

'What is this? ’

I raised my hand, and the butterfly landed lightly on my finger, flapping its wings slowly.

I don’t know, I’m very sure that the ‘Rose Witch’ and the ‘Seed of Lament’ are gone, but it has the slightest connection with the ‘Rose Witch’.] The stupid system swung its tail: How about you give it a try? 】

'What kind of bad idea do you mean...'

Speaking of which, there is no clue how to collect the high-dimensional doomsday elements of this world: "Witch" and "Seed of Lament". The two conditions of "magical girl falling into despair and soul gem not being purified in time" cannot be fulfilled no matter how you look at it.

The Seed of Lament was swallowed by the stupid system card Kyubey and there was no reaction. On the contrary, the behavior of eating "Pringles" earlier had an impact on the strength of the Rose Witch. Maybe...

At this time, the conversation between Asami and Sayaka seemed to have come to an end, and they were about to turn to me.

Hey, anyway, this butterfly is made of magic light points, not a real butterfly or a familiar.

I didn't bother to think too much, so I raised my hand and stuffed it into my mouth.

Tip: Obtain high-dimensional doomsday elements: ‘Rose Witch’ and ‘Rose Witch of Lament’. 】

...nice to be continued

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