The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, burning pollutes the city (25)

Jin Jing and Kong were looking at the motionless giant witch in the distance.

"Nah, that, what is that?"

"The witch that Madoka became, the witch of relief], or in other words, 'Tiamat'."

"But Madoka is obviously fine?"

"I didn't say, 'our Madoka'."



"Then, please introduce yourself to this new classmate."

The older, unmarried female teacher raised her hand in a gesture of invitation.

"I, I am Xiao, Xiaomei, Homura... please take care of me."

The thin voice, the cramped expression, the rustic braids, and the myopia that covered most of his face made this transfer student's charm in the hearts of his classmates continue to decrease.

"Xiaomei has been hospitalized due to heart disease. She has just been discharged from the hospital recently. She may have a lot of discomfort. Everyone should take good care of her."

"We'll take care of her like a teacher without a boyfriend—"

"Who said this! Stand up!"

However, the "sickly" attribute seems to bring some extra points?

During the break, Xiao Meiyan was surrounded by curious girls.

"Which school did Xiaomei go to before?"

"Holy...Holy Article Academy..."

"Did you join any clubs before?"

"Literary...Literary and Art Department."

"What shampoo do you use for such beautiful hair?"


"Hey? How much will Rejoice give you? I'll give you double the amount from Head \u0026 Shoulders."

"Let me tell you, it's obviously a product of the same company, right?"

"Huh? Really?"

Although the students had good intentions, the dense crowd still made Xiao Meiyan involuntarily have difficulty breathing.

"Xiao Mei," a girl with a short pink ponytail and a slightly round face separated the crowd like Moses parting the sea: "You should go to the health room for a checkup or take medicine during your break, right? Do you know where it is?"

"Ah, no..." Xiao Meiyan looked at the red ribbon tied on the girl's head, feeling a little dazed.

"Then let me take you there. I am the health committee member of this class. Everyone, please give way."

Before getting any further answers, Xiao Meiyan was pulled out of the classroom by the pink-haired girl.

"My name is Shikame Madoka, you can just call me Madoka," she greeted the other students she met energetically as she led the way. At the same time, she did not forget to talk to Akatsuki Homura: "Can I call you Homura?" ?”

"Well... I rarely get called by my name... and the pronunciation is not nice..." Xiao Meiyan said hesitantly, pressing her chest.

"No way." Shikamu turned around with a round voice and raised his hand to point to the sky: "When you pronounce the name 'Xiaoyan', it will give people a feeling of 'crack!'"

What kind of strange movement is that?

Although Xiao Meiyan was still a little nervous, her expression became much more relaxed.

"Yes, but I have been out of school for a long time and I can't keep up with my studies...I can't do sports either...I can't express the 'crack' feeling..."

"Isn't that a waste?" Madoka Shikama looked at her seriously: "It's rare to have such a handsome name, why not work hard to become worthy of the name?"


"It doesn't look like me," Shikama Madoka raised his hands to cover both sides of his cheeks, "There's no way to change such a 'round' face."


"Ah, I laughed. Isn't this cute? Xiaoyan must smile more in the future."

——One day, you will pray for powerful power for others】——

“Trying to be worthy of your name?”

After school, Xiao Meiyan walked home with her head lowered and whispered to herself:

"I've tried my best, but it's impossible... I can't understand the textbook at all... The same goes for my classmates' notes... I fainted just during the warm-up in the physical education class, let alone participating..."

"I can't do anything..."

"In that case, it would be better to die.]"

"No, for things like heart disease, you can earn just one more day of life."

"Obviously it will only cause trouble for others and embarrass myself."

"I'm not afraid of embarrassment, and I won't associate with people who find me troublesome."

"...So why are you feeling sorry for yourself?]"

"Because as long as you let yourself go to the bottom, you can only climb up... Huh?"

Xiao Meiyan later realized that this conversation did not seem to be talking to herself, and she raised her head and looked around in confusion.

At this time, she was standing on a bridge across the river. The blood-like sunset illuminated the river and the bridge red, but the rolling traffic that should have been coming and going was completely missing.

Suitable for this weird scene, right in front of the road, was a mass of twisted air that was constantly radiating red lightning.

"At the bottom of the valley? Hahaha...]" The air made the same sound as when he interrupted before, but it seemed a little angry: "I will drag you to hell!]"

The next moment, the twisted air spewed out more "distortions" in all directions. In just a moment, the sky, rivers and bridges in Xiaomei Yan's eyes turned into weird shapes that were constantly twisting, shaking and flowing. She raised her hands , and found that his arms had become so twisted.

Xiao Meiyan subconsciously touched her face, fearing that her face would be too distorted to see, but it seemed to feel normal: "What on earth is this -"

"She is an artist's witch] Oh, the theme this time seems to be "The Screaming Appearance."

"I finally caught this cunning guy, thanks to the strong Homura-san - but please keep this position and don't move."

She was answered by Madoka Shikama and a more mature girl's voice.

Although Akatsuki Homura didn't know what was going on, she still subconsciously followed Madoka Shikama's instructions.

"Damn it! You guys——"


"Ah ah ah ah ah!】"

As the golden torrent swept past, the twisted world and the source of the distortion completely disappeared with a burst of piercing screams.

Xiao Meiyan turned around and saw two "magical girls" wearing gold and pink costumes, each holding a flintlock gun and a long bow.

"Ah, it was exposed on the first day. Please keep it a secret at school." Madoka Shikama stuck out her tongue.

"This proves that she also has the qualifications to become a magical girl.]"


——The night when love clutched my chest tightly, an unknown spell was born】——

"Today... sizzling... blue... witch night... landing... sizzling... strong wind... please...]"

In the ruined city, the dark sky, the patter of raindrops, and the deathly silence, only a radio buried somewhere still insists on reporting the useless typhoon warning.

Xiaomi Homura held the hand of Shikama Madoka, who had fallen into the puddle with no sign of life, lowered his head and murmured to himself: "Why... even if I know I will die... I still have to fight the witch..."

"This is the mission of magical girls. When they choose to become magical girls, they are destined to have such an ending." People????People\\

"If I could wish to become a magical girl..."

"There should be no difference. As an inexperienced newcomer, how can I fight against a witch of the level of 'Witch Night'?]"人????人\

"Ugh...I can't do anything..."

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to look for a new magical girl. After Tomoe Mami and Shikama Madoka died together in 'Witch Night', Mitakihara will be in trouble if a new witch is born.]" People???? people\\

"Wait..." Xiao Meiyan raised her head as if thinking of something, with a glimmer of hope in her eyes: "You said that I have the qualifications of a magical girl, right? If I make a wish to resurrect Madoka..."

"Impossible. It would be fine if it were an ordinary person. Magical girls cannot be resurrected.]"人????人\

"Then, then..." Xiao Meiyan raised her hand and took off her glasses, which were completely wet by rain or tears, and looked at the little white animal whose expression had never changed: "What if I make a wish to go back to the past?"

"...]" Kyubey was silent for a while and said, "Okay."

"Then, I want to sign a contract with you and become a magical girl. My wish is to go back to before I met Madoka!" Akatsuki Homura said loudly without having time to think about it.

"The contract is made,]" Ren????Ren\\: "Use your share of power.]"

"Uh-huh-ahhh!" Xiao Meiyan let out a heart-rending scream, her whole body glowed with bright golden light, and then she disappeared from the spot.

——The memory that you still dream about, the tomorrow that I can’t sleep on. 】——

"Then, please introduce yourself to this new classmate."

"I am Xiao Meiyan! I have been hospitalized because of a heart disease. I have missed a lot of homework and my physical condition is not very good. Please take care of me!"

"Good! Very energetic!"

——In order to win the miracle that allows you and me to meet, I will continue to move forward. 】——

"Shikame Madoka-san! I am also a magical girl! Let's work hard together!"

"Ah, haha... Well... we are discussing the script, yes, the script of a magical girl."

——When I still loved fairy tales】——

"Is it a time-based ability? Although it is not lethal, if used well, it may be the strongest ability. Let me give you special training."

"Okay! Asami-san!"

——Fairy tales tell me that dreams will eventually come true】——

"I...I really can't do anything...but at least Madoka survived..."

"Xiaoyan...I'm in so much pain...I...ahhhhhh——!]"

"...What is that!? A witch? Why did Madoka become a witch?"

“An immature witch is a ‘magical girl’]”人????人\

"Damn it! Next time I will tell everyone your conspiracy!"

——Blooming quietly and wantonly, the ancient magic is gentle and elegant]——

boom! boom!

"If...if that's the case...don't we just have to die...instead of becoming a witch, why don't you let me do it..."

"Wait a minute! Miss Asami, there must be other ways——"


"It's really... too much... why is this happening..."

"It doesn't matter, Madoka, it doesn't matter. Even just the two of us can defeat Witch Night."

"Damn it, I must defeat this guy next time——"

"I from other parallel time and space really gave you a great gift.]"人????人\

——Qingrou tells me that I have the power to change the world in my hands】——

“Definitely next time”

“Definitely next time”

“Definitely next time”

"Definitely next time" xn

——Dream an endless dream, walking with you in time】——

"Please...Homura...please save me, the idiot who hasn't been deceived by Kyubey, and don't let her end up like me."

"I promise you... I won't let you become a magical girl... No matter how many times, I will definitely..."

——Only this longing is all my sustenance】——

Boom boom boom——!


The flames of explosions were blooming everywhere on Witch Night's body. Although she was blown away several times by various thermal weapons, there were no scars on her body at all. She laughed wildly while casually smashing the floating building debris towards Akatsuki Homura. , and at the same time absorbed the fire around her, turning it into fire arrows with tracking capabilities and shooting at her.

After Xiaomei Yan barely avoided the attacks of two buildings, she was hit by a fire arrow shot from a blind spot in her sight. Even though she blocked it in time with the shield on her forearm, she was still thrown upside down due to the impact.

"Be careful! Homura!" Seeing the roof of Takihara Hotel, Shikama Madara clenched his fists and was very nervous.

"There is no way, the burden would be too heavy for her alone.]"人????人\"If you give up now, it will be over, so sign a contract with me and become a magical girl!】"


Relying on her familiar moves and weaknesses, she managed to fight back and forth with Witch of the Night, but was still at a disadvantage most of the time. Homura amanesuzuha fell to the rooftop, vomiting blood and shouting:

"Madoka - don't listen to Kyubey's nonsense..."

"But I think it makes sense." Shikamu Yuanyuan tilted his head.

Xiao Meiyan was about to say something, but she was shocked to find that Madoka Shikama grabbed Kyubey's neck, then kneaded it into a ball, then stretched it, and finally created a beautiful magic wand with stars. .

At the same time, she completed a magical girl transformation without using the Soul Stone at all.

"Hmph, hum." Madoka Shikama, who was wearing a magical girl costume that was completely different from what Xiaomi Homura remembered, casually tapped the guardrail next to her with her magic wand a few times, and then pointed it at the Witch of the Night in the air: "Multiple Duo Saturation Bombardment Starlightbreaker】!!”

At the same time as that magical bombardment was activated, Xiao Meiyan's own time ability was also forcibly activated.

No! etc! I also want to see what happens here!

She stretched out her hand and disappeared into the golden vortex of time.

——What creates life is desire】——

The very beginning, the world where Akatsuki Homura made a wish and disappeared.

"It is impossible to change history or turn back time," Kyubey flicked his tail and looked at the place where Xiao Meiyan disappeared and said: "This kind of 'time travel' only allows you to go to the place where Xiao Meiyan has not yet met Lu. It’s just a parallel time and space where Eye Circle meets, and half of the energy you gain from your actions in other parallel time and space will be taken away by me.】”

"Furthermore, no matter whether your action to 'save Madoka Shikama' is successful or not, it cannot change the fact that -]"人????人\"'The one you really want to save, Madoka Shikame, is dead." "

Kyubey stayed there for a moment, shook his ears and turned to leave: "I still have to find a new magical girl.]"


The chest of Shikama Madoka's "corpse" suddenly rose and fell.

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