The Collection of The End

One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seven, Evil Dragon Year 0 War (7)

——Third Age, 3001, September 22——


boom! --Snapped!

Fireworks, green, red, and orange, lit up in the night sky of Hobbiton, making the banquet being held below even more lively.

Hobbits, men and women, young and old, were all dressed in clothes suitable for the celebration, playing musical instruments, feasting at the table, or dancing with each other. The swaying lights and waving flags made the atmosphere extremely lively.


"It's great that you can come, welcome." The protagonist of the celebration, Bilbo, was talking to some elderly hobbits at the entrance of the venue, smiling all over his face.

"Hey, Frodo? Why don't you go dancing?" Samwisegamgee turned around and sat next to Frodo, who was looking at the venue in the corner.

"People's joys and sorrows are not connected with each other. I only think they are noisy." Frodo said.

"...What?" Sam scratched his head.


"Gandalf! Gandalf!" "Fireworks! Fireworks!" On the other side, Gandalf, who was responsible for releasing the fireworks, was surrounded by hobbit children.

"Look - boom!" Gandalf lit a firework with hundreds of white doves with his bare hands, making the hobbit children applaud.

"Come again! Come again!"

"Hehe, hehe." Gandalf cheerfully took down more fireworks from his carriage and prepared to set them off.

And just when he left, two hobbits quietly got out from behind the carriage and quietly took the largest red fireworks from the carriage.


"Welcome... welcome... uh." Bilbo, who was greeting the guests, twitched his ears and immediately turned around and ran away without looking back, taking Frodo away with him when he met him.

"It's the two old ladies from Sackville! I don't want to quarrel with them!" He explained in a low voice, pulling Frodo out of the venue.

"Need I remind you, uncle, that you are older than the two of them combined?" Frodo looked at him sideways.

"I know! Keep your voice down!"


On the other side, the two hobbit boys who stole the fireworks were studying the fireworks that were shooting out sparks in front of them.

"I thought it said to be planted in the ground and set on fire?"

"I've got it stuck in the ground."

"But this is inside a tent?"

"You started the fire!"

"I don't!"


The big red fireworks suddenly shot up, taking the tent into the sky. After blooming into large flames in the air, they turned into a huge red dragon and swooped down, knocking half of the people in the venue to the ground. Finally, it shot straight into the sky and exploded with sparks all over the sky.

Even though they were knocked off their feet, the hobbit guests were still clapping and applauding under the influence of alcohol and warm atmosphere.

"Peregrintook, and Meriadodybuck," Gandalf pinched their ears one by one: "You two will wash the wine glasses and dishes for this banquet."


"Ah...that's bad." Bilbo watched the fire dragon fireworks explode, his eyes dull.

"What's wrong? Don't you set off these fireworks once a year?" Frodo looked at him: "This time it's just a little earlier."

"No, this is not an ordinary firework, it has a special meaning." Bilbo suddenly turned his head and looked at Frodo: "You leave's too late."

"What?" Frodo looked at Bilbo's expression, then turned around and looked behind him, "Huh?"

At some point a little hobbit girl appeared there.

She has pink-white hair that is very rare among ordinary hobbits. She wears a pink and white dress that is quite different from ordinary hobbits. Her big blue eyes and round face also look different from ordinary hobbits. However, those two short, fat little legs undoubtedly proved her Hobbit identity.

The girl "Baggins" raised her hand and greeted Bilbo energetically with a milky voice: "Here I come."

"Ah, I'm sorry, the banquet is not over yet. I can't get away. How about you go to the venue to have something to eat first... No, go to my house first and wait?" Bilbo looked at the girl and then at Frodo, speaking incoherently. Sweat on forehead.

"Bluff-" The little hobbit girl glared at Bilbo with an expression as if she wanted to eat him.

"I really can't leave! There will be a speech later! I promise it will be soon!" Bilbo held his head and shivered.

"What are you afraid of?" Frodo was confused, and he took out a bag of snacks he got at the venue and handed it to the little girl: "Are you hungry? Don't bother Bilbo, I can also help you get something to eat. …My name is Frodo, what is your name?”

Ah wu——

The little girl swallowed the snack and the packaging in one gulp, and Frodo did not even notice her swallowing.

"My name is 'Smaug Sophie'," the girl stuck out her tongue and licked her lips: "Are you the Hobbit successor that Baggins said?"

"Ah, probably. Uncle Bilbo did say that he would leave all his property to me," Frodo said mid-sentence, before realizing he was stunned: "...Smaug?"

"Hmm, then the contract is established," the little girl nodded: "I will hand over the stolen treasure to you in the future, and you will be responsible for providing me with food."

"..." Frodo turned to look at Bilbo: "Is this the origin of your unexplained properties?"

"Of course, but it will be your property from now on." Following the words, Gandalf came over with his staff: "It's almost time for the protagonist of the birthday party to give a speech. Bilbo, you go over first. I will take Frodo and Smaug will meet you at Bag End."

"Oh, yes, of course. Although this scene is a bit early, it is not unexpected." Bilbo had regained his composure, straightened his hair and clothes a little, and walked towards the venue pretending to be calm: "Wait until I come back."

"Disgusting Maia!" Before Bilbo could get away, the little girl who called herself Smaug pounced on Gandalf, seemingly planning to bite him, but Frodo had run out of food and subconsciously reached out to stop him.

call out

Gandalf calmly faced the danger and raised his hand to throw out a candy. The little girl turned around in mid-air and caught it in one mouthful.

Boo hoo hoo

Gandalf threw three candies again, and the little girl changed directions three times in a row. After eating them all, she fell to the ground again.

"Hmm..." The little girl chewed candy in her mouth and looked at the gray-robed wizard who was blocked by Frodo: "It turns out to be Gandalf."

How do you identify people? What's in the recipe? Frodo was sweating a little.

"Let me ask first, have you not eaten a giant eagle recently?" Gandalf pinched his forehead.

"I won't eat until I defeat Gwaihir!" The little girl looked annoyed and questioned, looking ready to take another bite from Gandalf at any time.

"Oh, then..."

"Only one balrog was eaten."

"Cough cough cough!"

Although he had no idea what they were talking about, Frodo thought, he must have stepped into some serious trouble.

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