The Collection of The End

One Thousand Nine Hundred and Nine, Evil Dragon Year 0 War (9)

——Third Age, 3017, April 5——

The borders of Gondor, Cair Andros dros.

The city's name comes from an Elvish word meaning "ship of foam."

It is located on a narrow island about 16 kilometers long downstream of the Anduin River, the longest river in Middle-earth. The island is shaped like a large ship. The northern end of the island is tall and sharp, like the bow of a ship. The Anduin River The river water hits the sharp rocks there and splashes countless white foam, hence the name.

To the east of this island is Mordor, the territory of the Dark Lord, and to the west is Anorien, the fiefdom where Minas Tirith, the capital of Gondor, is located. It has very important strategic value, so the Gondor people A fortress was built on it to defend against the attack of Mordor. Nearly a thousand years after Sauron was defeated, it has developed into a fortress city with strong defensive capabilities.

A city naturally has taverns, and the most indispensable thing in taverns is drunkards and drunkards.

"Tap-tat-tat... la-la... ow!" A drunkard who was singing a strange tune randomly tried to push open the door of the tavern to leave, but was knocked to the ground by the door that opened in the opposite direction.

"Damn it...which one...jumped ashore...dead fish!" The drunk man was furious, drew his sword with his backhand, and shouted angrily at the person who had just entered the door.

Snap, the person grabbed his wrist: "You don't recognize me?"

"Why should I admit..." The drunk man's eyes widened.

The person holding his hand was a man wearing black steel armor, lined with dark blue chain mail, with long black hair, a resolute face, gray-blue eyes, and a calm and confident expression. Behind him, there were others Nearly ten equally well-equipped men and women, including even a wizard in gray robes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you, sir." The drunkard's hand shook, and the ordinary iron sword fell, and the man caught it with his backhand.

"Go away, don't let me see you again." The man waved his sword in a flash, and then handed it to the follower behind him.

"Yes, yes--" The drunkard didn't dare to ask for it and rushed out of the door.

"Aragorn, you even want to snatch a drunkard's weapon?" Gandalf held up his hat and seriously considered whether to keep a distance from him in the future, but then realized that it seemed that it was too late.

"If you can sell it for 5 silver dinars, why not?" Aragorn shrugged, ignoring the looks of other guests in the tavern, walked straight to the counter, knocked on the countertop, and then spoke loudly so that everyone in the room could hear it. Said: "Helbo! I bought the wine tonight!"

"Okay!" "Here's to Big Step!" "Is your legion still short of people?" The tavern was filled with joy.

I picked up 5 dinars and spent another 2 Mirian gold coins, mirian. It is difficult to determine whether the future king of Gondor is frugal or generous.

Gandalf shook his head and followed Aragorn's other followers to find a table to sit down. He looked at Aragorn from a distance, but he was able to handle the situation with ease despite the stars holding the moon.

A total of...sixty-one years have passed since the day they met until now.

In this time span, some short-lived races have replaced three generations. Even humans are enough to turn a young man into an old man. However, time seems to be completely unable to leave a mark on Aragorn. He is even older than the first time he saw him. She is now even younger, should she be said to be worthy of the blood of the Elf Princess Luthien?

However, it seems that the Princess Evening Star he is pursuing is also a side branch of Luthien?

...Forget it, Maia, who is responsible for guiding the rise of mankind, has no need to care about the elves' family affairs. Gandalf turned to look at Aragorn's followers. valley

Alleyne, Bestur, Fatis, Jamila, Desaivi, James, Bandak, Kress.

A noble young man, the son of a chief, an architect, the daughter of a wealthy businessman, a forest ranger, a field doctor, a city guard officer, and a female street thief.

Except for a few individuals, Gandalf is quite satisfied with this group of followers. After all, they were recruited by Aragorn after he gained enough fame. Think about it again, when he first started from scratch, all of them were hired simply by spending money. Who are they?

Caitlin, Manid, Niza, Bolcha, Resarit, Atiman, Rolf, Mathilde.

Butcher, liar, criminal, fool, ruthless official, scholar, robber, sand thief.

Gandalf was prepared for these people to rebel one day, but they did not do so at all. Even after retiring because they were too old, they still lived in various manors under Aragorn's name as manors. host.

The most irritating thing is...Gandalf himself is Maia. Even if he looks like this in another thousand years, it is impossible to retire.

During these sixty years, Aragon has been unswervingly moving towards his goal, from helping the villages train militia, purchasing missing goods, transporting goods, driving cattle, to helping the lords of various cities deliver letters, cleaning up thieves' lairs, and participating in During the local war and rescuing captured family members, Aragorn did not reveal his identity at all, and he just raised the reputation of "Strider" from obscurity to fame in the Seven Kingdoms.

Hmm... maybe it's the Six Kingdoms. After all, Mordor doesn't allow him and his war group to enter, and the orc city doesn't need help.

Although in order to avoid the fear of lords everywhere, the number of "Striders" has been kept at around 200 people, but Gandalf believes that as long as Aragorn reveals his identity and then raises his arms, it will be enough to summon thousands or even tens of thousands of people. Even if a large army of ten thousand people stormed Minas Tirith...

No, no, why did Aragorn attack his own country's capital?

Could it be that his intention was not to gain prestige so that the regent would abdicate in favor of someone worthy of his position, but to force the palace to replace him by force?

This...if it is true, do you want to stop it?

However, as a wizard who has been away from the team for eight months of the year, whose whereabouts are erratic, and who has not made any significant contributions to the team, his words seem to have no weight at all.

There is no other way around this. In order to deal with the threat of Saren in the future, he must travel around and establish good relationships with dwarves, elves, orientals, hobbits and even dragons, so that he can attract help when war begins. Humanity alone is no match for Mordor's army.

Speaking of which, although he had consulted a lot of information about the ring in Frodo's hand, there was still no definite evidence to prove which ring it was, but it was probably one of the rings lost by the dwarves. After all, Bilbo had originally I picked it up in the dwarf territory.

Anyway, this matter is not urgent, it is still early before Demon Lord Sauron is resurrected——



The ground shook violently, knocking half of the guests in the tavern to the ground. The people who fell on the ground could clearly see through the windows.

Under the dark sky, Mordor's long-dormant Mount Doom,


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