The Collection of The End

One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty-Two, Evil Dragon Year 0 War (22)

——? ? ? ——

"It is impossible to escape fate in this world when the ocean of suffering rises, love and hate arise."

After Gandalf crossed the cliff on the giant iron rod, he saw the monkey Ainur easily picking it up with one hand, shaking it again, and it turned into a thickness and length about the same as his height. He turned it four or five times and moved it to his shoulder. He resisted for a moment and staggered away while humming a strange tune.

What is the duty of guarding the bridge?

Well, forget it, it's normal for him to be like this.

After remembering his other identity, Gandalf also had a little impression of the "Monkey Ainur"'s behavior.

And no matter what he does, it should make sense... right?

The gray-robed wizard shook his head, turned to the golden palace in the distance, took another step, and began to recall the information he knew about the world.


"Creator of the World", "Father of All Living Things", "The Only God", Eruilúvatar] was born in the "void".

Nothing originally existed in the void. After Ilúvatar was born, he felt that it was too empty, so he created "timeless halls".

Later, Ilúvatar, who lived alone here, felt that the Eternal Palace was too deserted, and created various Ainu ainu, whose meaning is equivalent to the "angel" in the concept of another identity.

The above information is just speculation, because until the birth of Ainu, the history of the Eternal Hall was not recorded and sung by anyone.

Since the beginning of records, the Eternal Palace has been a grand palace that exudes golden light at all times. There are never-ending banquets held inside, with endless supplies of wine and food. The Ainu eat, drink, sing, Wrestle, and most importantly, explore beyond the eternal halls.

The void outside the Eternal Hall has solidified with the exploration of the Ainu, showing different terrains and landforms, some of which are completely unreasonable combinations based on the concept known by another identity.

The void is endless. According to records, there was once a certain Ainu who wanted to explore to the end of the void and kept moving in a certain direction. It took so long that other Ainur thought he had died before praying to Ilúvatar. After bringing him back, he has been bragging about his knowledge in the Eternal Palace.

Perhaps in order to prevent such things from happening again, or perhaps Ilúvatar also lost interest in exploring the endless void, so he created a new universe called ea and the world in it, Arda, and the elves. and humans, and allowed the Ainur into them.

Although all Ainur were allowed to enter Iya and Arda, in order to facilitate management, Ilúvatar chose seven men and seven women, a total of fourteen Ainur, and gave them the ability to take charge of specific affairs in this universe. They are called Vala and valier, meaning powersoarda, the mighty one of Arda.

These Valas are respectively in charge of the atmosphere, ocean, land, hunting, Hades, inspiration, battle, light, plants, sorrow, rest, weaving, flowers and dance. Other powers are left unmanaged and left to humans and elves to explore and use. .

Other Ainur who want to enter Ia and Arda are called maiars, Gandalf is one of them. Not only does the maiar have no corresponding authority, but its own power will also be compressed to an extremely low level. This is why Valar is considered a god, and Maia is mistaken for Valar's slave god.

This kind of arrangement, which even from an ordinary human perspective would seem to have problems... sure enough, something went wrong.

Melkor Morgoth Boglir, the most powerful Ainur created by Ilúvatar, entered Arda as Maia, then seized the power of "darkness" and was promoted to Valar, and then Convincing other Maia who were dissatisfied with their limited power to recruit native intelligent creatures to try to dominate Arda.

Perhaps out of curiosity or interest, Ilúvatar did not directly subdue Melkor, but instructed the other Valar to confront him head-on. This grand battle was called the "Warowrath" or the "Great Battle" ".

This war ended with the victory of the Valar. Melkor was sealed in the void, and his men were scattered. The first era ended, but the originally flat continent of Arda was divided into two halves, and the land in the middle was called "the center." earth".

In the Second Age, Melkor's right-hand man Sauron learned his lesson and no longer took action himself. Instead, he corrupted the human empire of Númenor and tempted them to attack the Elves and Valar, because both humans and Elves were made by Ilúvatar himself. , the Valar were caught in the middle and were in a dilemma. At this time, Ilúvatar finally took action, destroying Sauron's form, sinking Númenor, and shaping Arda into a sphere, separating the continent where the elves lived from the humans.

The Second Age should have ended here, but Sauron reshaped his body through the Lord of the Rings and tried to regain control of Middle-earth. After a series of battles, his fingers were finally cut off by Isildur, the ancestor of Aragorn, and he fell silent again.

After that, it was the third era. In order to prevent evil from breeding again, Manwe, the king of the Valar, prepared to send some Maya to walk in the world to guide mortals and eliminate the darkness. However, only Kurunil, that is, Saruman, asked to go, and Euro Lin, also known as Gandalf, was sent by name.

Now it seems that Saruman may have targeted himself out of jealousy and finally turned to Sauron.

This is very strange... Gandalf recalled what Eric's world said. It is clear that the top students are the ones who raise their hands, and only the poor students will be called out by the teacher.

No, I have the memory of being "Magneto" in another world. In other words, I was cast into a universe other than Ilua by Ilúvatar without my knowledge. So I thought. I think, maybe Saruman's jealousy is justified, although it is impossible for him to know this kind of thing, but he just feels that he is in a higher position than him out of some intuition.

However, now I have no time to think about anything else. Whether as Ainur or Maia, I have always been a transparent person. Although I have recently achieved some achievements as Gandalf, I cannot stand in front of the Father of all living beings. With the capital to stand tall and high, as for Magneto and all that, let’s forget about it.

Maybe... you can start with your own mission first, and then decide based on Ilúvatar's attitude?


Eternal Hall, Throne Area.

"Gandalf the Grey, behold my lord Ilúvatar."

Gandalf regretted it as soon as he said it. It was all the fault of that monkey Ainur. What kind of strange greeting was this?


"No, that's right, laugh, whose fault do you think this is?"


Gandalf looked up in confusion.

In the impression, Ilúvatar never participated in the banquets in the Eternal Hall. He always sat on the high throne at the end of the hall and watched the Ainur.

Perhaps he was watching, because His image was that of a human being whose whole body was covered by a green cloak. His limbs and skin were never exposed. His speech to the Ainu was also conveyed directly through his mind.

And now...

The huge throne turned into two at some point, with a young human woman who looked exactly the same sitting on each of them.

The one on the left is a woman with long pale hair, golden eyes, wearing a dark blue evening gown with black edges, and a black dahlia on her forehead. The handle on her hand is faintly glowing red, and she looks at the woman opposite with disgust in her eyes.

The woman on the right has almost the same appearance as her, but she has dazzling blond hair. The evening dress is the same style, but it is white with green edges. She has a green hairband on her head and a silver "M"-shaped forehead ornament. , and there was a flat silver ring floating next to her that was big enough to encircle her.

Are there two Ilúvatars?

Gandalf thought for a while and quickly determined that the black Ilúvatar with a look of displeasure on his face was his god. After all, the white one...his intuition told him that if she was in charge of Arda, humans, elves and The dwarves would never be so troubled.

"It's not me anyway, I can't even enter this world.]" The blond Ilúvatar spread his hands in an innocent manner.

"But your followers can run faster than the other." The white-haired Ilúvatar continued to glare at her.

"I gave up on the world, but they didn't.]"


Although their voices are exactly the same, the differences can be easily seen from their tone of voice and expression.

"Thank you, Gandalf." The white-haired Ilúvatar turned to Gandalf who was standing there in a daze: "I will reshape your body and promote you to white robes, authorizing you to lead the entire Holy White Council. I will go later. Confirm the location of the re-arrival with 'Sun' and then return to Arda.】"

"Let me remind you, there is no shortage of combat power on the frontal battlefield, and all the original tasks of 'Gandalf' have been completed by others.]" The blond Ilúvatar interjected.

"Are there any of your followers behind you?" The white-haired Ilúvatar glared fiercely.

"There aren't many followers left. The only ones left are the Shieldmaiden Mash Eowyn and the Spring Thirteenth Lady Shelob. I can't do anything about this. It's all the fault of the Dragonborn and Marshal Canopy.]" Blond Yi Luvita put on an innocent expression.

"Should I thank you for not pushing the followers in because the orcs were too ugly?]"

"You're welcome. After all, I'm not familiar with Sal.]"


Although he didn't understand much, certain key words were enough to shock Gandalf for a long time.

The common view among the Valar is that because "One Asia" is too small, Ilúvatar didn't pay much attention to it at all, and never listened to their report about Arda. But now it seems that she didn't pay much attention to it. The situation is clear, so no report from the Valar is needed.

The white-haired Ilúvatar fell silent, raised his hand and started pointing in the void, just like the monkey had done, but Gandalf could not see the "picture" in front of the white-haired Ilúvatar.

After a while, the white-haired Iluvatar sighed, waved his hands randomly in front of him, as if pushing something away, and then turned to the blond Ilúvatar: "What are those things floating around you?"

"It's 'the time of birth has come, to correct all things arsalmadelsalomonis', you can call it 'the principle of the circle'," the blond Ilúvatar looked down and said: "Without this, I can't get in."

"Can I beat it?]" The white-haired Ilúvatar geared up.


"——!]" The silver ring suddenly bounced up, turned around and was about to fly away, but was directly held down by the blond Ilúvatar.

Gandalf felt that the "ring" seemed to be shouting rejection, but his ears did not hear the sound at all. This conflicting sense caused him to feel dizzy.

"Forget it... it's my fault. 'Akatosh' mixed up the responsibilities of 'Gaia' and 'Alaya'. It's normal for 'high-dimensional' things to take advantage of it.]" Bai Ilúvatar gave up the idea of ​​beating the circle.

"'A blessing in disguise,'" the blond Ilúvatar casually knocked on the silver ring: "Looking on the bright side, the world you create next will have its own riding and slashing system, soul cairns, and dragons. DLC of descendants, and reincarnators come in to visit from time to time.】"

"But I'm going to create 'Game of Thrones', you bastard! Do you know how hard it was for me to lower my mystique? Now I'm being pulled straight up!" The white-haired Ilúvatar said angrily: "The dragon is in the human race What a cliché setting for a kingdom to pretend to be a regent!】"

Are they talking about Sophie?

Although Gandalf didn't understand much, he felt that the Fellowship of the Ring's journey to destroy the Lord of the Rings would go smoothly.

"The next important points will be passed without any danger," the blond Ilúvatar seemed to have guessed what Gandalf was thinking, and turned to look over: "You want to recruit tree people to deal with Saruman? ?Groot has already gone for you.】"

"Oh..." Gandalf didn't know how to answer for a moment. Who is Groot?

"Currently, the war elephants and flying dragons have been eaten by Sophie, and the production of orcs in Isengard has also been disrupted. Those ghosts should be able to easily conquer and destroy the pirates...]" The blond Ilúvatar pointed in the air. Point: "But in a head-on confrontation with the Mordor army, casualties are still inevitable.]"

"Your 'Strider' has been practicing as a soldier for so long, and his 'First Aid' and 'Surgery' are already full, so he still can't be uninjured?" said the white-haired Ilúvatar.

"Because I didn't expect so many reincarnations to join Mordor, and they would attack targets who can obtain souls at all costs," the blond Ilúvatar frowned: "Why would you choose to join a camp that is bound to fail?"

"Perhaps they think this is really a pvp game, and Sauron may be resurrected," the white-haired Ilúvatar mocked, "They don't know that you will lose if Sauron is resurrected."

"Forget it, let's take it one step at a time," the blond Ilúvatar raised his hand in front of his face, as if to close something, and then turned to the white-haired Ilúvatar: "What are you going to do next? You want to leave with me. ?】"

"I...]" The white-haired Ilúvatar was about to reply, but suddenly turned to look at Gandalf: "Go and do your work, this is none of your business."

Is the following conversation not suitable for you to listen to?

Gandalf nodded, made a mage salute, and retreated from the throne area.


With a faint sound that seemed to penetrate something, Gandalf once again heard the noise and bustle of the Eternal Hall.

Looking back, where are the two Ilúvatars bickering and quarreling like sisters? There was only one throne there, and there was only a silent figure on the throne, his whole body covered in green robes, his face covered by a hood.

I see.

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