The Collection of The End

One thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven, sustainable crazy empire (4)

Imperial capital, bustling streets.

“That store is next!”

The young blond girl walked briskly on the street, while two strong men in guard uniforms behind her were struggling to carry variously wrapped gift boxes that were almost as tall as them.

Bang, hula.

"Wait for us! Miss!"

The two guards piled their belongings on the carriage and trotted after him.

"What an exaggeration..." Tazmi sighed as she looked at the car with straight eyes.

"They are already dead. Next time it will be the two of us." Another guard who was also looking at the car said in a sad tone.

"It's okay, I'm strong." Tazmi turned her head and looked around: "I didn't look carefully at the Imperial Capital yesterday. It's much more lively than my hometown - why is there such a high wall in the center of the Imperial Capital?"

"Oh, the poverty in your hometown is because of the corrupt guy behind this wall." The guard lowered his voice and said.

"You mean, 'Emperor' and 'Minister'?" Tazmi also lowered her voice: "Aren't you afraid of being beheaded overheard?"


call out--

At this moment, Tazmi seemed to see an extremely fine black thread falling from the sky, passing through the hat and entering the guard's head.

"How are you?" Since the scene only flashed by, Tazmi even thought it might be her eyesight, so she asked.

"I only told you because I saw that you were about to become one of my own," the guard's tone became a bit eerie: "Fortunately, you have shown your expertise in martial arts and are not an ordinary foreigner."

"Hmm...huh?" Tazmi blinked.

When he was resting on a bench in the park last night, he was kindly taken home by the eldest lady named Alia who was shopping. When he explained that he hoped to get more adventurer guild mission opportunities, that lady Mr. Ai even said that he could directly submit the job of protecting Aria to the Adventurer Guild.

Have you ever demonstrated your skills?

"Tazmi" Alia waved to this side from a distance, and behind her were guards who were struggling to carry a huge box that was as tall as two people.

"Just...just think of it as practice." Tazmi and the car guard looked at each other and stepped forward.


"Put these here and those over there. Don't put them next to each other -"

In a small house next to Aria's main house, the blond girl was instructing the guards to place the things she bought everywhere.

There were more than a dozen slightly human-shaped plaster statues, as well as a lot of clothing and jewelry with different styles and styles. The guards were still busy, and Aaliya had already happily started to dress the plaster statues.

"Isn't this a waste?" Tazmi placed a plaster statue in a chef's uniform in the kitchen and casually asked the guard next to him. After all, they had seen the car together and were somewhat familiar with it.

"Waste?]" The guard's face was extremely ugly: "You actually think so?]"

"Ah?" Tazmi looked at the plaster statues wearing new clothes that were placed around them in confusion, pretending to be doing various things: "Isn't this called waste?"

"I can't help it. The master is rich, and the miss likes shopping." Another guard who was mainly responsible for packing boxes during the day patted his shoulder: "But the miss bought too many clothes. Even if she changes one set every day, she can't change them at all." , so she came up with an idea to get some plaster statues to put on and display. The clothes of the plaster statues would be changed regularly by the servants, and she only had to come and take a turn from time to time."

"...]" The previous guard remained silent.

"Hmm... they don't look very good." Aaliya finished dressing up several plaster statues. She seemed to have lost her patience and turned around and walked out: "Let's leave it for now. I'm going to have afternoon tea."

The guards looked at each other, then put down their work and filed out, locking the door with a strong lock.

"Aren't you afraid of being bitten by mice if you put these things here? Wouldn't that look bad?" Tazmi asked casually.


At this moment, two jet-black threads that were almost the same as those in the bustling streets of the imperial capital fell from the sky and sank into the heads of the two guards.

This is definitely not an illusion... Tazmi looked up in confusion, but saw nothing.

"Rat?]" "Bited?]" "Not good-looking?" The guards looked at Tazmi with strange expressions, and then turned back without saying a word.

What's going on with these guys? I always feel like something bad is going to happen.


"Is mom still writing a plant observation diary? What's the point of that?"

"Haha, that can be used as a conversation piece with other ladies at the banquet. You will understand when you grow up."

"Didn't you say that those ladies are just flimsy idiots?"

"That's why I want to talk to them about plants."

"You two, eat without talking and sleep without talking."


During dinner, Tazmi ate with the guards with a wink, and then stood on both sides of the restaurant. Alia waved to him a few times, but Tazmi didn't look away and ignored him, and finally In exchange for an appreciative glance from Aaliyah's father.

After all, this is a guard commission, so you must act like a guard.


At the end of the dinner, when Alia's family was enjoying dessert, thin black threads appeared for the third time. They penetrated the roof and hung straight down as if they were completely insubstantial. Their targets were Alia's mother and father. and herself.

"Asshole! Don't underestimate me!" Tazmi unsheathed her sword, jumped up, and slashed at the nearest black thread with her sword.

Clang! When it came into contact with the black silk thread, the fine iron sword was cut in half. At the same time, the silk thread disappeared.

"Back away!" Tazmi used the remaining half of the sword to slash at the black thread stretching towards Alia's father. She originally planned to let it be cut again, but when it came into contact, he seemed to be hit hard. It flew backwards like a punch.

"Tazmi!" Alia exclaimed.

"It's an invisible super-dangerous species! Take the lady away quickly!" Although Tazmi couldn't understand what those things were, their danger was real, so she made it up casually.

The three guards who were with him today immediately protected the three members of the family from evacuating the restaurant.


The targetless black thread twisted on the spot and dissipated like real smoke.

The guards who were drilled into their heads were fine. Instead, he went to stop them and was attacked... No, now is not the time to think about this. Who knows if they will come back.

Tazmi picked up the sword thrown away by the guard, left the restaurant and chased them in the direction they escaped.


"Tazmi! How is the super dangerous species?"

When Tazmi caught up with Aaliyah's family, they were in the fountain square near Aaliyah's "dollhouse", and all of them looked unhappy.

"Maybe I made a mistake in my judgment. It should be some kind of invisible but highly aggressive small dangerous species." Tazmi said while looking at the sky, but because it was already dark, it was difficult to tell whether there were any black threads. : "It's best not to go back now. Is there somewhere else I can stay temporarily?"

"Huh, it's all caused by your random planting of prohibited plants."

"Isn't it because you randomly smuggled dangerous cubs to be used as pets by those adults?"

Alia's parents began to complain to each other, and Tazmi had to pretend not to hear. Is this the undercurrent beneath the prosperous surface of the imperial capital?

"How about sleeping in my dollhouse today and letting those 'dolls' make room." Aaliyah suggested.

"...]" The guards once again showed a tangled expression that was difficult for Tazmi to understand.

"Hey, if you don't take the road to heaven, there will be no way to hell to break in."


Bang! Crack! boom!

Suddenly, a joking voice came from above everyone's heads, and just when the guards raised their heads in shock, with three crisp sounds, they each flew out with blood all over their bodies. Judging from the degree of distortion of their bodies, they were obviously dead.

"Standing silently and doing nothing will be regarded as an accomplice and will be buried," a cold girl's voice sounded.

Tazmi silently raised her sword to stand in front of Alia's family.

In mid-air, there were silver threads forming a spider web, on which stood looking at six people whose faces could not be seen clearly due to the backlight.

There is a long-haired woman with a shawl holding a sword, a short woman with twin tails, a ferocious heavy armor, a woman holding huge scissors, a strong woman, and a thin man with a funny-shaped head.

The characteristics of these people... seem to have been seen on the wanted notices in the Imperial Capital.

Planting prohibited plants and smuggling dangerous species cubs will be killed. The "nightraid" is really strict.

"Go away, Tazmi," the shawl-haired woman holding the sword said again: "You are not on the list."

"Sorry, this is my first escort mission. I can't mess it up casually. I don't want to know what adventurers below Black Iron should be called." Tazmi's footsteps didn't move.

"You know, if the employer conceals his own situation and fails to inform the adventurers of possible threats, this commission can be voided." The tall woman who Tazmi invited to drink yesterday came out of the shadows, "You said ,Yeah?"

"What are we hiding? I don't know why law-abiding businessmen are attacked by night raids!" Alia's father retorted loudly.

"...Law-abiding businessmen?" The tall woman ignored Tazmi's sword blade, passed them by and walked towards the door of the "Doll House". She stood down, exhaled loudly, and punched out: "Seeing these, Do you still dare to say that?"


At this moment, hundreds of black threads fell from the sky, but the target was not anyone present, but rushed straight into the toy house.

Death, death, death, killing, torture, torture, drugs, injections, experiments, wailing, death, pain, hatred, sorrow——

When Tazmi saw the tidal wave of threads or the meaning contained in them, her head felt as if something had hit her hard. She felt dizzy and couldn't stop. The sword in her hand fell and she couldn't stand. The stability is shaky.

"I don't want to see it." In the pain of almost fainting, Tazmi heard the girl who was the first to speak speak again, chanting in a language that he could not understand at all: "The time of birth has come, and this is the correction. Vientiane arsalmadelsalomonis】!"


The girl suddenly drew her sword and slashed into the void.

Countless golden "threads" scattered in all directions with her as the center.

Tazmi, who could do nothing, could only watch as these golden threads "connected" to the fallen guards and Alia's family members, and converged into a torrent that would spread those negative thoughts that had already rushed into the dollhouse. The "black thread" of the concept pushes back to the sky.


The door to the dollhouse was smashed open by the tall woman, and a burst of bloody smell came out.

"Look, this is the darkness of the imperial capital." She opened the main entrance.

"What - what -?" Tazmi looked inside and was stunned on the spot.

The original ordinary houses and plaster statues wearing redundant clothes have all disappeared, replaced by mountains of cages and dying cats and dogs locked in them. Almost all of these animals are seriously injured, and even their barks are weak. .

"The lovely young lady in your eyes is a devil who will kindly bring back stray cats and dogs from the street, take care of them tenderly for a period of time, and then cruelly abuse them." Halfway through her words, the tall woman suddenly scratched her head in confusion. : "Huh? Is such a trivial matter worthy of all our efforts? Or should we say that we have to bury this family because of these things?"

"Asshole! Do you know how dirty these stray cats and dogs are and how many germs they carry with them! I am cleaning the streets of the imperial capital! The blame lies with those former owners who abandoned them casually and thought they could live a good life!" Alia suddenly shouted angrily.

"What? Are you going to kill people because of this in Tangtang's night raid? Where are your principles!?" Aaliya's father shouted.

"Yes, if you recycle waste, it's normal to use them to experiment with new drugs. This is called showing up for science." Aaliyah's mother also agreed.

No...wait...what are you talking about? Have you never done these things?

Where have the original things in this house gone? When did these cats and dogs appear?

"Damn... damn..." "Are we going to give up our jobs for just cats and dogs?" "You have big fists and you are right..."

What shocked Tazmi even more was that the guards who were already exhausted stood up tremblingly one by one.

"This is just a warning." The girl with long black hair took two steps forward, allowing Tazmi to see her ruby-like eyes clearly. The girl looked at Tazmi steadily: "I heard that you are taking risks. The Players Guild cannot find a suitable mission, do you want to join the 'Night Raid'?"

Is it so easy to recruit people for night raids...

Could it be that Night Raid can receive missions that the Adventurer's Guild does not have...

Alia's family and the guards have seen my face, and I don't want to be on a wanted notice yet...

Tazmi had a lot of things going around in his stomach, and he had already thought of the reasons for his refusal, but in the end, his thoughts were fixed on the black threads surging down from the dark sky and the golden threads emanating from the girl in front of him. "Fight" on.

Thinking about the guard whose expression changed drastically after being submerged by the black silk thread, and the Alia family who behaved strangely after being connected by the golden thread, the answer is already obvious.

"I am willing to join the night attack."

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