The Collection of The End

One Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirty-Two, Sustainable Crazy Empire (9)

After I resurrected the southern barbarian invaders who looked like the three demons of Chechi Kingdom into animals and let them go, I took Tazmi to other battlefields.

Cough cough cough! Bah bah bah! 】The stupid system made a sound like choking or eating something dirty.

'Don't pretend,' I flicked the sword, 'unless you commit suicide and retain your sense of smell and taste. ’

It has nothing to do with those functions, bah bah bah, even if you know there is a haystack below, you will still be on tenterhooks for a few seconds after launching the Leap of Faith. It’s so dirty, bah bah! 】

‘If you are nauseous, then I will try to use this ability as little as possible. This time it is just an experiment, and it seems that it is of little use at the moment. ’

Huh, that's best. 】

'But to be honest, I thought Murasame was just an ordinary one-hit kill. I didn't expect it to be a thing with the law of cause and effect and a conceptual level. If you kill a living person, you will die, and if you kill someone, you will live again. It can also change the original existence form of the deceased. , as if it killed death. ’

Hmm...after Sophie, even Emil's ability was used. Whose will it be next? Matthew? 】

‘Strictly speaking, there should be some ‘Dragon Break’ mixed into it. While reversing life and death, it will also modify the cognition of the people related to it. ’ I looked at Tazmi who was a little behind and couldn’t keep up.

The trouble is that although Murasame can modify his cognition, since I still can't explore other people's consciousness, I can only guess what the specific changes will be.

This modification is useless to the requirement of 'ensuring the survival of the Teigu user'. When any Teigu user dies, the mission has failed. Even if they are 'killed to death' again to bring them back to life, they have already failed. The fact that you have died cannot be changed. 】

'I got it. ’

To be honest, Chitong's original sword was extremely low. It had to cause actual damage before it could kill the target with a curse. It couldn't cut through armor or corpses. It simply lived up to its reputation of 'killing with one strike'. 】

‘Actually, the abilities of these Teigu users complement each other, and with a little thought, they can combine to produce quite impressive effects. The reason why people died along the way is entirely due to the author’s poisoning. ’

really. 】

‘For example, the one-hit kill Murasame] that instantly kills the body cannot be effective on armor and corpses, so why not pair it with the two-stage all-things [Emergency Soul] that can cut everything? ’

The yellow rose that must be destroyed and the red rose that destroys demons, right? 】

'When I first saw the effect of Hill's Teigu, I knew she was dead. With this kind of effect, as long as it is paired with a strong control, it will kill the god if the god blocks it, and the Buddha will kill the Buddha if the Buddha blocks it. But her partner It's Ma'in, that pink rabbit's Teigu is a romantic turret Pumpkin that only has firepower and range, but no ability to protect itself or others]. ’

Who put the assassin and the shooter together? 】

'Then there is Lubbock. The ever-changing Silk Thread Teigu·Crossed Tail] is a super field control player. It matches perfectly with Red Eyes, Hill, and Ma'in. He can kill indiscriminately, but the author gave him a lustful habit. , was disliked by the other female team members, and was paired with Brand, who did not need support at all, and later Susanoo and Tatsumi. ’

What does the support want to do by following the jungler? 】

‘…What games are you playing recently? ’

500 heroes. 】

I stopped and slashed a few times at the rock next to me.

Ouch! I don’t use those moba terms anymore! 】

‘No, I just feel a little annoyed that I haven’t been able to explain it concisely and concisely like you after analyzing it for a long time. ’

Woo woo woo...]

‘The other person I knew was dead at first glance was Chelsea. Her Teigu Transformation: Gaia Foundation was useless except for disguise, and she didn’t have any fighting ability herself. ’

Killer 47 actually wants to assassinate Sekiro. 】

'...This metaphor is quite appropriate,' I thought about it and stopped cutting the rocks: 'The most outrageous thing is that in the previous chapter, there were at least three or four times where Tazmi fell into danger without finishing the last hit or hesitated. The plot is reasonable for a newcomer, but Chelsea, a veteran who has no fighting ability except for pretending, actually did not last any last hits after the assassination, especially since there is a Lubbock in his own camp who can use the Teigu to fake death. In this case, there is only one answer - Chelsea was designed to die, and she was completely murdered by the author. ’

After all, he died in the same way as Tomoe Asami. 】


At this time, I happened to pass by a small bridge. I swung my sword towards the river and cut off the "fish" characteristic of the river within the range.


All the fish in the river were ejected from the water, directly burying Tazmi who was following behind.

"Bring them back to the stronghold. I'll go check out other outposts." I shook off the water drops on Murasame and sheathed my sword.

"Ah... okay..." Tazmi was holding a big fish and looked at me and then at the river, feeling a little dazed.

Ah - sneeze! 】

‘Don’t be pretentious. ’

Hmm... If you didn't give him a fish basket or any other container, how could he take the fish away? 】

‘This is a trial for new people. ’

Are you Esdeath? ! 】

‘Cut the nonsense. ’

I slowed down and waited for a while, and found that Tazmi had no intention of asking for help. Instead, she took off her coat and tried to knit something, so she left directly.

‘Speaking of Esdeath, she is the author’s biological daughter, and the only character in the whole novel who performs on-the-spot cheating. When did ice freeze time and space? What's the point of using one person to create a blizzard covering the entire empire? ’

She may have a sister named Anna. 】

'Huh, after all, it is a serialized comic. Just like the novel, everything comes out as it comes. There is no balance between the Teigu and anything like that. Compared with Tazmi's team, which is still capable of fighting in a group, the Empire's side is not. What is it? The ability to control thunder, the ability to control water, the ability to control sound, the ability to control corpses, the ability to perform precision surgery, the ability to cut people with an ax, the ability to breathe fire, the ability to fly in the air, and the ability to benchmark Brand's armor, Competing against Leona's rabid dog - even within their own ranks, isn't the gap in combat power a bit too big? ’

After all, there are a total of forty-eight Teigu, and it is normal for the effects to be strong or weak. 】

‘It’s normal. Do you still remember that the forty-eight Teigu were created to maintain the empire’s long-term rule? The Teigu gem headdress in the minister's hand, Ireston, can actually destroy other Teigu at the cost of being unusable for just a week. Theoretically speaking, the Teigu that cost countless resources of the empire can be destroyed by this thing within a year. Destroy... Only those with stupid brains would create this thing, right? ’

To prevent the Teiju from being taken away and used by the enemy? No, if you take it away you can take it back, but if you destroy's unreasonable no matter how you think about it. 】

'This is still the author's problem. As the minister of the final boss, if he is not given a strong enough Teigu, it will not be worthy of his status and identity, but if it is too strong, he will not be defeated by the protagonist. So he came up with such a nondescript thing, and added taijutsu to him that was enough to fight Leonai with the Teigu. In the end, even the producers of the animated version couldn't stand it anymore, so they deleted the taijutsu and let He was killed directly after exploding Leonai's Teigu. ’

Having said all that, you still have to ensure the survival of each Teigu user. 】

'Yes, the most troublesome part is here. Other targets can be 'modified' by holding their noses. Even General Bude and Esdeath have the possibility of immortality, but the minister...'

'Modify' him to be like He Shen? Perhaps the rebels would not rush to kill him in order to obtain the wealth he had hidden? And if they established a new country during this period, does it count as the collapse of the empire? 】

'Let's take a step and see...'

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