The Collection of The End

One Thousand Nine Hundred and Forty Six, Sustainable Crazy Empire (23)

East China Sea, cruise ship.

Sibiya, who was wearing light armor and holding a short gun, was patrolling the decks.

Most of the imperial soldiers whose duties were apparently the same as hers were wary of other guests or whether there were boats on the sea. But Sbia's focus was on whether there were "black threads" in the sky and whether there were any "black threads" in the water next to the boats. There are humanoid shadows.

Dongyi, Xirong, Beidi, and Nanman. Before she went "dormant", these four words also specifically referred to the inhabitants of the Eastern Islands where pirates were the majority, the Western nomads who invaded the grass-grazing valleys of the Central Plains from time to time, and the people who respected force in the far north. Hunters, and animal tamers adapted to the miasmatic humidity and heat of the south.

But now, it has become synonymous with deep-sea murlocs, half-humans, half-animals, frost giants, half-animals and half-human monsters, and those "original barbarians" who were taken away from their names have become the first to resist their invasion. line of defense.

There is no doubt that there is an irreconcilable conflict between the "Four Apocalypse" and the "Four Evil Gods". The latter's attempt to "pick peaches" forced the "Four Apocalypse" to interrupt its penetration into the Central Plains and instead deal with this threat. Unexpectedly powerful foreign enemies.

After she was "awakened" by Qiao Li, or Dong Zhuo, the governor of the Western Province, she went to see the current "minister" Lu Bu. Although he had no relationship with her, he still recognized the identity of "Qilin", but But he is indifferent to the precarious status quo of the "empire", and basically ignores the misbehavior of "Emperor" Liu Bian], waiting for his "Diao Chan" with all his heart, and firmly believes that he can finally wait.

Sibia had nothing to say about this, because his behavior was perfectly in line with what Jiangzuo Meilin once said: "Wait and have hope."

Really, can you wait?

Dong Zhuo previously said that Jiangzuo Meilin had returned, but why couldn't he feel it at all? Could it be that these three "immortals" have all gone crazy because they have taken the "elixir of immortality" for too long?

call out--

Perhaps she had been staring at the sea for too long, but with a flash of light, Silla appeared in front of Sibia, deliberately striking a handsome pose and combing her hair.

"How's it going? The security of my 'Wild Hounds' adventure group is pretty good, right?" he said.

"It's not bad." Sibia replied after glancing at the guys who were obviously well-trained but not very disciplined among the ordinary imperial soldiers.

Thousands of years have passed, and almost nothing has remained the same.

The purpose of its establishment was to supervise the officials of the four countries so that they would not dare to act recklessly. The semi-official organization "Ranger Guild" turned into a purely private "Adventurer's Guild" at some point. The title of Special 1st and 4th Level Ranger was also changed to Ridiculous metal ranking, in order to gain "adventurer experience", they even formed an "adventure group" - but forget it, since they have lost the word "xia", they are free to do whatever they want.

As for Sima Zhao... no, let's call him Sheela. After all, General Bude doesn't look like Sima Yi. Calling his son Sima Zhao would be too flattering.

Well, that's right, reincarnation. Except for the three people who have lived until now by taking the "elixir of immortality", the other old friends who have not left this world have basically chosen reincarnation, but due to the control of them The "Mountain and River Society Map" has also disappeared, and the time and place of reincarnation cannot be determined, let alone retaining the memory. However, according to "Yun Zhongzi", people who should be met will still be met, but I don't know if they will miss it. That’s all.

As for the "Teigu" that Sheila just used, it was called Dimensional Phalanx Shangri-La, which could teleport at will, but Sibia couldn't guess who it belonged to. Just listening to the name, it seemed to be from the Shu Kingdom.

"The emperor summoned skilled craftsmen from all over the country, used a variety of rare materials, and used various secret methods to create forty-eight powerful imperial tools." This statement also deceives ordinary people. Skilled craftsmen, rare materials, and secret methods are not unique. Yes, one can make a hundred pieces. What really limits the number of Teigu is that making them requires extracting "weapon", "unparalleled" and "strategist characteristics".

The conclusion is obvious. When the Teigu were forged, a total of forty-eight "generals" or "strategists" voluntarily gave up their abilities to forge them because they were about to leave this world. In order to better help the empire fight against the barbarians from all directions, they chose Keep your own abilities - it's impossible to rob, even Lu Bu], and fighting forty-eight people at the same time will be exhausting.

So, what is the rule for Jiangzuo Meilin to take people away? Could it be that there are no rules at all, and you just pull whoever comes to mind?

"My father, cough, I mean General Bude attaches great importance to these civil servants, and the security measures are at the highest level, so there is no need to bother Miss Sibia patrolling around, why not..." Silla flipped her hair again: "Can you please find a good seat and chat while enjoying the vast sea view? I have been fascinated by the scenery of the Western Regions for a long time."

What on earth is he doing? Strike up a conversation? Heading towards the companion unicorn that protects the country? Then you have to become emperor first, right?

Hmm, wait a minute, I am the companion Qilin of the "Jin Kingdom", can the "Empire" be called "Jin" now?

"I'm afraid you have forgotten, Mr. Sheila," Sibia looked at him: "My grandfather is also on the ship. Even if I believe in the abilities of you and your men, I must personally ensure the safety of this ship."

"Well, Mr. Qiao Li?" Sheila scratched her head: "With the imperial weapon Asura, even the super dangerous species are no match for him, right?"

"Whether you need it or not is one thing. Whether I do it or not is another matter." Sibia lowered his eyes slightly: "If Mr. Sheila feels bored, you can go and rest on your own."

"Oh, no, no, no, just do whatever Miss Sibia wants to do. As the person in charge of the security of this ship, I will go with you." Silla stepped out of the way and bowed slightly in a "please" gesture.

It's a bit annoying, but the ship is so big in total, you can't hide even if you want to.

Sibia nodded slightly and continued to patrol along the guardrail of the cruise ship.


Just on the boat...there is really no danger.

After patrolling the ship twice, Sibia returned to the second deck, responding to Silla's questions one after another, looking down and thinking.

Two people from the night attack sneaked in. One was on a wanted notice, but disguised his appearance. The other was not on a wanted notice and pretended to be a rich lady who was also on the ship. She seemed to have a Teigu, but she didn't have one on her body. The murderous intention seems not to assassinate the civil servant or Qiao Li, so he can leave it alone for the time being.


At this time, the cruise ship turned around a towering sea cliff, and the port city that must be passed to the imperial capital was already in sight.

If "Dongyi" wants to do anything, there is only -

Pah, pah, pah, pah...

"mlgmrmlgr! mglrgrgrlm!]"

As if to confirm Sibia's conjecture, a large number of black figures half a man's height jumped down from the back of the cliff overlooking the sea, shouting and swimming towards the location of the ship at a very high speed.

Judging from their appearance, they can simply be called... fish with human-like hands and feet, walking upright, holding various crude weapons in their hands, rolling their huge fish eyes, and full of murderous intent.

"Keep accelerating!" "Pick up your weapons!" "Get ready to fight!" The Imperial soldiers and crew members shouted in response to their respective actions.

"Oh, are they here...'Dongyi'?" Sheila combed his hair again, her expression became serious: "These ugly guys have always wanted to invade the empire's coastline but failed. It's rare to catch them." The imperial officials will naturally not miss the opportunity to inflict serious damage."

"It's called protection, but it's actually fishing, right?" Sibia looked at Sheila.

"Ha, it's really 'fishing' in the literal sense." Sheila drew a shining silver broad-edged sword from her back with her backhand: "Miss Sibia, let's skim the formation here and see how we can catch them all. "

In fact, the main battlefield was not there. Sibia looked up at the sky, and then hummed.

Tsk-swish! Tsk-swish!

Sheila's Imperial Equipment was activated, causing him to disappear instantly, and then appear on top of a fish-man. After cutting off its head with a sword, he disappeared again and appeared on top of another fish-man not far away.

The Dongyi murlocs were obviously not very smart. After the surprise attack, the murlocs in front were still charging, but most of the murlocs in the rear slowed down and tried to attack Sheela with harpoons and simple crossbows. As a result, they became the targets of the Imperial soldiers and "Wild Hounds" who stood by the ship and had prepared their crossbows.

After the sword rain, the blood of the murlocs dyed the sea behind them a large area of ​​miserable green. However, because there were too many murlocs, the bow and arrow reserves were limited, and Sheila's Teigu obviously could not keep firing. The battle situation Still not very optimistic.

Strangely, Sibia looked at the almost one-sided battle and felt a little confused. According to the past rules, when the "barbarians from all directions" launched an attack, the "black thread" would wait for the opportunity to "transform" those who were unable to defend themselves.

Most of the transformed people will die tragically, and a small number of transformed people will become another person completely different from him or her. As a companion unicorn, Sibia will not be affected by that thing, and at the same time, it can protect the original person. They belong to the people of "Han", but they are powerless against the "new generation of imperial people" related to the "Four Heavenly Revelation".

At this time, you may need to ask Joe to use his Asura to kill it.

"Sibia," she said to Cao Cao. When Cao Cao arrived, Sibia was wondering. Qiao Li came to her side and looked at the battle on the sea: "I just made a poem, do you want to listen?"

"Grandpa Qiao Li is so elegant," Sibiya turned to look at him: "But if it describes these Dongyi fishmen, please allow my granddaughter to refuse."

Is it the ability to hear meaningful words from the blurred sounds? Is it the characteristic of an unparalleled or a strategist?

How green are the thousands of miles of grass?

"Oh, of course not," Qiao Li blinked: "I think it should be related to that outstanding young man who is fighting a bloody battle."

Excellent... young man?

Sibia pursed her lips tightly to avoid saying "Are you confused?" After all, this is not the Western Region, and it would be troublesome for the imperial soldiers to hear "granddaughter" scold "grandpa".

"You... are you thinking about it?" she finally said.

"Well, cough," Qiao Li cleared his throat and said in a richer voice:

"The high quality of the music may not be unknown to others; it has its own close friends and clear lyrics;]"

"The red tassel hunts the sword and the meteor, pointing directly at the angry tide to wash away the sea."



Sibia didn't think of how to respond.

Because the accuracy of Dong Zhuo's "ability" is almost 100%, what is scheduled will definitely happen, but if it is done deliberately, it can also be changed through human power.

What these two "poems" mean is that Silla has figured out her identity? And understand what you are doing?

He did use a sword, and he did use a gun, but the last sentence, could it be...

Sibia suddenly raised his head and looked at the sea to the east.

boom! Boom boom boom!

At this moment, the entire sky was covered by thick dark clouds, mixed with lightning and thunder.

And just on the equally darkened horizon, a huge black shadow slowly rose.

No, it should be standing up.

It was an extremely tall giant that almost broke through the clouds, with bat wings on its back, but its head was a huge octopus. After standing up completely, it slowly took a step towards the direction of the cruise ship.

As it moved, huge waves that covered the sky that could not be seen to the left or right rose up from the already not very calm sea. No, it should be said, a tsunami.

What shocked Sibia the most was that there were countless "black threads" tumbling and entangled in the row of huge waves.

Because there are fewer people fishing, the disasters caused by Dongyi have always been relatively light. I used to think that the "evil god" here was relatively weak, but did it want to finish it off in one battle?

Death death death——

Sibiya could still sense their consequences from the sporadic "black threads", but at this moment, she felt a splitting headache even just looking at the monstrous "black waves".

"So... is it used here?" Sibiya shook his head vigorously, his eyes became solemn, and with a flick of his hand, the original silver short gun turned into a green-white one, burning like a flame. A bright silver gun with red tassels.

"Oh, Hao Gentian]? But..." Qiao Li touched his chin, as if he wanted to say something but held back.

"Haha! Is this the enemy's general? Let's die——"

At this time, Sheela, who had just finished cleaning up the fishmen, disappeared in an instant, and in the next second "teleported" to the "black wave", she flew straight and stabbed the octopus-headed giant in the head.


Then he was slapped away by the giant and hit the cruise ship like a meteor.

"...Sword Meteor?" Sibia jumped into the air to catch him, and then looked at Qiao Li with a condemning look.

"It's really...let you see my embarrassing side, Yuan Ji]." Silla said weakly.

"..." Sibia, or Wang Yuanji, stared at Sima Zhao without saying anything.

Doesn't this guy have memories?



When he was about to say something, he was interrupted by a whale cry that echoed through the sky.

When the panicked crowd on the cruise ship followed the sound, they discovered a huge and unparalleled beluga whale appearing on the sea.

It broke through those huge waves all the way, directly knocking over the octopus-headed giant who was trying to fight back, and then jumped up in the air, pressing it hard to the bottom of the sea. At the same time, an extremely dazzling pure white light beam burst out, overwhelming the surrounding huge waves. and the "black threads" contained in it were eliminated.

O sea of ​​harvest, with joy desosd'allegresse]!

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