The Collection of The End

One Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty Three, Blockade Ending 4 Seas (5)

——Haiyuan Calendar, 1500——

Kingdom of Goa, dock.

Jin Jing felt that she might have messed up.

As for the reason... She looked at herself, or "Bai Jingjing"'s attribute panel.

Name: Bai Jingjing, level: 7, soul required for upgrade: 775]

Vitality: 10, concentration: 15, action: 7]

Strength: 12, Agility: 12, Endurance: 10, Intelligence: 9, Faith: 15, Luck: 0]

This is the template for the world of reincarnation. Where is the special template belonging to "One Piece"?

Moreover, there is a sign that looks like recyclable garbage under the character portrait. Clicking on it will prompt you whether to switch characters.

This... Jin Jing raised her eyes to look at the trumpet who was talking to the owner of the shipyard, and decided to take it slow.

"A small dhow can supply enough supplies and water for 10 people for thirty days, right? A total of 2,600 beli," the shipyard owner said, "but you have to recruit sailors who are willing to go to sea. I only have porters here. .”

"A very fair price," Tang Sanyan handed over a bag: "This is a deposit of 1,000 Baileys. We have recruited enough sailors and will pay the balance when we are ready to sail."

"Your ship will be ready to launch in half a day." The owner of the shipyard took the money bag and looked at him again: "Seriously, Xiao Tang, wouldn't it be better for you to join the local navy directly? Going to sea alone may encounter a lot of dangers .”

"If you join the navy," Tang Sanzian tilted his head and glanced at Jin Jing: "You can't bring her with you."

"..." The shipyard owner was silent for two seconds, gave him a thumbs up, patted his shoulder, and turned to leave.

"Let's go, let's go recruit sailors," Tang Sanyan came to Jin Jing: "Fortunately, my father's reputation is not worthy, we should not be like those young boys who can't recruit men."

This is outrageous. Why does the trumpet act and speak on its own? Moreover, the new characters only have 2000 Baileys in total, right? Did it come out a little more?

Seeing that no one was paying attention, Jin Jing tried "switch role".


Without any delay, Jin Jing's perspective switched to looking at "Bai Jingjing" from the perspective of "Tang San's Burial".

Well, the face is still my own, but with the leather jacket, leather trousers and leather hat made of animal skin, plus the longbow and quiver on the back, as well as various trap-laying tools tied around the waist, it looks quite similar. That's the same thing.

Jin Jing opened the inventory of "Tang San's Burial" and looked at it, and found that there were indeed only 1,000 beli left in it, and he would recruit sailors in the future. He didn't know where he planned to get the remaining 600 beli.

"Where do you still have Bailey? Uncle Tang only left you 2,000 in total, right?" "Bai Jingjing" said, "I have some furs here from hunting. If I sell them, I might be able to raise enough money for the ship. "

Oh, I was in such a hurry when I logged in that I forgot to check the inventory. It seems that I really don’t have Bailey on me...

That's not the point! How come "I" took action on my own?

Jin Jing was so surprised that she raised her hand to pinch "Bai Jingjing's" face.

The girl opposite was obviously more surprised than she was. After being pinched by "Tang San Burial" on the cheek, her face began to turn red, but she did not move away.

! ! !

Jin Jing quickly switched back to "self" and opened "Tang San's Burial" hand.

Stupid girl! Girls should protect themselves outside! Don't let others touch you!

Not even myself!

"Sorry," Tang Sanzong retracted his hand: "I just want to confirm whether you have been tricked. You usually want to break a Bailey in half."

"..." Jin Jing rubbed her face, trying to remove the warmth.

"Don't worry," he continued: "You have decided to go to sea with me, and I will never let you suffer losses."

So... when one account is open, the other account will act autonomously according to the "personality", and treat "one's" actions as his or her own, and give a reasonable explanation?

You might have really messed up.



"Hey, Xiao Tang, can't you tell, you acted quickly enough," the tavern owner put a glass of ale in front of Jin Jing: "I'll buy this one."

"Hmm..." Jin Jing turned her head and glanced at "Bai Jingjing" who was chatting happily with the landlady and bargaining with the prey, and was speechless for a moment.

Before, I thought that in order to avoid trouble, I would mainly open the account "Bai Jingjing", but then I had to switch to "Tang San's Burial" because I had no idea how the hunted prey was sold to the tavern and how much it should cost. In comparison, it was easier to negotiate with the tavern owner. Jin Jing glanced at the illusory options floating on the counter:

Give everyone here today a drink of the same! 1000 Baileys, the sailor’s favorability is temporarily increased]

Do you know of any jobs for people like me? Randomly obtain an adventure mission that matches your current strength]

Are there any young men here who long for glory on the sea? Randomly recruit 020 sailors based on their current favorability]

I want to rest here for one night. Unless interrupted by an emergency, time will speed up to the next morning]

Of course, these are just keywords for specific operations. If you want to drink, eat, and chat with your boss, there is no problem.

The most common operation is to directly recruit sailors, and then wait until tomorrow morning. Bai Jingjing's game seller plus the Baileys Tang San Burial currently has should be enough to carry the ship and set sail.

Previously, "Tang San's Burial" brazenly said that "Bai Jingjing" would not suffer losses, but what did it have to do with Jin Jing? It's all my own number and my own money.


Wouldn't it be a shame to have this handsome face that you deliberately created?

"Boss, you know my strength. In the entire Goya Kingdom's navy, no one below the rank of sergeant can beat me," Jin Jing said brazenly: "Xiaojing and I are going to sea soon. If you have any trouble that you can't handle, , but there is no shop like this after passing this village.”

"..." The boss stopped wiping the cup and looked at "Tang Sanzong" and then at "Bai Jingjing": "It seems that there is really something you can help with."

"I would like to hear the details." Jin Jing said smoothly.

"There is a cunning beast on the coastline of the Kingdom of Goa, known as the King of the Offshore," the boss said: "It can't defeat the sea kings in the deep sea, nor can it defeat humans with certain strength, so it has been lurking in the offshore, specializing in It attacks people on a small boat. If there are more than two people on board, or the passengers can easily save themselves after the boat capsizes, it will also give up the attack. This leads to the fact that those who want to kill it cannot beat it, and those who can beat it do not bother to kill it. I have been living happily until now. If you can solve this problem, I can send fewer people to transport goods in the future."

What capitalists speak…

Trigger the hidden mission: 'Kingdom has no eternity'. 】

Mission requirements: Kill or capture the ‘King of the Offshore’. 】

Mission reward: +10 favorability with the sailors of Goa Kingdom, 1,500 Baileys, and 2,000 experience points. 】

Mission reward 2: 2000 souls, random excellent equipment. 】

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