The Collection of The End

One thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight, blockade of the final four seas (30)

Mermaid Island, Forest of the Sea.

Create a map: One Piece]

Game mode: Free exploration mode]

Doomsday elements: high-dimensional ancient weapons, high-dimensional devil fruits, high-dimensional historical texts]

Map type: Reincarnation World]

Map size: Large]

Limited time: Not available]

Conditions for escape: Obtain any doomsday element, or destroy the world. 】

Characters: 100 million+ humans, 5 million+ mermaids/murlocs, giants, little humans, snake-headed tribes, long-legged tribes, long-hand tribes, fur tribes, and sky islanders. 】

Event: Once upon a time, there was a great empire. The traces of its existence have been completely erased by the world government. Thirty pieces of indestructible 'historical texts' record the history of 'it'. As long as they are all interpreted, you can Know the history that the world government wants to cover up. 】

Environment: Blue Star. 】

Conditions for obtaining doomsday elements: obtain all ancient weapons, or collect all devil fruits, or decipher all historical texts, or destroy the world. 】


No matter how many times I watch it, the missions created in this reincarnation world are too outrageous.

The King of Ancient Weapons did not appear at all, and there is no "ownership" of Devil Fruits, which Oda can conjure into one just by slapping his head. As for the historical text...the number of appearances is less than half of the set number, Luffy and the others I'm afraid I didn't end up going directly to Lafdru to look up the answer.

Is this the power of unfinished works?

In comparison, it would be easier for me to directly summon the Neptune class to sink the Red Earth Continent.

Let’s do it! 】

‘Ni Zuokai! ’

I flicked my tail and slapped away the stupid system next to me.

Woo woo woo...]

‘Shut up, I’m the crybaby in the setting, not you. ’

But you won't cry. 】

‘I would like to try crying, after all, the mermaid’s tears will turn into pearls. ’

Traveling around the world. 】


"Well done! Princess!]"

"Do it again! The smelly shark just needs to be dealt with!]"

At this time, bursts of words composed of infrasound waves that could not be received by human ears came from the direction of the "sky".

"What are you ugly idiots talking about!]" The stupid system flicked its tail and swam to the water curtain wall, grinning at the outside.

"Who are you talking about, the ugly guy?]"

"Ugly monsters are talking about you!]"

"Tsk..." I raised my hand and pinched my forehead.

Being fooled by this ancient dialogue trap makes the stupid system even more stupid.

This is the Mermaid Island in the One Piece world, an underwater forest located near the "bubble" that separates it from the deep sea. The exaggeratedly large and strangely shaped sea monsters outside the bubble are the top non-intelligent creatures in One Piece. Combat power, Poseidon type.

The current image of Stupid System is a giant shark with a body length of fifty meters and wearing sportswear, and its name is Megalo.

As for me, I am naturally its owner, the Princess of Mermaid Island,

White Star.

Although it's not very important, she should be the most beautiful woman in the One Piece world.


"You guys come in!]"

"Come out!】"

"You guys come in!]"

"Okay, childish or not." I interrupted the quarrel between the stupid system and the Neptune class, pulled the tail of the stupid system and swam towards the water. Before leaving, I took one more look at the giant water tank with the word "World Mission" on it. Blue cube.

Theoretically speaking, that thing should be a letter of apology written by a person named "Joyboy" to the Mermaid Princess 800 years ago. It is also a piece of "historical text", but for some reason the things displayed above are different from my "prompt panel" The content about this world is exactly the same.

Although the tips I saw are closer to the truth of the world than the so-called "historical text", it doesn't necessarily cover it.

However, if you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem impossible. After all, this "resection" was a bit random.

The "Grand Position" they were scheduled to deal with was actually in the city where Jin Jing and the others were about to go. It was just a heavy rainstorm that broke the embankments that was easy to deal with, but for some reason it was triggered directly before they arrived.

Although I obtained the "one-hit kill Murasame", it was limited to the reincarnation world and was completely powerless against the "facts" of the "high-dimensional world". In the end, I had to spend an extra amount of high-dimensional DNA points to forcibly connect the two. , and then successfully rescued the boatload of people.

In fact, it doesn't count as being rescued, it's just that he was caught in the reincarnation space.

But as a result, the planned "Future Water World" became "One Piece".

I originally thought that there was not much difference between the completed work and the unfinished work, but after careful study, I found that the difference is not too small. The biggest and most obvious difference is that the "reincarnation" can no longer make up an identity and throw it in. He/she There must be a background, experiences in childhood and adolescence, skills to make a living as an adult, and a reason to set sail.

To put it simply, it requires the recognition of the "will of the world" - Oda.

Of course, this "world will" should not be like mine. After all, the author is still alive. Specifically, the background of the characters must conform to the "One Piece" world view.

But the problem is that even Jin Jing, a reincarnation who likes to collect things but does not learn skills or purchase equipment, has mastered things that a normal person can no longer possess. Let me deduct the background and origin for them one by one... forget it.

My solution is to directly take the character templates used in the Three Kingdoms and modify them, then give them to reincarnations who do not fit the One Piece world view, and then transfer them to the world consciousness for polishing. The advantage of this method is that the person responsible for completing the background is World consciousness itself, so these reincarnators will be regarded as indigenous people, but the disadvantages are equally obvious. I have no way of knowing what kind of background the world consciousness will fill in for them. After letting them move freely, because they are " The relationship between "indigenous people" and "indigenous people" cannot be traced.

We can only pray that they will be blessed.


Although Mermaid Island is named "Island", it itself is more like a huge "glass ball" suspended in the sea.

This "glass ball" is half land, half sea water, and there is air above it. The whole thing hovers in the 10,000-meter deep sea below the Holy Land Marie Joa, where the World Government is located. Through the road.

The residents are composed of "mermaids" who have upper body of human and lower body of fish, and "murlocs" who have upper body of fish and lower body of human.

Of course, the "fish-men" here are not the ones drawn by the two policemen. Their appearance looks more like ordinary people whose upper bodies have mutated towards various fish. At first glance, they look okay. They look human-like, but they are really ugly.



"Sister Bai Xing"

On the way back to the "Dragon Palace", various mermaids and fish-men took the initiative to greet me along the way.

I responded appropriately one by one, and from time to time I bent down to hold down the little mermaids who were holding me with snot in their noses to prevent them from smearing their snot on my tail scales.

What do most people think of when they think of mermaids?

Prototype dugong? Hans Christian Andersen's "The Daughter of the Sea?" Or two policemen?

But generally speaking, no one can directly think of a "ten-meter giant", right?

And I, Princess Shirahoshi of Mermaid Island, am... 11.87 meters tall.

It is ten times that of the soldier commander. 】

‘Did you feel a chill on the back of your neck? ’

Sharks don’t have necks, gah]

As I gradually approached the elevator leading to "Ryuugong Castle", more and more mermaids and fishmen were surrounding me. I had to slow down my "step" a little, otherwise I might chase them away with one tail.

How to put it this way, if it was the original "White Star", it would be impossible for her to be loved by so many people. No, according to the timeline, she should not have been born yet.

The year I created the reincarnation world was 1498, which was the beginning of the Great Pirate Age. Shirahoshi, who should have been born ten years later, was already an adult at this time. Therefore, regardless of whether I had misunderstandings about my identity, this matter none of my business.

According to "history", due to the opening of the Great Pirate Age, pirates of all kinds, good and bad, poured into the Grand Line. When passing by Mermaid Island, they always wanted to plunder mermaids. This led to the residents of Mermaid Island becoming disgusted and hostile to humans, and Internal conflicts between the war faction and the peace faction.

But... these problems that occur purely because of his own lack of strength are nothing at all in front of a "Poseidon" who can use his abilities perfectly.

After figuring out the time point at that time, I summoned a large number of sea kings without saying a word, completely blocking the undersea passage from the "Paradise" to the "New World", and then opened Mermaid Island as the only entrance.

Anyone who wants to pass must pay my taxes honestly. Those who want to use force to stir up trouble, let them look at those sea kings whose teeth alone are bigger than their entire ship.

All in all, no matter what happens outside, whether or not fish and mermaids are still classified as fish, on Mermaid Island, humans are second-class citizens.

Of course, in this case, there may be problems where mermaids and fishmen bully humans in turn, or I am regarded as a thorn in the side by some people and want to get rid of it quickly. After all, Neptunes cannot enter the fishman island.

Regarding these two problems, the solution is actually the same -

"Go away, go away! Don't crowd around here, it will only cause trouble to the princess!]"

With the sound of the urn and the rough male voice with bursts of nasal sounds, most of the surrounding mermaids and fishmen dispersed in an instant.

"Davy Jones is at it again."

"How could the princess choose such an ugly guy to be the captain of her personal guard?"

"Hush, be careful if the sea monster hears you."

The crowd dispersed, revealing a tall, strong man wearing a captain's hat and a straight captain's uniform. His body looked very human, but the layers of pink octopus tentacles on his face made people completely unfamiliar. I will think in that direction.

Of course, under the cover of the tentacles, no one could see the pair of weird big eyes that looked like light bulbs, looking at the upper left and lower right respectively.

"Princess," he bowed and saluted: "Poseidon is waiting for you."

"Thank you, Lord Davy Jones." I nodded to him, then waved to the other mermaids and fishmen still surrounding me, crossed the octopus face, and walked towards the elevator with the stupid system.

Davy Jones, leader of the Flying Pirates, whose flagship is the Flying Dutchman.

Although I don't know how it happened, he seems to have taken the position of "Vanderdaken IX". Thinking about it, there is no fool who dares to pursue Princess White Star with force.

The only "original event" that could still happen is the assassination of "Princess Otohime", but the target would be me.

No, it doesn’t matter even if the target is still the princess, because...

As the elevator arrived at "Ryuugong Castle", I saw the family members of this world at a glance.

Three younger brothers whose looks are hard to describe: Shark Star, Emperor Star, and Car Star.

Because her birth date was moved forward, Shirahoshi, who was originally a little sister, became an eldest sister, but her relationship with her brothers didn't seem to have changed much. Even though they knew that I could control the Neptune type and I was not easy to mess with, the three of them still spent the whole day He shouted that he should work hard to protect his sister.

As for the king and queen of Mermaid Island...

I looked at the blond bearded man in a black suit who kept his human appearance, blinked, and rushed towards him with open arms: "My dear father Arthur!"



Before the huge size of the White Star Princess overwhelmed him, he transformed with a helpless expression. The black suit on his body tore instantly, and then changed from a human being less than two meters tall to a human being who was 13 meters tall, wearing a A huge blond mermaid with golden armor and a blue fish tail on her lower body.

"Although Dad is very happy when you do this, there is no need to hug me every time." The king reluctantly hugged me.

"No," I tilted my head and looked at the queen next to me, who was still in human form and had red curly hair. "Wait until I learn how to transform."

"Baixing is so good," the queen responded with a smile, "but there are guests coming today, and your father can't treat them like this."

"Who is it? Do I know him?" I looked up at the palace.

"It's Lieutenant General Garp of the Navy. He hugged you when you were a child." The queen replied.

"Huh? Navy? Isn't that a very important thing? Dad, go quickly." I let go of Neptune.

"Actually, the purpose of his coming this time is related to you, so we went to ask you to come back." Neptune touched my hair: "You have grown up, and you can make your own decisions about everything, but you must pay attention to safety."

"We will protect my sister!" Prince Samsung posed next to him. Unfortunately, he was less than five meters tall and lacked much momentum.

"Then let's go quickly, Dad!" I bent down and held the queen in my hands.

"Really, it would have been better if you hadn't done this in the first place." Neptune shook his head and turned to lead the way: "That dress is very expensive."

By the way, you did it on purpose, right? ] The stupid system was biting its own tail outside the elevator for fun: it took a few words to call him daddy three times. 】

‘Of course, I have to make sure it’s not a monitor, otherwise I will suffer a big loss. ’ I looked at the back of Neptune in front of me.

I don't think he's that good. 】

‘I can’t help it, this name is too coincidental. ’ I looked at Neptune and then at the Queen.

Arthur Curry Neptune] and Mera Otohime].

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