The Collection of The End

One thousand nine hundred and eighty, blockade of the final four seas (32)

——Haiyuan Calendar, 1500——

West Sea, windless zone.

Two fleets of huge galleys with navy logos on their sails are anchored here.

This is the "windless zone" on both sides of the "Great Sea Route" that crosses the "Red Continent" and there is no wind at all. Any ship that relies on sails for power will be unable to move here.

Although ships equipped with human-powered oars or turbine blades can pass through the windless zone with half the effort, those "sea kings" who use the windless zone as their nest will not let go of these little things that disturb them.

They are not necessarily offended, maybe they are just curious and want to take a bite, but this simple action coupled with a size that is hundreds or even thousands of times larger than ordinary ships is enough to bring a sense of humor to those ships. Come disaster.

Except for the really strong people who can freeze ice to cross the sea, the normal way to cross the windless zone is to install a "seastone" called a "solid sea" on the bottom of a powered ship. In this way, in the Sea King class, It seems that the passing ship is just a wave, so naturally it will not be ignored.

Since this stone is very resistant to Devil Fruit users, its production and manufacturing are basically firmly controlled by the World Government and the Navy. If pirates are found to be possessing and using the Sea Tower Stone, they will basically increase the reward of the other party without saying a word. gold.

At this time, on one of the flagships of the two fleets, Vice Admirals Kizaru, Akainu, and Aokiji were looking at the sea with their legs crossed, as if they were playing some game, even if they had to change their crossed legs. , also maintained the same speed. After the three of them changed legs several times in silence, Qingzhi snorted, put down his legs, leaned forward, and put his elbows on the knees of his legs. He obviously lost.

"Only you would think that General Garp can come back in time," Akainu sneered: "Everyone can see his reluctance towards the Demon-Slaying Order, and he talks about finding foreign aid to deal with Kai. Most of them are actually just looking for excuses to leave."

"Humph..." Qingzhi adjusted the sunglasses on his face and said nothing.

"But it's okay to refuse to participate in the 'extraordinary call', which is better than someone who obviously participates but plans to let it go." Akainu continued.

"Who do you think is going to release the water?" Qing Zhi tilted her head and glared at him.

"Hagwal D. Sauro, your giant friend," Akainu replied: "After receiving the order to kill demons, he repeatedly asked the Warring States General to question him, and he hid in the cabin for the past two days without seeing anyone. If he decides You can't betray the navy, and you can't hold back."

"Hmph...I will freeze him into ice before he betrays." Qingzhi turned his head.

"You can help him if you want," Kizaru on the other side said, "I've long wanted to know which one is stronger, the 'Shining Fruit' or the 'Frozen Fruit'."

"Of course it's frozen fruit. My cold energy can even freeze time and space!"

"It's the Shining Fruit. My brilliance can even transcend dimensions!"

"..." Akainu touched his chin: "Two idiots."



Just when the soldiers on the battleship wanted to hear it but didn't dare to listen, a huge roar came from the air.

At the same time, the originally clear sky turned cloudy and thunderous.

"Navy trash! Try to kill me! Uh-huh-huh!"

With a deafening roar and a strange syllable that sounded like laughter, a huge four-clawed green dragon emerged from the clouds with blazing flames on its feet and rushed straight towards the naval fleet.

Bang! boom!

Although the naval ships were parked, they were always on alert because they were in a windless zone. When the green dragon appeared, they adjusted their angles and fired at it. However, except for slightly reducing its speed, it had almost no effect. .

"I guess those gentlemen who decided to launch the demon-slaying order may not have read the report we submitted at all." Kizaru took out a cigarette, lit it for himself, and then took a deep puff: "'Hundred Beasts' Kaido" , every time the navy gathers more than ten large ships or more than three lieutenants, he will brazenly attack alone, beat the navy to pieces, and at the same time yell about why we can't kill him."

"Oh, no matter whether the Five Old Stars saw it or not, at least Marshal Kong and the Warring States General knew about it," Qingzhi stood up and held up his turban: "Even so, they have to send us here, because they believe that we can take care of them. This evil dragon?”

"Who goes first?" Akainu clenched his fists and opened his mouth.

"Tornado!]" Qinglong let out a huge roar, and his body began to spin rapidly. In just a few seconds, more than a dozen huge waterspouts were set off, and they hit the naval ship with the force of a storm.

"This guy still likes to tell the names of his moves as always, so I'll accompany him," Qingzhi adjusted his glasses and jumped off the warship: "Ice Age!]"

Click, click, click—

When the blue pheasant touched the sea surface, the originally turbulent sea suddenly stopped, or in other words, was frozen into solid ice. The ice surface spread at an extremely high speed, freezing all the waterspouts set off by the blue dragon into icicles. Then it shattered.

"Boring! Boring!]" Qinglong roared loudly, stopped turning in circles, and opened his mouth at the naval ship: "Hot breath!]"

"Stupid dragon, are you playing with fire in front of my uncle Sakaski?" Before Aokiji could prepare to respond, Akainu stepped on the guardrail of the ship and jumped up high: "Lava Burst]!"

Boom boom——

Before the blue dragon's huge flame breath approached the naval ship, it hit a giant ball of lava thrown by Akainu. Although both sides were also fire, the flame dragon's breath emitted as if it had encountered water after touching the lava. It made a sizzling sound and gradually became smaller and extinguished. It was finally pushed back by the lava, and a huge explosion occurred in front of its face. Its intensity even turned the giant green dragon upside down.

"Tsk, tsk, how childish." Kizaru stood at the bow of the boat and shook his head repeatedly, causing Aokiji and Akainu to glare at him angrily.

"Asshole navy! That's all you have!]" Qinglong spun around in the air and opened his mouth again: "Bad wind!]"

This time, what spewed out from its mouth was no longer the flame dragon breath, but a large number of scattered, extremely sharp wind blades, and the range was extremely large, enough to affect all naval ships.

"...It's really troublesome," Kizaru said slowly, and then his whole body turned into a golden light and shot out: "Golden Flash]!"

Chi chi chi chi chi——

The area of ​​influence was extremely huge, and the uncountable number of wind blade clusters were all intercepted and destroyed by the golden light in less than two seconds... It was as if the green dragon had just yawned.

Two seconds later, the golden light returned to the place and condensed the figure of Kizaru.

"It's so scary..." He adjusted his glasses and said slowly.

"Don't try to act stupid, you just shouted the name of a move! Childish!" Aoki Pheasant shouted on the frozen sea.

"We seem to have completely defeated that guy's moves," Akainu, half of his body turned into lava, touched his chin and said, "Did we be sent here just to catch Kaido while executing the demon-slaying order?"

Qinglong seemed to be angered by the successive defeats. Waves of black light surged around his body, gradually converging on his two front paws. Finally, the two paws kept in sync and slapped down fiercely: "Hai Hai] !”

An unusually thick black light beam surged towards the naval ship.

"The dragon form can also be wrapped with the overlord color!? What do intelligence officers do for food!"

"Who was it and how did they catch this monster?!"

"...It's so scary."

The three lieutenant generals were at a loss as to what to do. They could only gather their domineering energy to block the attack and cursed loudly.


The next moment, a bright and blazing beam of light from the bottom of the sea rose up, sending the overbearing beam of light flying toward the sky. At the same time, an unusually sweet and beautiful female voice sounded:

"O sea of ​​harvest! Accompanied by joy!]"

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