The Collection of The End

One thousand nine hundred and eighty-two, blockade of the final four seas (34)

——Haiyuan Calendar, 1500——

West Sea, windless zone.

After an encounter, the navy ships moved closer to each other to count their losses, and remained appropriately vigilant of the great pirate Davy Jones, who was close at hand and had a bounty of 25 million Baileys on his head.

As for why it’s “appropriate”…

"Okay, okay, great job, good boy, good boy"

"Don't cry, don't cry. Although Kaido looks fierce, he is very timid. Wasn't he scared away by you?"

“It’s so nice to touch your head.”

The mermaid princess Shirahoshi, who is riding a giant shark and shuttles between even bigger sea kings to comfort her, is probably the reason.

"……Good boy?"

"...don't cry?"

"...Touch your head?"

The third vice-admiral of the Navy, who had never liked each other very much, expressed doubts unanimously.

"In other words, although these 'Sea Kings' are huge in size, they may be simple-minded and easy to control." Akainu touched his big chin: "Perhaps the Navy Headquarters can consider raising a group."

"First of all, you have to be able to communicate with them, secondly, you have to be strong enough not to be eaten casually, and finally, you have to be able to afford it," Qingzhi adjusted his sunglasses: "If you have that skill, it will be easier to control this mermaid princess."

"Don't try to trick me into dying," Akainu looked at him sideways: "This 'big girl' is not just able to communicate with the Neptunes. There may be a lot of 'overlord sex' shown by that guy Kaido just now. A person can block it, but knock it away halfway? I've never heard of such a thing."

"I think what Kuzan means is that it can be controlled through 'marriage'." Kizaru puffed out smoke.

"Are you two idiots? She's so big, she looks at humans like she's looking at mice, how could it be possible-"

"What happened just now? Why is it so noisy?]"

With a rich baritone voice and slightly heavy footsteps, a huge figure walked out of the cabin with a hunched waist.

It was a man wearing a special large-sized navy uniform. There was a ring of red hair on his head that was hard to tell whether it was hair or a beard. He had a simple and honest expression, and seemed to be a little angry about being woken up. He was looking down from a high position. There are three lieutenant generals.

Hagwardsauro, the executor of this demon-slaying order, is a vice-admiral, a giant, tall... 12.8 meters.

"Tsk..." Kizaru puffed out his smoke again: "Now I very much doubt the reason why the Navy Headquarters must send Garp and Sauro, two unproductive lieutenant generals, to participate in the demon-slaying order."

"Watch your tone, and Garp is a general." Akainu swallowed the second half of the sentence.

"Hey, Sauro," Aokiji, who had always had a good relationship with him, said enthusiastically: "Look over there, that's our facilitator for this operation, Princess White Star of Mermaid Island. You two are close in height, so it's up to you. Just take charge of the negotiations."

"I said, I'm not interested in this operation, you just make the decision...]" Sauro responded listlessly while looking in the direction of Aoki's finger: "——But now I've changed my mind!" "

I saw this giant first patting and straightening his navy uniform, then turning the hat on his head back and forth, and finally even took out a comb from somewhere and started to straighten the red hair that was unclear whether it was a beard or hair.

"..." Aokihiko suppressed a laugh while waving his hand for Akainu and Kizaru to walk to the other side of the ship with him and give up their "home court".

"I must become a general as soon as possible." Akainu snorted: "It is so embarrassing to be in the same class as this guy."

"If Sauro succeeds, he will definitely become a general before you." Qing Zhi laughed smoothly.

"..." Akainu was silent for a moment: "Then I can only become a marshal."

"Stop your discussion that starts with 'what if'," Kizaru gestured in the direction of Shirahoshi: "Kaido said before leaving that she has the potential to become a 'Four Emperors'. What do you think?"

"Isn't this also a 'what if'?" Aokiji pushed up his glasses, "The names of the New World's 'Four Emperors', which are secretly set by the pirates, have no standards in the first place, just because they have been for a long time. Only four forces that can do nothing about each other will be called the "Four" Emperors. And whether it is "Whitebeard" or "Big Mom", if they dare to fight Shirahoshi in the Windless Zone, they will not end up worse than Kai Much better."

"In other words, if Shirahoshi wants to become the Four Emperors, his control area will only be on both sides of the Grand Line, close to the windless zone, because the Neptune species cannot leave their habitat for a long time." Kizaru nodded.

"You may have forgotten about 'Davy Jones' and his 'Flying Pirates'," Akainu stared at the pirate ship covered with seaweed and barnacles: "He was originally an ordinary human being. , and later ate the octopus fruit and became able to summon and control the eight-clawed sea monster. He was very arrogant for a while, and later declared that he was going to serve the 'Ocean Goddess Corybusso' and disappeared. If he wanted to borrow the Mermaid Island If the momentum comes back..."

"I'd like to remind you that Davy Jones is currently in a 'bounty freeze' state. Don't take advantage of the opportunity to attack just because you didn't catch him in the previous fights." Kizaru tilted his head to look at him.

"One more reminder, Princess Bai Xing was invited by 'Admiral' Garp personally. If you want to make any small moves, the general's promotion will definitely be in vain." Qing Zhi answered.

"You two don't need to remind me!"


"Okay, you go home."

"Don't follow me secretly"


At this time, Princess White Star had already finished negotiating with the giant Neptunes, and they began to slowly sink into the sea and disappear. From the perspective of the lieutenant generals who had initially accepted the possibility that the Neptunes were "simple-minded", there was really something in their eyes. The meaning of reluctant to leave.

I always feel that her current behavior is completely different from when she was tough on Kaidou...

When the Neptune species completely disappeared and resurfaced on the sea level, the crew members on the navy ship breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously, and then saw the giant mermaid princess riding her shark mount towards the ship where the vice-admirals were.

"There was an accident just now. Let's continue talking about the 'Extraordinary Call'. Lord Kizaru, Lord Akainu, Lord Aokiji, and..." Bai Xing paused in the middle of his words and looked up and down at someone who was about the same height as her. Sauro.

"Hello,]" Sauro made a squirming gesture with his huge body: "I am Vice Admiral Hagwal D. Sauro, nice to meet you...]"

"This idiot... don't use the 'da da da' habit at this time." Qing Zhi silently covered his face.

"Hmm..." Bai Xing seemed to be indifferent to the oral fetish, and just looked at him with interest for a while. When the Giant Lieutenant General's face began to turn red, he asked: "Do you like playing basketball?"

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