The Collection of The End

One thousand nine hundred and ninety, blockade of the final four seas (42)

Mermaid Island, Dragon Palace City.

Do you believe in gravity? 】


I admire the person who was the first to create an avatar, maybe he would turn black and beat himself up. 】


After the main plot is completed, the incarnation will definitely awaken, just like the hero always has to go to the Throne of Heroes. 】


One last time, time is starting to speed up. 】

‘…It’s so noisy! ’


I flicked my tail and opened Mekaro's face.

"Bai, Princess Baixing?" Bai Jingjing seemed startled and looked at me timidly.

"It's okay. This shark has bone hyperplasia and won't feel comfortable without a few hits." I held my forehead.

"Oh..." Bai Jingjing, or rather, the girl who could be called Samsara Jin Jing about five minutes ago, but now can only be called Bai Jingjing, looked at the stupid system card shark and then at me in disbelief.

She came to me and said, "Maqiri Zolgen entrusted me to come to see you, the princess." After that, she directly completed the main plot and ran away from the world. This is simply outrageous, okay?

Now I can only stare at Bai Jingjing who is in "hosted" state.

In terms of size, it is really eye-catching. 】

‘Shut up! ’

It is not surprising that this situation occurs. After all, this world is an unfinished work. There is no specific "ending event" to return to, so settlement can only be carried out based on "time" and "specific events", that is, in Stay in this world for two years, or complete specific tasks, etc.

But what's the point of leaving immediately after talking to me?

But after she leaves, this world can accelerate time, and it is not the kind of pseudo-acceleration that 'slows down oneself'. 】

'After all, she is messing around all over the world, affecting all kinds of people or things that only exist in memories in the 'original work', which is equivalent to actively carrying out dimension erosion], then she can jump directly to the time period where the main story takes place. That's understandable. ’

So, do you believe in gravity? 】

‘Wait until I get rid of the immediate trouble first. ’

Because this world is not finished, reincarnations are not allowed to log in with their own "accounts". All reincarnations on the wrecked ship will have their own "character cards" belonging to the "module" of One Piece.

Although it is inconvenient, the advantage is that even if the vest dies, it is only a matter of sealing the memory with 1,000 points and there is no need to consider resurrection.

The disadvantage is that the "people in the middle" run away, the "character cards" left behind will only act according to the "character design", and the "vests" collectively become idiots.

It doesn’t matter that they are small people, but if their status and power are high enough and powerful...

——The core figure of the Westward Journey Chamber of Commerce suddenly turned into a love brain, and the core members became jealous, leading to the collapse of the chamber of commerce.

I have watched the development of this chamber of commerce and have been secretly and indirectly assisting them. I can't bear to see the Pirate News Agency issuing such a press release.

In other words, sunk costs. 】

‘No, if something big goes wrong with them, it will at least end badly for me, because I didn’t collect the historical text myself. ’

When Jin Jing and her fleet traveled around the world, performed chivalrous acts, discovered treasures, and expanded their power, they came into contact with a total of 8 historical texts. But here on the Great Line, with the help of the Princess of Mermaid Island and the Four Emperors, I As one of them, I also read 22 historical texts.

When Jin Jing told me about the commission of "Maqili Zolgen", the condition of "interpreting the entire historical text" was directly completed, and I obtained the high-dimensional doomsday element historical text].

The function of this thing is to generate a "history" in a certain world that once interpreted by archaeologists, various things that will destroy the world will appear.

I originally wanted to laugh at how this thing could possibly exist, but when I thought about it carefully, it seemed that there were a lot of them.

Let alone mentioning it, just talking about this world that was changed from the prehistoric times, if the fact that "the birth of this world was actually caused by the Zhou Dynasty accidentally messing up during the Shang Dynasty" was spread, my stupid incarnation would be afraid of being killed. Destroy another life.

That silly girl who can be called "Hongjun" has obviously "fitted her body with Taoism" and jumped out to take care of things. As a result, she was exploited by the Western religion twice and didn't even think about why the other saints ran away. The road is gone, but only two bald men from the Western religion are left behind?

Well, I'm going too far. After getting the "Historical Text", I could actually leave directly. But when I looked at the "Ancient Weapons" and "Devil Fruits" in the task bar that I couldn't get if I left, as a complete Collecting all the achievements of the party is simply unbearable.

At this time, my sister gave me a thoughtful reminder and told me that if I continue to stay in this world until the "War on Top" ends, I will be able to obtain these two doomsday elements automatically.

It’s only twenty years, and time can be accelerated, so why should there be any hesitation?

After that... we encountered the "waistcoat crisis" caused by Jin Jing.

If these "character cards" accidentally crash while accelerating to the top war, then the "historical text" I have already obtained may have a big problem with the law of cause and effect. I will probably be fine, but the stupid system may crash.

And... on top of the war... Makiri Zolgen.

Roger is still alive and has the power of Lord Chong. Who dares to bully his son?

you. 】

'……really. ’

But having said that, even if I can always look after the Westward Journey Chamber of Commerce, if its core members suddenly lose their original power, it will still easily attract covetous people. How about...

"Okay, I understand," I pretended to understand the code: "However, since Makiri Zolgen specially asked you to come to see me, he must have the intention of letting me give you benefits. Come on, come over”

"..." Bai Jingjing blinked and walked slowly to me.

Oh, Jin Jing is right when she complains from time to time. This kind of "inverted green plum" character design has long been out of favor, but it can be kept as a contrasting cuteness.

I put my hand into my pocket, shaped a piece of scale left by a forgotten species of sea king into a mask, then took it out and placed it on the little girl's forehead:

"I heard that you have a kind nature and don't like fighting. Only by entering a 'fighting state' can you display your skills. This is not possible. If you encounter a sneak attack, it will be difficult to deal with it." I said while adjusting the position of the mask with my fingers: "This A mask, just pull it off and put it on whenever you feel there may be danger nearby, allowing you to enter a 'fighting state' at any time."

Well, of course this is nonsense. This is actually a "virtual personality" mask. As long as you put it on, it will switch to the personality I weaved based on Jin Jing's strength before leaving, and those abilities that originally belonged to the reincarnation can also be freed. Use, such as overlord color, domineering and so on.

However, there is nothing she can do about the props she has brought out of the world and can only be replaced with others.

"Here, take it." I followed the same method and made a fish bone and a shell: "This is a sword that can cut through any defense and a shield that can block any attack - you are not allowed to ask what will happen if they hit each other. "

"Pfft... I will cherish it." Bai Jingjing smiled at me.

This should be fine...

‘Okay, let’s start accelerating. ’

Do you believe in light? 】


Does it have to read this passage to the end?

Forget it, I shouldn't have made so many Jojo jokes in this world.

I admire the first person to do a time jump, because the layout can get messy. 】

Such things as plot inertia will exist even if there is no inhibitory interference. After all, the author of the high-dimensional world is not dead. 】

Haki, ancient weapons, devil fruits, Whitebeard Christmas, Charlotte Nyarlathotep, Shank Sparrow, Monkey D. Zilong, Zorro, Metkai Do, Golden Retriever Shiki the Lion King, Zefa the Blackhand, Akainu the Fire King, Jotaro Jojo the Sora, Shin Hakakuru]

etc? Is there any strange person mixed in?

One last time, time is going to speed up——】

madeinheaven! 】

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