The Collection of The End

One thousand nine hundred and ninety-three, foundation value of human science: A+++


I stared at the golden "0" and "1" that flashed from time to time on that suit of clothes for a moment, and finally found its origin deep in my memory.

It is not a title like Yuanshi Tianzun or Moral Tianzun, but a final profession similar to the Monopoly game.

The attributes of other professions are in the hundreds and hundreds. It is full of four and nine. The transfer and advancement of other professions require sufficient experience and attributes that meet the requirements. However, it has "transferred to all other professions and has five million money".

I vaguely remember that it was the first time I saw 3D animated cutscenes + transformations, and my young mind was greatly impacted.

Putting aside the "young" point...]

‘Don’t throw it away! ’

Okay, don’t put it aside. Obviously, when you first found out that you were experiencing a prehistoric world, your subconscious was already preparing for this identity. You would play this for a while and make a cameo for that. However, things changed too quickly later. This unconscious behavior of sowing in advance is too late to harvest, and it becomes a cheap incarnation after leaving. 】

‘Well... I have to say that this kind of technology + ancient style look is quite fashionable even now. ’

I just can't wear it out. 】

'you shut up! ’

Thinking about it carefully, all the avatars seem to have formal clothes that can be worn out. Even Merlin has a black suit, but neither Im's pointed hat cloak nor Tianzun's suit can be worn out...

"...]" A golden stream of light flashed on Tianzun's goggles: "That's it."

What turned out to be? So what?


Tianzun's body emitted a burst of light again, but it was much lighter than the first time, which was about the level of a street lamp.

That exaggerated look quickly deformed under the illumination of the "street lights", and finally turned into an orange sweater, blue jeans, and white travel shoes. There was also a backpack on the back, and the original burgundy hair became It became a black twin ponytail.

As for the face...of course it's still mine.

"This kind of shape can be blended into ordinary people," her voice was no longer ethereal, but her words were still stiff: "This body is called Moon Dance, and its identity is only a 'trainee Taoist priest'."

Okay, at least it looks fine, her personality is there, and no boring people will talk to her.

"You should have some unfinished business to deal with. I will just walk around in this world." Tianzun, no, Yue Zhiwu looked up at the sky: "Of course, I will stay here temporarily before ensuring that the starry sky is not disturbed. A vast land.”

" very good."

Hahahahaha! 】

‘Tsk, your mouth is bald, and the words you said were taken astray by her. ’


"Sister Bai Xing!" The courtyard door was pushed open, and Lin Shu, who was wearing a Mermaid Island characteristic costume, ran in from the outside in a panic, grabbed Yue Zhiwu's hand and ran away: "Hurry and help me send the Sea King species away. go back!"

"Why are you panicking?"

"We'll talk about it in the past——"

The two disappeared outside the door.

"...Huh?" I turned to look at Meng Nali.

"Well, I just wanted to say that after you came back, there was a huge water monster in the artificial lake in the community. I wonder if it was the pet you brought back." Meng Nali shrugged: "It seems not."

……I knew it.

As long as I have the status of "sister", there will definitely be Lin Shu or Zela among my younger brothers and sisters.


Since similar things have been done three times, the Avatar and his followers don't seem to have much interest in the conclusion after the end of the world - at least not as much as the sea monster in the artificial lake.

I just had the pleasure of resuming my relationship with Meng Nali.

First of all, regarding the erosion progress, this can actually be called the "coronal resection progress". It was not obvious before, but this time it has been pushed to 69% in one go. Meng Nali can clearly see that the blockbuster film in the high-dimensional world has Large swaths of the "crown" fell over and disappeared without warning.

Although there is still a lot to look at overall, it is well known that a person's hair will look thick until they are actually bald.

From the current point of view, after recycling the unexpected "Dance of the Moon", there will definitely not be an avatar of me next time, because after the prehistoric era, there will be Steins;Gate, and there will be no avatar at all.

Secondly, there is the situation where the followers intervene. Roger, Matou Zoyan and Dong Zhuo share the same voice actor, which led to a guy who can hear the "voice of all things" to play two games in a row. After being executed, he turned into a bug and ran away.

Nyarlathotep took the identity of Charlotte, the Snack Witch, and ran to challenge Charlotte Lingling. This is not the most outrageous thing. The most outrageous thing is that the setting of the witch is perfectly compatible with the soul fruit, and then In order to comply with the setting, Naia left the Bloated Daughter and ran away.

I searched around but couldn't find a black man with a hearty smile. I never expected that she would pinch Nayako's image and then transform into the Winter Saint and run off to marry Roger.

Matou Zangyan and the Saint of Winter, Milak and Mora, Dong Zhuo and the mysterious wife, finally achieved enlightenment with Roger and Lujiu... Although she probably just wanted to be Ace Nezha Red Boy's mother Just for fun.

As for the reincarnators... Jin Jing's guess is actually correct. The character's background belongs to the true hidden mission. No prompts are given in advance, and the process is not guided. However, there are corresponding rewards for completing the relevant tasks, and the specific content is basically the same as Related to the Celestial Dragons, the historical text, and the world government.

By the way, the Tianlong people are the ones who survived the fake "Zhou", and the empty island is filled with some little fairies, little gods, little demons and little devils who didn't go to "thirty-three days away".

As for the most mysterious "onepiece", it is actually "", which is the Heart of Pangu, the birthplace of the ocean currents under the Grand Route. In other words, the entire Great Route is a complete artery + venous circulation.

So Mermaid Island is the place where all the "arterial oxygen" is consumed... No, it's obviously Marie Joa's gang.

Even if I merged a lot of islands into Fishman Island in order to collect historical text, causing its size to be nearly ten times larger than the original, it should be none of my business.

The last one is Jin Jing's side.

The ferry capsized and encountered a flood peak caused by heavy rainfall upstream. It was expected that 25 people would die, 12 people would be seriously injured, and 5 people would be slightly injured. After going through the experience of One Piece World, only 14 people were slightly injured when the boat capsized, and most people just fell into the water and suffered injuries. Just a cold.

But there is a small problem here, that is, all of them will find that their swimming skills have improved by leaps and bounds afterwards, because swimming is just like riding a bicycle. Once you learn it, you will never forget it. It is not something that can be done by sealing the memory about the reincarnation space. of.

The high-level erosion is terrifying.

Of course, this is not a natural accident, but a man-made accident caused by the "■■■■■■■". Chinese agents tried to cause a shipwreck accident and used the accident to spread the virus to infect medical staff and The rescue workers, and then spread to various medical, ambulance and transportation departments, if that guy hadn't been a fast runner and were pulled in together, they wouldn't have had as much fun as him - to say the least, they would have been shot twice.

What about taking it more seriously? 】

‘Blast with artillery. ’

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