The Collection of The End

Two thousand and nine, the magic fog city of the dead (16)


The Garden of Assembly, Department of Literature.

The girl with blue hair and red eyes wore plain glasses and read silently, while the black-haired boy looked around with a glass of water in his hand.

After shooting down the fifth apostle, Unit Zero and Unit 1 were sent for repair and maintenance. All EVA-related training in Ayanami Zero and Ikari Shinji's schedules were cancelled.

Ikari Shinji didn't know what happened to Ayanami Rei, but he himself felt a little idle.

In addition, he felt that after this battle, the relationship between the two should have become closer, but their daily interactions were still the same.

"Well, Ayanami, what did you gain after this battle?" Shinji Ikari tried to ask.

"Here, here are your data." Ayanami Rei took off his glasses and handed him a tablet.

Shinji Ikari: Pilot of Unit-0]

Physical strength: 25, intelligence index: 9, mental strength: 29, language ability: 23, social adaptation: 21, moral concept: 1, sensory ability: 25, fatigue level: 40, synchronization rate: 100%, at force field strength :100/8000】


Looking at this data, Shinji Ikari had a lot to complain about, but he didn't know which one to complain about first.

All other attributes are growing simultaneously, so why are only the intelligence index and moral values ​​dropped?

Doesn't the AT force field automatically recover after the battle?

And the synchronization rate has increased too fast!

"The meaning of the synchronization rate of 100% is," Rei Ayanami paused: "'You have successfully conquered Unit 1. If there are no accidents, this week's game will reach its ending.'"

"Can you turn off the message about the 'Information Integrated Thought Body'?" Shinji Ikari finally found the target of his complaint.

"It can't be turned off," Rei Ayanami replied: "It will interrupt at any time it thinks is appropriate."

"Ha..." Shinji Ikari covered his face.

Therefore, the reason why Ayanami seems taciturn and barely responds to the outside world is because there is a guy in his head who is noisy all day long and says everything?

"The Information Integrated Thought Body also said," Rei Ayanami relayed again: "'According to general rules, the second female lead should be on stage now.'"

"Where did the second female lead come from? Does EVA have a second unit?" Shinji Ikari complained vigorously.

"Yes, in Germany," Rei Ayanami responded, and then added: "That's what I said."

"No, no, I can still hear it. No need to explain..." Shinji Ikari pinched his forehead: "Do you know how many EVAs there are in the world?"

"Batai," Ayanami Rei replied: "Although he is an artificial apostle, he can still be sensed by Eve."

"Can it also trigger a third impact?" Shinji Ikari asked casually.


"...Really? I'm just asking."

"When the EVA driver's AT force field returns to zero, the body comes into contact with Eve, which will trigger the 'third impact'."

"Then I'm just a little short, right?!"

"If your last hundred AT force fields disappear," Ayanami Rei paused again: "'It will turn into pus in one hour and three quarters.'"

"Have I been put into some kind of gourd? You've covered a lot of information in the 'Information Integrated Thought Body'!" Shinji Ikari complained vigorously.

"This is a fact," Rei Ayanami replied: "'at force field absolute terror field', the field of absolute terror, also known as the 'wall of the heart', that is, the degree to which an individual rejects external influences. If it disappears completely, the individual will be dispersed into the most basic The elements and composition are the same as lkectliquid."


"Under normal circumstances, the AT force field will be full after the battle, but you are still fixed at 100, so the reason must be related to the 'god' you mentioned before." Rei Ayanami continued.

Well, the at force field is dedicated to "god"...

No, wait, are those three elemental heroes also——?

Shinji Ikari subconsciously touched the back of his left hand. Of course there was nothing there when not in combat.

At this moment, Rei Ayanami pinched the frame of his glasses, put down his book and stood up.

"The sixth apostle appears, let's go back," she paused and added: "This time, you, the glass man, don't have to play."

Sooner or later I have to teach the "Information Integration Thought Body" a lesson!


nerv headquarters.

When Shinji Ikari returned to the nerv headquarters, he did not see the busy preparations for war. The command room was empty, except for the regular apostle waveform detection and various analysis trend charts about the third new Tokyo city.

Isn't the apostle nearby this time? Shinji Ikari looked at Rei Ayanami, and she shook her head slightly to express that she was not sure.

"Shinji, Rei, you came back just in time." At this moment, Misato Katsuragi, who was rarely wearing a uniform that matched her "First Lieutenant" military rank, walked out of an elevator: "Would you like to greet those from Germany? 'eva unit 2' and its pilot?"

The "second female lead" is really here! Shinji Ikari subconsciously looked at Rei Ayanami.

"According to regulations, at least one EVA and the driver must be left behind at the Nerv headquarters," Rei Ayanami replied in a calm tone: "But if this is an order, I will execute it."

This way of refusing is too tactful.

"Well, it seems that there is indeed such a rule," Misato Katsuragi touched her chin: "Then come with me, Shinji-kun. Your AT force field with a mere 100 points cannot attack anyway."

"Well, let me ask, where should I pick him up? The airport or the train station?" Shinji Ikari ignored Misato's evaluation of him.

"Unit No. 2 was shipped from Germany, of course - by sea." Misato Katsuragi patted him on the shoulder vigorously.

Of course I’ve never heard of this!

"Ayanami..." Shinji Ikari looked at Ayanami Rei, wanting to finally confirm the location of the sixth apostle.

"Be careful on the road." The girl said in her usual unguessable tone.

It may sound like an ordinary farewell to others, but Shinji Ikari already knows her to a considerable extent, so this should sound like this - the Sixth Apostle may very well plan to launch an attack on Unit 2 while it is in transit. You have to be careful when dealing with the 100at force field.

Is this the effect of 100% synchronization rate?

Although I only have a 100at force field, I have two gods, so I can beat it even without piloting Unit 1...probably.

"Then...I'm going out." Shinji Ikari said.

"Okay, okay, I know you have a good relationship, but please consider the feelings of an older single woman like me, okay?" Misato Katsuragi grabbed Shinji Ikari's shoulders and pushed him away.

"Sister Meili is not old at all."

"Yes Yes Yes."


The high seas of the Pacific Ocean.

The military-green armed helicopter spray-painted with the Nerv leaf logo flew past the dark red sea.

"Every time I see this Red Sea, I have the feeling of 'I really can't go back'," Misato Katsuragi said while looking out the window: "Obviously there are no problems with refraction and spectrum, and there is nothing in the water that will cause the water to change. The red material and even the marine life in the water are the same as before, but why is it red?”

"Maybe the meteorite that fell in Antarctica was a lump of paint from aliens." Shinji Ikari said nonsense.

"So the apostle is a paint wizard?"


He knows the truth, and Misato Katsuragi probably knows that he knows the truth, but after all, there are crew members on the plane who may not know the truth, so it’s better to discuss it in terms of nerv propaganda.

"Did you know?" Katsuragi Misato took the initiative to change this boring topic, which seemed like "have you eaten?" and said instead: "The two shots you took to destroy the fifth apostle directly drained the power of the entire District 11. Protest and The complaints almost buried Commander Ikari.”

"That's...a pity." Shinji Ikari changed his words temporarily.

"The most disgusting thing is that some thieves who don't know where they came from leaked the data and videos of EVA's several battles. The guys from the Dilian League actually copied a ridiculous thing called 'jva' based on EVA's structure. Prepare to snatch funds from us." Misato Katsuragi continued.

"Then what?" Shinji Ikari had never heard of such a thing, and felt that those people might be cold-blooded.

"The large sweeping robot lost control immediately after starting up. After leveling the command post, it rushed into the sea and disappeared. If you are lucky, you may walk ashore on the other side of the sea." Misato Katsuragi spread her hands.

"Dr. Akagi must have done it." Shinji Ikari said smoothly.

"Really... um...?" Misato Katsuragi began to think seriously about the possibility.

Didn’t you make yourself right? After all, she is a female doctor who is responsible for managing the three supercomputers in the entire Nerv. It is not surprising that she can do anything.

"Ahem, in short, due to this incident and the double damage to Unit 1 and Unit 0, Nerv specially transported the Unit 2 built in Germany to prepare for emergencies." Katsuragi Misato changed the subject: "But Commander Ikari It’s a bit strange to ask us to meet up with the local coalition navy in advance to give them face? But doesn’t he always look down on those armed forces that can’t deal with the apostles?”

Because he knew that the Sixth Apostle had appeared, although he didn’t know if he knew it at the same time as Ayanami Rei.

Shinji Ikari thought for a moment and then said: "Because big guns and ships are a man's romance."

"..." Misato Katsuragi stared as if she had seen a ghost.

"Well, is that the fleet?" Shinji Ikari looked down through the window.

On the slightly turbulent Red Sea, a fleet composed of 6 aircraft carriers, 4 battleships and a dozen destroyers was sailing. Aside from the flaw that the firepower could never break through the apostle's AT field, a fleet of this size The fleet can already move sideways across the world.

He took a few more glances and soon saw something out of place on an aircraft carrier - a humanoid object covered by a huge military canvas.

Is that the second female lead?

Pooh! It's Unit 2!


"Hello Commander, here are the handover documents and related procedures from the Nerv side. You only need to sign in these places..."

"Don't young people today know how to be polite?"

The commander of this fleet is an old man wearing a white navy uniform, with white beard and hair, and a beard. He smokes a pipe. Without even looking at the document and information board that Katsuragi Misato took out, he pointed his pipe at her:

"We are on a mission. Although it is a mission to escort a big toy, no one can stop us from completing it, not even early delivery. I will not sign this until it disembarks at the intended destination port."


"Even if I sign it, what can you do? Use your helicopter to carry it away like a vegetable basket?"


I always feel that she will be very hostile to "men's romance" in the future...

Shinji Ikari looked at the "formal meeting" over there, and when no one was paying attention to him, he turned around and slipped away, running towards Unit 2 parked on the deck.

If there are eight EVAs in total, maybe the colors will be allocated according to the seven-color light? Unit Zero is orange, Unit 1 is purple, and there is no pattern, so Unit 2...

Oh, red.

Shinji Ikari circled half a circle around Unit 2 and raised the canvas probe several times to look at it, but he couldn't see anything except that it was overall red with occasional green indicator lights. Is this the feeling of a blind man touching an elephant?

"Are you the driver from a related family?"

When he emerged from under the canvas again and considered returning to Misato, Shinji Ikari was blocked.

It was a slender girl wearing a goose-yellow dress. She had reddish-brown shawl hair, a pair of azure pupils, upturned eyes, and a pair of red receivers on her forehead. She had one hand on her hip, showing a fierce expression. Staring at himself.

"Hello, my name is Shinji Ikari." Shinji Ikari decided to ignore the title of "connected person" and stretched out his hand to her.

"..." The girl raised her eyebrows, walked towards Shinji Ikari, and at the same time stretched out her hand: "Hello, my name is Soryu Asuka Langre."

Her personality seems okay—


The moment Shinji Ikari thought this, a duel disk appeared on his left arm.

Does she want to hit someone? !

He only has 100 life points, so he can be killed even if the chestnut ball hits him!

Without having time to think about it, Shinji Ikari directly covered up the first card he drew, and then activated it after the girl with a long name showed an expression of "You've been fooled" and raised her hand to grab his arm.

"Defenseless! You-"

Ripple Shield·Wave Power: When the opponent's monster launches a direct attack, all monsters in attack position are returned to the deck. 】

Shinji Ikari pinned the girl to the deck with a backhand grab.

"...can it be considered...a driver...?" The girl who called herself Asuka finished her sentence while staring at the floor.

"sorry, I--"

boom! Throw sand!

The next moment, a huge fish-shaped monster jumped up from the sea next to the ship, opened its big mouth and bit at Shinji Ikari and Asuka. But while it was still in the air, Unit 2, which was lying quietly next to it, suddenly stood up. , raised his hand to grab the tentacles near the mouth of the fish-shaped monster, turned around and kicked it from the other side of the deck into the sea.

Well, it turns out that Captain No. 2 looks like this and has four eyes.

I don’t know if it’s factorial or additive, but Unit 8 must be a monster with hundreds of eyes.


"Enemy attack!]"

The fleet's alarm belatedly sounded.

"Ah..." Asuka's eyes were a little dull.

"As expected of the strongest pilot!" Shinji Ikari immediately helped her up and praised: "That's amazing! You can still command it to repel the apostles without entering the insertion bolt! Precise German craftsmanship!"

"..." Asuka looked at Unit 2, who was still in the apostle posture, and then at Shinji Ikari, who looked innocent, and opened his mouth, as if he wanted to ask something but then gave up. Finally, he crossed his arms and raised his chin: "Handsome, right?"

2009. Death World Demonic Fog City Sixteen

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