The Collection of The End

2014. The Demonic Fog City of the Dead (21)


The gathering garden, the swimming pool.

Snap sand.

Wearing a pure white one-piece swimsuit, Ayanami Rei jumped into the swimming pool with an elegant leap from the shore, and then... without moving her hands and feet, she kept her face down and moved in a straight line like a corpse floating on the water.

No... Although everyone here knows that you are special, can you please restrain yourself? Don't use this standard apostle-style swimming method?

Shinji Ikari sighed silently and moved his gaze from Rei Ayanami, who looked like a driftwood in the swimming pool, back to the laptop screen in his hand.

It is now the day after defeating the Seventh Apostle, and all members of the literary club are holding club activities in the empty school swimming pool.

The explanation for this behavior with many flaws is simple - when Asuka and Rei Ayanami were training intensively to deal with the Seventh Apostle, the Assemblage Garden held a summer school trip, and all students traveled to Okinawa for three weeks. .

To put it more clearly, it is the summer vacation, but due to the special nature of the Assembly Garden, it is impossible to really let these qualified people run around. We can only arrange for everyone to go out and play in the name of school trips every winter and summer vacation to recharge their batteries. Hara Touji and Aida Kensuke also arrogantly left messages saying, "They will bring souvenirs to the poor driver."

Poor pilot...Tsk, tsk, I'll go back and report to Rei Ayanami, and arrange for you two to be pilots. The new body will be one modified by the fourth apostle, and the fifth is also lucky enough to retain the body. The apostle, because the super-powerful bombardment was so powerful, it had been demolished to nothing.

As for the Sixth Apostle, the fish was taken away by the ground fleet escorting Asuka and Unit 2. I don’t know if they can imitate the EVA, but according to the military’s style, they should not produce a special type of aircraft. If there is a chance, it will probably be turned into a mass-produced machine...probably.

"Really, Shinji-san, do you want to drink oolong tea?" Kirishima's real name's voice interrupted Shinji Ikari's thinking.

"Okay, thank you... Huh?" Shinji Ikari responded, turned around and was stunned.

Kirishima's real name was wearing a black one-piece swimsuit decorated with a lot of white lace, with leg and arm rings, and a hair accessory of the same style on her head - how did she manage to look like a maid in her swimsuit? ?

"What, what, is it weird?" Kirishima looked at the canned oolong tea in his hand a little awkwardly: "But, the swimming pool cannot boil water..."

Do you remember that you are just a member of the literary club, not a maid?

"No, that's good," Shinji Ikari took the oolong tea: "You are not a driver, so you can participate in the school trip, right? 'Work' is not that important."

After all, it is impossible to integrate the vigilance of the missing body with information to make her a pilot. Even if she stays, she will not be taken to the Nerv headquarters. At most, she can record the performance of Ayanami and Asuka when the apostle attacks, but the apostle has just arrived. Yes, it's impossible to do it again so soon.

"No, actually... I don't have many friends. Even if we go together, we can only participate in all the activities organized by the teacher. It's better to stay in the literary club. At least everyone is willing to talk to me." Kirishima's real name turned his head and looked at Ukimu. Rei Ayanami doing Brownian motion in the swimming pool.

Tsk... You, the secret service agency of the Ground Alliance, are extremely evil. You specialize in selecting marginalized people as spies, right? ——Well, this is not talking about "Future Kirishima's real name".

"Then let's go play in the water. I still have to make up for my homework during the summer vacation." Shinji Ikari opened the tab of the oolong tea and took a sip: "Really, why does the EVA pilot still have to do his homework?"

"Of course it's because your grades are not good," Asuka walked out from the locker room and put her hands on her hips in front of Shinji Ikari: "Japanese drivers are not selected based on their grades. It is simply incomprehensible. You know, when I was in Germany , the result is much higher than the second place, oh hehehehe"

Well... my academic performance is very good. If you have any difficulties in studying, can you ask me?

Don't feel inferior, Kirishima-san, there is another guy here who would have no friends if he didn't join the literary club.

"Because we here select according to the synchronization rate." Shinji Ikari responded casually and looked up.

Asuka wore a red and white striped "extended version" bikini. She obviously wanted to compete with Rei Ayanami, but was embarrassed to reveal too much.

No, Ayanami is already wearing a tight one-piece, so why are you trying to compete? The previous synchronized training did not cultivate friendship at all, right?

"Hmph... My synchronization rate has reached 50%, which is only a little bit worse than your 65%." Asuka made a gap the size of a grain of rice with her thumb and index finger.

So powerful, so powerful. It turns out that Ayanami can also force the synchronization rate of other pilots to 50%.

By the way, you are sending information, it is none of my business. Shinji Ikari turned to look at Kirishima Mana.

"Then, I'm going to swim first, Shinji-san, Asuka-san." Kirishima bowed slightly, took two steps back and walked towards the ladder of the swimming pool.

I'm not asking you to shy away...forget it.

"I went to see Commander Katsuragi before," Asuka obviously didn't care about Kirishima's real name and turned to Shinji Ikari: "After I argued hard, she agreed to let us go on a 'study trip', but we can't leave the third party. Neo-Tokyo City must remain prepared for war at all times."

It wasn't called a school trip at all, it was just a recurring weekend.

"So, what is your plan?" Shinji Ikari asked.

"Hmph, even if you don't leave New Tokyo City 3, there are still many places to play," Asuka raised her chin: "I have investigated everything clearly. The Bon Festival will be held on the 15th and the shopping street will be held on the 22nd. There will be a 'Summer Festival' and a 'Fireworks Display' on the 28th, so those who went to Okinawa will regret it!"

Is there a possibility that they will have the same celebration in Okinawa?

But seriously, by holding such a lively event, aren’t you afraid that the apostles will attack again?

Oh, isn’t that why us drivers stay behind?

As a "hero" who protects the city.

"Huh? Why? You haven't heard of these celebrations, have you? Really, he is obviously a young man, but he has such a lack of entertainment activities." Asuka leaned forward and stared at the face of Shinji Ikari who was suddenly in a daze.

Five seconds later, she suddenly let out a "yeah" sound, jumped back, and protected her chest with her hands: "Idiot! Rogue! Pervert! Go to hell!"

...I'd better do my homework.


Literary Department.

"I declare that this summer study trip plan has successfully achieved its goal."

Wearing a T-shirt, hot pants, and a pair of sunglasses on her head, Asuka said while flicking a list with a lot of ticks in her hand.

"Oh" Shinji Ikari replied without energy.

She had a great time, but the others didn't have as much physical strength as she did.

"Obon Festival", "Summer Festival", and "Fireworks Festival" are three relatively important celebrations. Even the staff of Nerv headquarters are participating in them.

As for the Obon Festival, where Ryouji Kaji and Misato Katsuragi participated together, the Summer Festival saw Ryoji Kaji and Ritsuko Akagi attend together, and the fireworks display was attended by Misato Katsuragi and Ritsuko Akagi, it’s better to forget about it as soon as possible. , stop meddling in adults’ affairs.

From the members of the literary club... Rei Ayanami is very suitable for wearing a kimono, and even chose a fox mask to wear. Asuka especially likes fireworks. Everyone is watching the fireworks seriously, but she keeps shouting. Kirishima's real name is actually a hidden foodie, At every festival, all the food stalls are scanned.

As for Shinji Ikari himself... let's put it this way, all the stall owners of all the game items refused him to participate, and it was useless to give him double the money.

If she just participated in these festivals, her physical fitness would be enough, but in Asuka's plan, she wanted to "go on a more exciting school trip than the guys who went to Okinawa." Between the three festivals, she just couldn't keep up. A lot of "summer-friendly activities" are incorporated here and there.

There are outdoor ones, such as catching cicadas in the suburban forest, fishing by the river, building sandcastles on the beach, or having a courage test in the mountains.

There are indoor ones, such as billiards games, bowling games, karaoke, bad movie appreciation parties, and eating snacks while watching the moon.

Shinji Ikari had to suspect that this talented pilot from Germany probably randomly searched for "activities suitable for summer" on the Internet, and then copied down all the results that appeared.

Compared to celebrations that involve many people, this kind of small group activity is more helpful in enhancing cohesion. Although Asuka probably didn't go there for this purpose, at least the result was achieved.

There are no changes in Ayanami Rei and Asuka. The key lies in Kirishima's real name. Although she still calls herself a maid, she can no longer call Ayanami Rei "Master" but "Ayanami-san". Judging from Ayanami's direct agreement, She actually doesn't care about this very much - it must be the bad idea of ​​the guy from the Information Integration Thought Body.

Shinji Ikari was originally a little worried that this kind of vacation was too long, and Misato Katsuragi might have objections if he didn't train Katsuragi Misato. However, after Ayanami showed him the itinerary, he discovered that the name of the schedule during this period was not "vacation", but really "holiday". During a "school trip", the increase in various attributes is less than that of ordinary training and study, but it is significantly higher than that of a normal vacation - including fatigue.

However, in any case, now that the summer vacation is coming to an end, life should get back on track after the Okinawa classmates return. Studying, training, fighting apostles... doesn't seem to be so normal.

At this time, Asuka had already taken out the photos taken during the "school trip" for everyone to share, and claimed that they could print more if necessary.

"Well..." Shinji Ikari picked up the photos one by one and looked at them, briefly recalling the situation at that time.

When catching cicadas, those stupid insects didn't hide from Rei Ayanami at all. They flew around with a look of surprise until they were caught in the net.

On the contrary, when fishing, Ayanami Rei couldn't catch a single fish, but Kirishima Mana had a good harvest one after another.

When building a sandcastle, Rei Ayanami carefully built an exquisite sandcastle. When Kirishima was about to praise her, he suddenly destroyed it with a ruthless hand, causing the maid to look horrified.

The test of courage was obviously a route arranged by Asuka herself, but she was scared to death when leaving. She grabbed Shinji Ikari's clothes and refused to let go. On the contrary, Rei Ayanami and Mana Kirishima looked calm. One really didn't care, and the other thought it was still Ayanami. Even scarier.

In the table tennis match, Ayanami made a mistake at the beginning, and Asuka drew a circle on her face, and then completely crushed her in turn. The genius driver's face was covered with crosses, and Ikari Shinji was playing with Kirishima Mana next to him. Friendship ball while watching the game.

During the bowling match, Asuka avenged her shame and cleared the pins with one ball. Ayanami stared at the three holes on the bowling ball for a while and said she would not participate. Asuka was unable to get angry and could only vent her anger on Shinji Ikari and Kirishima's real names.

When singing karaoke, Rei Ayanami and Mana Kirishima sang the chorus as a solo due to their similar timbres, while Asuka could actually sing a sweet song, and her voice was completely different from when she cursed. As for Shinji Ikari himself...nothing It’s normal for boys with changed voices to sing with female voices! What are you laughing laughing!

Bad Movie Appreciation Party... A certain genius driver probably doesn't really have much entertainment in normal times. Movies like those that won the Golden Raspberry Sauce award can make her cry. Isn't it the boy who fell into a coma due to the second impact and woke up after 14 years of sleep? , found out that your childhood sweetheart has married a passerby? Otherwise, what if I can wait for you for 14 years?

When enjoying the moon and eating snacks, for some reason it turned into a debate about "are five-nut mooncakes delicious" and "can five-nut mooncakes be eaten?", and the objects of the debate turned out to be Kirishima Mana and Asuka, while Shinji Ikari and Rei Ayanami watched. I ate all the mooncakes while playing.

To sum up, if Kirishima's real name is a spy in the ordinary sense, the intelligence collected is enough for her to be promoted to five levels in a row - although Shinji Ikari doesn't know how promotions in the intelligence agency are calculated.


Although this "study trip" was quite fulfilling, I always felt that there was something lacking...

Is it really because he is not used to the lack of apostles coming?

"Um, Ayanami?" Shinji Ikari looked at Asuka and Kirishima's real names, who were picking through a lot of photos on the table and discussing the situation from time to time. He quietly approached Ayanami Rei, who had put on his glasses again and was reading a book: "Next When was the next apostolic attack?"

"..." Rei Ayanami stared at Shinji Ikari with ruby-like eyes, and paused for a rare few seconds: "Do you want the apostles to attack immediately, or do you want them to wait?"

Have you evolved enough to control the apostles? Shinji Ikari's eyes widened slightly.

"No," Rei Ayanami replied, "I'm just not sure what you mean by asking."

"Well, of course I hope I can wait a little longer. After all, I'm a little tired after fighting with Asuka for so long." Shinji Ikari replied.



The gathering garden, the swimming pool.

Buzz, snap.

Wearing a dark green one-piece swimsuit, Rei Ayanami stepped off the springboard twice, jumped into the air, turned two and a half times in the air and entered the water without any splash, and then... kept her hands and feet still and kept her face down. It looked like a floating corpse. The most outrageous thing was that this "floating corpse" was still moving in a straight line at a constant speed in the swimming pool.

Let me tell you... although everyone who can appear in the swimming pool now knows that you are very special, but please be restrained, otherwise Kirishima's real name will be scared again.


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