The Collection of The End

Chapter 201 Blood Race and the Sun

My name is Akatosh,

I'm helping Stendhal save lives.

——4E, 199, Moon of Sunset, 11th, 23:41——

DLC, the abbreviation of Downloadable Content, literally means "downloadable content", but it is generally translated as "expansion piece", and the Elder Scrolls 5 has a total of three expansion pieces.

Except for "Dragonborn", which happened in the province of Skyrim, which is out of my reach, and "Stovefire", which just builds a house to adopt children, the only content that can really interfere is "Dawn Guard", a story about the conflict between the Dawn Guard and vampires.

[So the way you interfere is... to directly destroy this expansion pack? Do you think about it again? ] The stupid system was nagging in his ear.

"What can I do? The vampire attack on the Vigilante's Hall is the beginning of the entire expansion, but I can't let them go." I stood on the top of the mountain and looked down at dozens of houses, almost forming a vigilance for a small village. or headquarters.

Since there will be a large-scale battle here, Zerapesh's strength probably won't help, so today I'm wearing Ysera... I mean the vest of "Nozdormu", my voice is as hoarse and charming as ever —Actually, it’s not bad if you get used to it.

Stendarr is the god of justice, mercy and benevolence. He hates vampires, werewolves, witches, and demons and all unclean creatures that intrude on mortals. The "Vigilante" was established after the annihilation crisis 200 years ago. Dedicated to eradicating any daedra that invade the world of Nirn.

However, apart from the immortal relationship with the demons, other types of unclean creatures will basically turn a blind eye if they do not attack mortals. Guard, but not afraid of the Vigilantes, for they too are "protected mortals".

"I once thought about it, these vigilantes are obviously senior believers of Stendhal, why the Holy Spirit would turn a blind eye to them being attacked, at least it would be better to say hello in advance and let them run away - now I know, must Why, I can’t.” I moved my gaze away from the small canyon where the Vigilante’s Hall was located, and there were strange figures with dull yellow eyes everywhere in the mountains and plains.

The vigilantes are very self-aware and know that their actions will arouse the revenge of those unclean creatures, so they are headquartered in the snow-capped mountains and valleys that are inaccessible, so that even if demons appear, the aftermath of the battle will not harm mortals, but they Obviously, he hadn't considered what would happen if he was surrounded by the enemy with an overwhelming numerical advantage.

"—We are the vigilantes of Tamriel, we obey the will of the sun, execute the sanction of the light, we uphold justice, show no mercy to any evil, we dedicate our lives and honor to the vigilantes, today and every day Apparently those vigilantes also noticed something was wrong, and they had already gathered together to recite the oath under the leadership of their leader, Ms. Kasiti, and prepared to fight to the death.

In the eyes of the vigilantes, they prevent unclean creatures from invading mortals in order to carry out Stendhal's will, but obviously those unclean creatures don't think so, witches who like to hide and study magic, and werewolves who are almost the same as ordinary people are okay , for a vampire, it is unreasonable to be attacked just by eating without harming or transforming a mortal.

However, due to the concerns of high-level officials on both sides about a large-scale war, the two sides still barely maintain a fragile balance.

However, the battle between the Imperial Legion and the Stormcloaks caused large-scale chaos. Due to various reasons, the number of vampires began to surge. As a result, the activities became more and more frequent, and the methods became more simple and crude. Coupled with the appearance of a certain prophecy, this fragile balance was finally broken.

The prophecy was to the effect that "if the sun were extinguished,

The eternal night of vampires will usher in. "

Although this prophecy was fabricated by an ancient vampire for his own purposes, and the sun, that is, Magnus, is just a hole that can only be filled but cannot be extinguished, it unexpectedly fits the current situation-if the always It is said that "light sanctions" will be brought to people, and the vigilantes who call themselves the sun will be completely wiped out. At least within the scope of Skyrim Province, vampires will no longer have natural enemies.

"Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." no one commanded, but the vampires who surrounded the vigilant hall began to accelerate towards the valley as if they had heard the order. The effect is minimal, a row of crossbows can kill or injure dozens of vampires, but there are more than a thousand successors?

The Taniguchi guards retreated immediately after shooting all the arrows, and at the same time ignited the preset burning trap. The narrow passage and the fire made it impossible for the vampire army to advance immediately. The guards retreated smoothly to the second and last line of defense.

"Well... Let me just say that vampires obviously hate flames, but the ruins of the Hall of the Vigilante look like they were burned. It seems that they have set firelights in all the houses, and they plan to die with the vampires if they fail in the end. ——But it won’t burn too many people.” I looked at the battle situation below and thought about how to break the situation.

Although they can all be rescued, where to place them is a big problem, and their behavior is indeed as obvious as the sun, no matter where they are, they will quickly attract the attention of vampires.

[How about completely eradicating vampires? ] The stupid system came up with an idea.

"You stupid—hey, it seems to be not bad?" I was about to write it down when it suddenly occurred to me that this might be a good idea.

Since the war between the Empire and the Stormcloaks, quite a few of the many accidental deaths in the province of Skyrim are related to vampires. After all, being transformed is equivalent to death, but this is voluntary and I have nothing to do.

In order to eliminate the vigilantes, all the vampires that the high-level vampires can organize have been gathered here. If they are wiped out, the rest will be small characters who cannot make waves, and those high-level vampires who call themselves nobles will not They will take the initiative to develop descendants, as long as they monitor a few specific targets, such as the snow elf bishop Welshö, the high-ranking mage Hibilly Sdent, the vampire lord Hakon, and the eldest lady Serana—oh, this no need.

Then, the vigilantes can concentrate on going to various remote places to deal with cross-boundary demons. After all, vampires are just a sideline for them, so it is a kind of black humor to think of the group being wiped out.

"Mages! Get 'Yang Yan' and 'Group Purification' ready! Tolan, take your shield guards and set up a shield wall ahead! Ithrien, let your brothers pick up the hammer!" In the valley, Kasiti The lady is loudly commanding the defense. She is a senior recovery mage who is nearly forty years old. She has studied the effect of harming undead creatures from the spells of healing creatures.

It seems that the line of defense should not be broken through by a wave. I looked at the vigilantes who were able to do their job with ease. I changed a pair of dragon wings from behind and flew towards the headquarters of the vampire army.

Just like the passage through which the plague demon God Poit appeared, my dragon-shaped incarnation could only reach one tail. Now this image of a big sister with long wings and horns, close-fitting leather armor and a transparent gauze It is already the limit of the power the world can bear, unless I plan to create another sun (hole), otherwise I must withdraw to Songjiade immediately after a blow.

[Most of the battles between demon gods are like this. They are contested through incarnations. Those who lose admit to being cowardly, and those who win are of no benefit, because the benefits are all given to those saints who have suffered from the gods, and they really want to have a showdown. , must go to the opponent's field of annihilation to defeat it and seize the kingdom of God - Dagon is a rare species that descends without incident. 】

"Who are you!"

Although it looks like a headquarters, all the high blood races are far away from each other, and they obviously don't trust each other. After I fell from the sky, only the nearest few people stood up and made an attack, while the others stood still and observed.

Hibilly Sdent, Movas Pirion, Hestra, Hakon, Welshaw, Hearne... Well, more than half of the vampires don't know each other, so it's because I didn't go too far.

"Who am I? What you should ask is, what am I going to do." I folded my wings and kept my cool.

", what do you want to do?" While the other vampires were wary of not answering, Wei Shuo, who was wearing pure white elf armor, had the same white skin and pointed elf ears, asked proactively.

Why does this guy look eager...

"The batch of vampires you gathered must be eliminated, and you must ensure that you disappear from the sight of all mortals." I glanced at the unfamiliar names: "Otherwise, you don't have to guarantee it."

"I didn't even know that Stendhal had a female image." Hibilly Sdent, who was wearing a hooded robe, chuckled: "And the appearance is very—"

"Do you want to resign from the position of the court mage in Solitary City?" I turned to stare at her.

"Even if the Holy Spirit intervenes, what is here is just an incarnation. Do you think you can defeat all of us?" Hestra, who looked like a Nord woman, raised her hand axe.

【Shouldn't it be time to brush up the barrage "Isn't it good to be alive?"】

'You should shut up now. '

"You can try." I raised my hand while complaining about the stupid system.

"Follow your instructions—" Before the idiot reacted boldly, Wei Shuo bowed and saluted, "We will evacuate immediately, and you can dispose of those low-level subordinates as you like."

'Did that guy recognize me? '

[Probably, after all, he is the first Archbishop of the Ali-E Church, no matter how much you try to hide it, it is Akatosh who is right. 】

‘It’s so troublesome, remember to remind me that there is a chance to remove his vampire status. '

After someone started, perhaps out of fear of an "incarnation of the Holy Spirit" and unwillingness to become cannon fodder in conflicts, the commanders of this group of vampires left one after another. Attack order.

‘With a vampire army of this size, without the vampire commander to carry out the beheading operation, even if they can win, the vigilantes will win miserably. ’ I turned to look at Vigilante Valley where the flames were spreading.

[There are also several high-ranking vampires watching you nearby, as if planning to see what you are going to do. 】

'Let them see it, but since it is regarded as Stendhal, then we should change the solution. '

"[Kaan Drem Ov]!" I yelled towards the valley.

In the middle of the night, dazzling sunlight suddenly shone down on the valley of the vigilantes. Not only were the vampires panicked by the sunlight, but the vigilantes who were already very tired also fully recovered from their injuries and physical strength.

"For Stendhal! For the vigilantes!" Under the sunlight, they found that the vampires had no follow-up reinforcements, and the morale-boosting vigilantes immediately launched a counterattack.

'I reckon Stendhal must be overjoyed. ’ I glanced at the location of the few vampires who left behind surveillance, turned around and disappeared in place.

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