The Collection of The End

Endless August (3)


Third New Tokyo City, by the sea.

"I first defeated one apostle at sea, and then defeated another at the seashore!"

Asuka wore big sunglasses, a red striped T-shirt and light blue cropped pants. She pointed at the beach in front of her and announced loudly:

"Then, as a conqueror, it is very wrong not to go to the beach in summer!"

Is that weird?

Wearing a white T-shirt and beach pants, Shinji Ikari complained silently.

I don’t know who it was, but after watching the Bon Festival fire-making, I was so excited that I insisted on camping in the mountains. As a result, I choked on the ashes that had not been cleaned up, and the camping equipment I prepared could not be wasted, so I decided instead. I went to the beach and bought a new swimsuit on the way. I didn't notice that Kirishima Mana and Ayanami Rei didn't go shopping together.

Now, do you dare to look at the dark red sea water and say again, you want to swim in the sea?

Due to the impact of the second impact, seawater around the world has turned light red. Although the ingredients are harmless and fish are not affected, for humans whose vision accounts for 80% of their senses, this color is too similar to their own blood. Liquids should not be approached at all, even if they are not potable, no one will use them without filtering them multiple times and using chemicals to turn them back blue.

Looking at the entire beach nearby, there were only twos and threes of tourists walking on the beach, and none of them came specifically to play. If you think about it, you know that every time the apostles landed from the sea, even if they had not passed by this beach a few times before, they would still be there. Doesn't mean it won't happen next time.

"We should play... uh..." Asuka was a bit at a loss for words.

"Well..." Kirishima Mana, who was wearing a blue denim skirt, took out an uninflated beach volleyball and a pump from her backpack: "Even if you can't go into the water, there are things you can play on the beach, and the nearby sea Zhijia is also open, so if you’re tired, you can go eat seafood.”

Is this the strength of a senior agent from the Ground Alliance? Always be aware of your team's needs and observe the available environment around you.

"I don't want to play." Rei Ayanami, still in school uniform, said casually while sitting on the sea defense stone pier.

"..." Kirishima Mana looked at Shinji Ikari pitifully while holding the inflated ball.

"I'll stay with her, you go play with Asuka." Shinji Ikari shook his head.

Kirishima looked at the two of them, nodded slightly, and walked towards Asuka who was not coming off the stage.

"What, leave them alone, let's play." "But..." "Let's go, let's go."

"Asuka is messing around this time, don't worry about her," Shinji Ikari walked to sit down next to Ayanami Rei: "I just thought that since the apostles are from the sea, you must be uncomfortable being close to the sea water."

"Not necessarily," Ayanami Rei said: "As long as it is a living being, it is possible to become an apostle, but it just evolves faster in sea water."

"In other words, if you touch the sea water, it may cause the apostle to appear early?" Shinji Ikari looked at the red sea surface that made some waves.

"No," Ayanami Rei shook his head: "I just don't like the sea."

"It's rare to hear you speak frankly about your likes and dislikes. No wonder you refused to go to pick up Unit 2." Shinji Ikari smiled: "Okay, I understand. From now on, I will try not to let you deal with the apostles at the beach or in the sea. .”

"Yes." Ayanami Rei responded, then stood up and walked to the beach.

"Hey, wait a minute, I didn't mean for you to force yourself this time." Shinji Ikari hurried after him.

"Don't force it." After Ayanami Rei simply replied, he walked to a place that was still damp but where the waves couldn't wash up, and started building a sandcastle.

"Hmm..." Shinji Ikari looked at her movements and found that he was completely unable to help without a blueprint, so he ran to Kirishima Mana to ask for a bucket and shovel to help her.

Originally I just had the intention of giving it a try, but it turned out that it was really here - worthy of being a future senior agent.

"This is... the third New Tokyo City?" After helping Rei Ayanami build a sandcastle for a while, Shinji Ikari finally saw what the calf-high sandcastle she had built was. Its shape was similar to his original one. It's exactly the same as what you see when you look down from a high place and get the card "Skyscraper".

"Yes." Ayanami Rei answered while carving the tall buildings into shape.

Although the sandcastle couldn't make anything too detailed, Shinji Ikari could still roughly see the shapes of streets, shops, trees and vehicles. Rei Ayanami even pressed out the windows of the building with his fingernails in detail.

This sandcastle should I put it? Although it is exquisite and restored enough, it looks like a three-dimensional computer modeling. It is not as full of childlike innocence and imagination as a sandcastle made by a real child. It seems ——

"No soul?" Ayanami Rei asked.

Can I do whatever I want with a high synchronization rate? seems to work.

"Well, this is just a sandcastle, so the requirements don't have to be so high," Shinji Ikari tried to smooth things over: "If there was a sandcastle competition, it would definitely be the first place."

"Then what?"


"After winning the competition."

No, there’s no such award, right?

"Even if the competition wins, it is just a sand castle on the beach. No one will take it away and keep it well. In fact, when the water in the sand evaporates, it will collapse on its own." Rei Ayanami said.

"Well..." I always felt that there were some very serious philosophical issues in these words, and Shinji Ikari didn't know how to answer them.

"So," Ayanami Rei continued: "Instead of waiting for it to disintegrate into meaningless grains of sand, or be submerged by the rising waves, it is better for me to destroy it with my own hands. Then at least before it disappears, it will still be a beautiful building. An award-winning sandcastle.”

...It seems to make sense but something doesn't seem right.

"Eh? Is this the third New Tokyo City? It's so pretty——"


Before Kirishima finished praising his real name, Ayanami Rei raised his hand expressionlessly to break all the tall buildings in "New Tokyo City 3", and then destroyed its foundation with his two feet.

"Ugh..." Kirishima's legs softened and he knelt on the ground, tears shining in his eyes, and he looked like he was just about to cry.

Ah, I remembered, "Future Kirishima True Name" only came to find "Present Kirishima True Name" after the "Third Impact" occurred. Although I don't know how she gained "himself", but the third The picture of the first impact should be provided.

Could it be that—Shinji Ikari looked at the sandcastle with only its remains—exactly the same, right?


Literary Department.

"Ha, look what I found?" Asuka picked out a photo: "The photo of someone crying because a sandcastle was destroyed should be enlarged and posted on the wall."

"Please, please give it back to me——"

"I'm talking about Ayanami," Shinji Ikari looked at the farce over there and quietly asked Ayanami Zero: "When will the next apostle attack?"

"Do you want the apostles to attack immediately, or do you want them to wait?"



"Well, later if possible. Kirishima's trauma needs time to heal."



The gathering garden, the swimming pool.

Bang! crackling——

Rei Ayanami, who was wearing a purple one-piece swimsuit, jumped from the ten-meter diving platform. She didn't hold the splash properly, and it looked like a depth charge had exploded.

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