The Collection of The End

2016. The Demonic Fog City of Death (23)


The gathering garden, lunch break.

Literary Department.



"Today the school will hold a symposium on further education to discuss the issue of graduation options, and parents are required to attend."

"Let Katsuragi go.]"

"Indeed, she is my guardian."


"With all due respect, father, can Captain Katsuragi decide my graduation path?"

"Of course not.]"


"Then do you think your teacher is qualified to discuss your future after graduation?"


"You don't have to participate at all.]"

"But in that case..."

"Let Katsuragi go.]"

Listening to the busy signal on the phone, Shinji Ikari sighed deeply and hung up the phone.

"Look, what did I say? Commander Ikari will definitely not come," Asuka put her hands on her hips behind him: "When I was in Germany, my mother never attended similar school activities - a person with too high a status would be considered ordinary. Human life is like watching a doll play house.”

"..." Shinji Ikari looked at Asuka, thought for a moment, and swallowed the sentence "But my mother will participate in this kind of house game no matter how busy she is", otherwise she would be too pitiful.

"So, will Mr. Kaji attend as your guardian?" He asked instead.

"Are you an idiot? I'm a college student! And I've already graduated!" Asuka glared at him: "If Nerv hadn't arranged for me to take classes, how could I have hung out with these little brats! Are we still discussing a way out for graduation!"

Educational qualifications have nothing to do with age...

"But... think about it carefully, with Mr. Kaji's personality, he will probably come to join in the fun, right? And he will also deliberately tell the teacher about seemingly normal plans such as dentistry, lawyer, and model." Asuka said, nodding her cheek.

"Hmm... It does seem like something Mr. Kaji can do." Shinji Ikari agreed.

At this time, Kirishima Mana came out from the back room carrying a teapot and poured tea for everyone present one by one. Since the lunch break was too short, she did not change into a maid outfit, but just wore her school uniform. Rei Ayanami had no objection to this.

No, it was originally the information-integrated thought body causing chaos.

"Hey, tea maid, your parents should be here, right?" Asuka picked up the tea cup and put it back because it was too hot: "Have you thought of a way out after graduation?"

"Huh? Ah, it should come," Kirishima's real name blinked: "As for the way out after graduation..."

He's a spy from the Earth Alliance. Of course, he can't just say this. Shinji Ikari picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"New, bride..."

Pfft—Shinji Ikari used great willpower to restrain himself from spitting out the tea.

Asuka also looked like she'd seen a ghost. As for Rei Ayanami, who was reading by the window, his expression certainly didn't change.

"No, it's not." Kirishima's real name seemed to feel that what he said was a bit strange, and waved his hands repeatedly: "I mean, go to a university that offers the subject of 'bridal training'."

"Japanese people are so weird..." Asuka muttered and picked up the tea cup again.

No, it’s not that strange. That kind of school was not originally opened for ordinary people. The target group has always been the daughters of families, financial groups, bureaucrats, and royal nobles that still exist in some countries. Unless there is a major change in the family, they will Basically, they will get married after graduation and become the link between the two major forces. Of course, this is a modern society and it is not arranged, but the available love partners are still limited to a specific circle.

However... Kirishima's real name cannot be that he went to this kind of school to get married. It was probably to establish a good relationship with the various "Mrs. So-and-so" in the future so that he could spy on information. I just didn't know that this was ground intelligence. The arrangement of the organization is still the arrangement of "Future Kirishima's real name".

"What about you? Top student? Isn't your guardian Commander Ikari? He even refused to come to his own son's meeting." Asuka took two sips of tea and suddenly turned to ask Ayanami Rei.

If you don't open the pot, don't lift it! Eve was sealed and couldn't come. Do we need an apostle to attend?

"I won't participate." Ayanami replied without raising her head.



Before Asuka was about to say anything, the lights in the room suddenly went out, and at the same time there was the sound of some equipment losing power and tripping.

Since it was noon, the power outage had no impact on the light, but the sudden disappearance of the breeze that had been blowing indoors revealed a very serious problem: the air conditioner was not working.

"Huh? There can still be a power outage in New Tokyo City?" Asuka said with dissatisfaction: "Before I came, they told me that this was the city with the most cutting-edge technology in the world."

No, wait... Shinji Ikari, who was staring at the air conditioner, suddenly discovered a more serious problem: when the city has a power outage, the "skyscraper" cannot be retracted underground. If the apostle attacks at this time...

Shinji Ikari turned his attention to Ayanami Rei and found that she pressed the frame of her glasses several times in succession.

In the case of total power outage and communication interruption, no matter what kind of high technology it is, it will not be easy to use——

"The Ninth Apostle appears and will arrive in the Third New Tokyo City in three hours," Rei Ayanami said: "Affected by the power outage, most automatic counterattack weapons cannot work and cannot slow down their progress. It is recommended that the driver return to the headquarters immediately , fired manually.”

"...Where did you buy those glasses?" Asuka asked what Shinji Ikari had been silently complaining about.

"Commander Ikari gave it to me," Ayanami Rei replied.

Okay, killer deal.


Underground fortress passage.

"Listen to me, you must turn right here!" Asuka carefully studied the signs in the passage for a while, and then announced very confidently.

How can you get the confidence to get out of a maze where even Miss Misato would get lost when there is a power outage?

Shinji Ikari originally wanted to suggest that Rei Ayanami lead the way, but because Asuka was too strong and confident, and Ayanami had no objection, he could only follow her all the way.

"Hey, Ayanami? What's the reason for the power outage? Did the apostles do it?" Because there was a loud echo in the steel channel, Shinji Ikari asked Ayanami Rei in a low voice while Asuka wasn't paying attention.



"It's a Ground Alliance spy."

"Huh? Kirishima already has this strength?"

"It's about blessing good governance."

"...I'm not surprised at all. He is obviously the kind of person who takes everything for granted. I wouldn't be surprised if he becomes an apostle one day."


"I'm just having fun..."

"He's too old."

"...well-founded and convincing."

But in this case, the reason for the power outage is a bit strange. There is no reason why Dad didn't know that Kaji was a spy. What was the reason for letting him cause the power outage?

Will Nerv and New Tokyo City’s crisis response capabilities be tested? Wouldn't it be a little bit conceited when the apostles are specially selected to attack?

Taking advantage of the power outage to track down other lurking spies? It's possible, but the probability is very small, because the gains and losses are not proportional.


Well, wait a minute, my thinking seems to have fallen into a misunderstanding. The power outage is not what Dad wanted. He just didn't stop it. He should think about what the ground connection wants in the opposite direction.

Do you still need to ask? Of course it is EVA and apostolic information.

In the event of a power outage or network outage, latent spies can avoid the computer center "magi" that always monitors the headquarters, turn on some computers through temporary power to read hard disk data, and pass it through a physical method that will not be checked after an incoming call. go out.

Based on this, it can be inferred that Dad should have known who the spy was and what information he/she wanted to steal. He might have replaced the relevant content and was just waiting for an opportunity for the spy to pass it on. As for what he wanted to use The purpose of the false information... when Dilian manufactured EVA mass production machines, directly controlled them through the back door?

Really cunning, ahem, I mean scheming.

"Ah - that's enough, it's a dead end again! Who built this passage!" Asuka kicked a closed door in front of her.


"It's not a dead end."

When Shinji Ikari was about to propose another detour, Rei Ayanami spoke.

"I know this is not a dead end, but now there is a power outage and I can't open it!" Asuka raised her finger to the extinguished indicator light on the door: "I'm looking for a door that can be opened manually, but the marks on the map are completely wrong!"

No, you took the wrong path from the third to last intersection. Shinji Ikari raised his eyes and looked at the ceiling. It was indeed a maze that even Miss Misato got lost in.

Ayanami Rei didn't answer, he just walked to the door, raised his hand to break the box embedded in the wall, and then took out the safety hammer inside.

"Eh? You don't mean to..." Shinji Ikari's eyes widened slightly as he guessed what she wanted to do.

Anyway, it doesn’t look good on a girl wielding a sledgehammer, right?

"A door that can be broken is not a dead end," Rei Ayanami said to Asuka, then handed the hammer to Shinji Ikari: "Then you break it."

Okay, it's not too surprising. Shinji Ikari rubbed his hands, took the sledgehammer, and swung it at the closed door in front of him.

Boom! when! Boom!

"Eighty, forty, eighty." Ayanami Rei muttered.

What kind of strange chant is that?


Underground fortress.

"Insertion of the bolt is completed!]"

"All machines are powered on by backup power supply!]"

"Pull out the fixing bolt!]"

"Emergency battery connection successful!]"


Shoot a ghost!

Shinji Ikari complained silently while directing Unit-00 to climb up from the ejection channel.

All automatic work has become manual work, and the headquarters' command relies entirely on telescopes and loudspeakers. The launch that should have been electric and flint all the way to the ground has become rock climbing.

What's a bit strange is that I didn't see Katsuragi Misato and Kaji Ryoharu... They won't be going to the parent-teacher meeting, right?

"Peeping Tom! Don't look up!]" Asuka yelled through the communication channel.

"Are you an idiot? We are driving the EVA, what's there to see?" Shinji Ikari finally returned the sentence, feeling refreshed.

"Okay, you really want to see it!]" Asuka immediately found another entry point.

...I shouldn't have argued with her.

"The ninth apostle has entered the city, speed up." Rei Ayanami said in the channel.

"Already entered the city? The damage..." Shinji Ikari was a little worried about the "skyscraper".

"The ninth apostle resembles a spider in appearance, and his body is very light. No damage was found on the roof or ground of the building where his limbs climbed.]" Rei Ayanami continued to report.

"Hiss...then its attack power must be very terrifying." Shinji Ikari was a little worried.

Curry Curry? ] Chestnut Ball tilted his head.

Ah, that's bad. I said the card attributes smoothly, but it doesn't matter. Asuka probably can't understand, and Ayanami doesn't care.

"The attack method is strong acid. The attack method is the same as that of the Fifth Apostle. He is right above the underground fortress at this time.]" Ayanami Rei live broadcast.

"Okay, let's give it a good look when we get to the ground!]" Asuka geared up.

"...]" Ayanami Rei's eyes were blank for a moment, and he suddenly said: "The battle plan has been changed. Instead of entering from the ground, we will use the high-rise exit of the large building next to the apostle."

"Huh? Why are you taking the command? The headquarters can't be contacted. Let us make our own decisions, right? I think I can -" Asuka was quite dissatisfied.

"The latest information is that the lower side of the spider-shaped apostle's body is covered with eye-like organs that can spray strong acid," Rei Ayanami said: "I don't want to see it."

"Uh... I don't want to see it either.]" Asuka shuddered.

"Where's the top?" Shinji Ikari asked.

"Very flat.]"



Boom, boom, boom.

Three EVAs jumped from the tall building nearby and landed steadily on the back of the ninth apostle.

"What should we do now?】"

"Neutralizing the AT force field and attacking the core located in the middle of the body."

"Okay, look at me!]"

Ignoring the highly motivated Asuka for the time being, Shinji Ikari tried to neutralize from the AT position while observing the apostle.

It has eight long black limbs and a hemispherical body. Below it are eyes that are "crying", but there is nothing on the back. In other words, it is completely unable to fight back against EVA.

Who will die if you don't die if you look like this?

Shinji Ikari looked at the apostle, which was waving its eight legs but was completely helpless to the EVA on its back. Anyway, he would not tell it that it could turn over.

Until this time, the AT force fields of both sides were in close contact, and the duel disk in their hands belatedly appeared. However, this time the opponent had entered the battle and activated three continuous trap cards.

Eye of Truth: The opponent continues to reveal cards in his hand. Each time there is a magic card, 1000 life points are restored. 】

Dark Healing: Each time the opponent summons a monster, the life equal to its attack power is restored. 】

Side effects of the drug: All health-restoring effects on the opponent are converted to damage. 】

Wrong, it is not a terrifying attack power, but a terrifying effect. It may even have no attack power at all.

In this case, you can't recruit monsters, and you need to play out the magic cards immediately after you draw them. you have the means to win like this?


Just when Shinji Ikari hesitated, a brownish-yellow liquid seeped out from the eyes under the apostle's body, eroding the hole underneath it deeper.

Rain of Favor: Both parties recover 1000 health points. 】

This apostle doesn't intend to fight at all, does he? Shinji Ikari saw that he had lost 1,000 points of AT force field, and decisively drew the card.

Dalan: Destroy all magic and trap cards on both sides of the field. 】

The opponent admits defeat. 】

...Is this apostle here to make a joke?

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