The Collection of The End

Two thousand and twenty-eight, the magic fog city of the dead (35)

——? ? ? ——

"Ah...the familiar ceiling..."

Shinji Ikari opened his eyes and stared at the slightly yellowed ceiling for more than ten seconds before his blank mind slowly resumed functioning.

Today is Monday, I have to go to school.

It’s so troublesome. Someone come and blow up the Gathering Garden...

Or maybe some monster that can destroy the world appears...

After thinking wildly for a while, Shinji Ikari sighed, got up from the tatami, and staggered towards the bathroom.

Um? Using? When did I ever hang a sign like this on my door?



Shinji Ikari opened the door and was stunned with the girl with long blond hair who was taking off her pajamas halfway.

Ah...he remembered belatedly, isn't this Shikinami Asuka Granley who has been staying at his house since yesterday?

Anyway, apologize first... Even though he thought so, Shinji Ikari's eyes unconsciously slid down to her neck.

Uh, it slipped.

"——" The girl's originally blushing face instantly turned livid: "Asshole! Peeping tom! Pervert! Lolicon! Go to hell!"

Before Shinji Ikari had time to speak, he was thrown out by a lot of things such as a washbasin, a shampoo soap box, a body wash, a bath towel, and a teeth brush.

When she cursed, did she insult herself?

"Hey, Shinji-kun," Misato Katsuragi, with disheveled hair and wearing cute little duck pajamas, walked over: "How do you feel about having a new roommate?"

"..." Shinji Ikari scratched his hair and looked up at the sky: "Unfortunately..."


"Well, the Assemblage Garden generally does not accept transfer students. You can transfer in halfway through the school year. You must be very capable."


"I don't know which class you will be assigned to, but most likely you will be in Class A like me. After that, I will take you to Mr. Ritsuko to get your class schedule, textbooks and take a superpower test."


"The teacher in charge of superpower testing is very handsome."


"No, even if I am 99% responsible for what happened in the morning, don't you have 1% responsibility? You didn't lock the door..."


After breakfast, and on the way to school dressed up, Asuka tilted her head the whole time and communicated with Shinji Ikari in a nasal voice.

After saying a few more words and finding that he could only get "hum" with different tones, Shinji Ikari gave up on chatting with her and looked around instead.

"Assembly Garden" is the largest training school for superpowers in the United Nations on Earth. Its purpose is to help superpowers of all levels develop and apply their abilities. Although there are rumors that it is working on how to generate abilities for people without abilities and how to improve them. It is an inhumane test of ability level, but this only increases people's expectations for it.

Shinji Ikari can responsibly say that those are all rumors. Otherwise, as the only son of Academy Principal Ikari Gendo, why would he still be at level 0?

The reason Asuka transferred from Germany was because of her mother, Dr. "Shikinami Kyoko Zeppelin". The research department where this famous researcher worked and the Assemblage Garden finalized a cooperation project of about five years, and personally He came to host her and brought her only daughter with her. As it turned out, she had no time to take care of her just like her father. After a brief discussion, she left her to her guardian, the deputy director of the Gathering Garden, Katsuragi Miria—my sister.

I hope she can integrate into the environment smoothly.


"Unfortunately..." Shinji Ikari looked up to the sky and sighed.

"Really? Why do I feel okay?" Suzuhara Touji said while typing on the keyboard: "'I'm not interested in ordinary Muggles. If there are magicians among you, no matter what faction you are, you can come to them. I play', don't you think that's cool?"

"Yeah, so a group of idiots from the 'energy conversion', 'molecular influence' and 'space-time guidance' departments came to find her to show off their 'magic'," Shinji Ikari covered his face: "In the end, she exposed and counteracted them one by one on the spot. , Class A of the second year has been completely disgraced."

"Speaking of which, her 'superpower that cancels out all superpowers' should be classified as 'disruption of order,' right?" Suzuhara Touji raised his eyebrows: "Isn't it suitable for catching superpower criminals?"

"It's useless," Shinji Ikari was still slumped in the chair: "She is extremely weak, and her attacks can only be restrained if she uses pure superpowers. Just like you, if you tie her up with the 'Nebula Chain', it will of course be counteracted. But what if you rolled up a big rock with a chain and threw it at her?"

"I reiterate, the name of my super power is 'Lock of the Sky', not 'Nebula Chain'." Suzuhara Touji said.

"Yes, it is specially used to lock gods. Its strength is comparable to level 5. Unfortunately, because there is no god in the world, it can only be ranked at level 2." Shinji Ikari put his hands behind his head.

"Humph, I don't have the same experience as you..." Suzuhara Dong said midway through his words, his tone became turbulent: "Oh, Xiaoguang came to see me, I'm going out now, 'Director'."

"Wake up, I'm here for your sister," Shinji Ikari complained: "The super power of 'one-click costume change' has nothing to do with you."

"It doesn't matter. If you like my sister, just let her be her sister-in-law." Suzuhara Touji turned off the phone and went out with a blush on his face.

On the door of the club classroom, a plaque with the name of the club is shaking:

Future Props Research Institute]



Shinji Ikari looked at the gun on his head, expressionlessly put the burger into his mouth and took a bite.

"Stop talking nonsense! Kid! Don't move!" The man wearing a hood, who was not sure whether he was a robber or a kidnapper, pushed him hard with the muzzle of his gun: "Let those 'discipline committee members' leave!"

"Impossible," Shinji Ikari replied: "If they find that they can't stop you from taking me away, they will choose to shoot you and me together."

"Nonsense! Aren't you the principal's only son?" Another robber said, "How dare they take action?"

"Of course I dare, but I have to wait until my father personally gives the order to kill him." Shinji Ikari replied.

"Haha... you can't deceive us! You kid!" the robber who held him at gunpoint said angrily: "He hasn't remarried for so many years, so he must value you very much!"

"Is there such a possibility?" Shinji Ikari raised his eyebrows blankly: "He did not remarry because he deeply loved his deceased wife. He has been looking for opportunities to kill the son who killed his lover due to dystocia, but he has no chance?"

"Ah this..." The two robbers looked at each other.

"Didn't you think carefully before kidnapping me?" Shinji Ikari continued: "If I am really valued, why was I left to be raised by unrelated people, and I am still only level 0 now?"

"Don't you want to hide your identity...?" The robber, no, the kidnapper's tone became hesitant.

"I personally suggest that you think about the source of this information again," Shinji Ikari stuffed all the remaining burgers in his mouth: "By the way, those 'Discipline Committees' outside are not protecting me, but the 'Assembly Garden' The safety of the students is a big concern, and it has been a huge dereliction of duty for you to sneak in. If I let you leave easily again, no one will dare to send students here again."

"Damn...those bastards from Dilian..."

"It's too late to say anything now. There is only one way to go." expected.

At this moment, loud chanting and a raging heat wave came from outside the burger restaurant.

"All the stupid things standing in our way——]"

"Grant them equal destruction——!]"

"Dragon - broken -]"

"The hell are they serious!?"

"That's a superpower that once you start chanting, you can't withdraw it!?"

The two kidnappers immediately dropped Shinji Ikari and started running for their lives toward the back door.

Hoo hum——

A girl with short brown hair wearing the school uniform of the Assemblage Garden and wearing the disciplinary committee logo on her arm appeared out of thin air in front of Shinji Ikari. She put her hand on his arm, smiled at him, and then the two of them disappeared together.


A huge stream of flames surged forward like a tidal wave, turning the entire hamburger restaurant into ruins.


"Shinji Ikari, could you please buy something and squat on the roadside to eat it next time?" The girl with a tan ponytail and red-rimmed glasses was staring at him with her hands on her hips: "I am the one who gets scolded every time I demolish a house. Miss?"

"Well, onee-sama, it seems that it's not Shinji-san's fault this time..." The girl with short brown hair said weakly next to her.

"That's right, don't you usually demolish too many houses?" Shinji Ikari complained.

"Shut up!" The pony-tailed girl glared at Shinji Ikari and then glared at the brown-haired girl: "Where are you from?!"

As for school rules...forget it, don't make a fuss about it now.

Chairman of the Assembly Garden Ethics Committee, level 5 of the Energy Transformation Department, Makiha Marie Elantrias, and her number one subordinate, level 4 of the Time and Space Guidance Department, Kirishima's true name.

Kirishima was okay, but Makiha looked at him like he was seeing some kind of pest, and he never had a good face. It must be a very pleasant experience to use her famous super power "Dragon Break" to attack him this time.

Didi, didi.

"Okay, the person was caught and found out. You can go." Makiha looked at the information on her watch: "These two guys seemed to have caught a loophole in our patrol change and took the opportunity to sneak in. They tried to kidnap the children of an official or wealthy businessman and leave, but you just appeared in front of them, saving them time to find someone."

"Unfortunately..." Shinji Ikari sighed.

"Huh, real name, let's go." Makiha waved to Kirishima real name, turned and left.

"Wait for me, onee-sama..." Kirishima's real name hurriedly bowed to Shinji Ikari and followed him.

Aren't you going to catch the mole? Or do you already know who it is?


"There are so many things happening, I feel like my head is going to explode..."

Shinji Ikari was talking to himself as he strolled home carrying his schoolbag.

However... I always feel that I have forgotten something, it seems to be a person, something, or...


At this moment, a hot spring penguin swaggered past him - well, rubbed his knees.

"Well..." Shinji Ikari turned to look at it.

Although there are no restrictions on personality, there are all kinds of pets in the gathering garden, but this is the first time I have seen a penguin, and I don’t know who its owner is...


The penguin stopped at the door of a fish shop and started staring at the fish in the window.

Although it was just a penguin, Shinji Ikari could see the desire in its eyes.

Give up. If you meet someone who is overflowing with love, they may give it to you if they have snacks on hand, but it is completely impossible to buy a fish specifically for you to eat.

It doesn't seem to have a nameplate on it. Could it be that it's not someone's pet but a lost experimental animal? Do you want to catch it?


Shinji Ikari had just walked away for a while when he saw a girl wearing a blue school uniform walking out of the fish shop, squatting down in front of the penguin, and then handed the food basket in her hand to the penguin.

"Quack Gu Gu" the penguin happily began to pick fish from the vegetable basket to eat, and he took one bite at a time without stopping.

"Well..." Shinji Ikari looked at the girl. She had short blue hair, red eyes, and a porcelain doll-like face with no expression on her face, as if she didn't buy those little fishes.

The Assemblage Garden does not restrict students' clothing. Those who wear such old-fashioned school uniforms either don't care about what they wear or don't have much money. Judging from her casual feeding of penguins, it shouldn't be the latter.

As for her face... it looks familiar inexplicably, but I can't remember where I've seen it before. Could it be a classmate I didn't pay attention to? It's impossible. With such an obvious appearance and temperament, you will definitely have an impression if you see him once.


A subtle buzzer sounded. The girl raised her hand to look at her watch, put down the food basket in her hand, and turned around to leave.

"Huh?" The penguin looked slightly surprised, but after two seconds he was still addicted to eating fish again.

Something's wrong... Shinji Ikari frowned and followed quietly.


The attack is incapacitated! 】


Shinji Ikari stood in front of the girl feeding the penguin. He raised his right hand and a huge vortex appeared in his palm, completely absorbing the lethality caused by the "attack".

"Tsk," the attacker retreated and looked at the girl feeding the penguins and then at Shinji Ikari: "What are you doing?"

"I just want to ask you, why do you want to kill people?" Shinji Ikari stared at the other party.

It was a girl who looked almost exactly like the girl who fed the penguins, but she was wearing a light brown suit top and a black pleated skirt that were different from the Gathering Garden school uniform.

Her long blue hair has reached her waist, and her ruby-like eyes are much more lively and lively than the penguin girl. When she looked at Shinji Ikari, although her expression was not obvious, a subtle look of surprise could still be seen.

As for the weapons... they were a pair of strange light blades protruding out of thin air from the back of her hands, which were making a low buzzing sound.

Just now, she appeared like a ghost behind Penguin Girl, seemingly preparing to stab her in the back. Shinji Ikari had no time to think about it, so he could only step forward and push Penguin Girl away, using his own ability to block the blow.

Although Shinji Ikari's ability level is lv0, his level is in the most mysterious "unknown realm". It only appears during battles and can display effects based on the current situation that even he himself doesn't know what it will be.

Because aptitude tests in schools are not considered combat, they have been unable to be measured and upgraded.

"She is not a 'human'," the girl replied in an indifferent tone: "You should be able to tell that she is my 'clone'. It was a mistake I made when I was young and ignorant. Now their creator has been brought to justice. , and I’m going to kill all these ‘fake’ products, what’s the problem?”

Big problem! Dad, what are you doing?

Shinji Ikari hesitated for two seconds, turned his head and asked the girl he was protecting behind him: "Is what she said true?"

"It's true..." Although the voice of the girl behind him still did not rise and fall, the hand holding the hem of Shinji Ikari's clothes trembled slightly: "But I still want to live..."

"You heard me," Shinji Ikari turned to the long-haired girl in front of him: "A hero can't just leave the person asking for help alone."

"I don't mind letting 'this' go," the long-haired girl looked at "me" hiding behind him: "But how many can you protect?"

What's the meaning?


A pair of transparent white wings suddenly spread out from behind the long-haired girl, and then she flew into the sky, leaving only a faint sentence:

"My name is Rei Ayanami, we will meet again."

"Huh..." Shinji Ikari wiped his sweat. He was really unsure about fighting such a superpower who looked very powerful at first sight. "Um, what's your name?"

"My name is..." The girl behind him hesitated: "Ayanami 10086]."

Dad, what on earth have you done!

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