The Collection of The End

Two thousand and fifty-one, North American Mythical War (1)


Late at night, the sun has long withdrawn the last light it gave to the earth. Perhaps, it hopes that the creatures on the earth will deeply understand the horror of darkness. In this way, after the arrival of dawn, they will praise the light it gives more devoutly.

Some kind-hearted stars sneaked out of the night, trying to give these creatures whimpering in the darkness a little warmth and comfort, but they were surprised to find that the creatures on the ground had built huge and solid cities, and in those cities they stretched toward the sky. No one could see the glimmer of stars in the reflected light.

This is Hongkong, one of the most prosperous cities on earth. Even though the time is approaching midnight, the whole city is still bustling with activity.

Due to the limited overall area, hk's planning can be called a "honeycomb". Except for the main roads and already planned functional and landmark buildings, it is not an exaggeration to call other urban areas a "honeycomb".

On a narrow and cramped street, many dazzling signboards compete to show pedestrians their boring content like light pollution:

Jade Palace Karaoke.

Guangli Supermarket.

Scenic Camera Center.

Dongmei Tea Restaurant.

Jinlong Steak Restaurant.

as well as,

A mediocre three-story office building.

It doesn't look like anything special. Even if there is a slightly strange-looking brown-yellow ball inlaid on its roof, it is not enough to attract anyone's attention, because the moment those passers-by look up, their eyes have been attracted by the strange signs around it. Attracted by neon.

The inside of the "office building" is like two different worlds from the noisy and lively outside.

It has antique decoration and ancient furniture that has almost been abandoned in modern times. The men and women sitting or standing here are also wearing robes and mandarins that are not like normal people, and they all hold weapons like wooden sticks in their hands.

"Get your staffs,"

A bald man with a big face and a fat body wearing a brown woolen sweater held a dark golden scepter in his hand. He stood at the inner door of the "office building", looked at the people standing in front of him, and said in a measured tone:

"No enemy can set foot in the Holy of Holies, no one."

People didn't respond, but the expressions on their faces revealed their emotions at this time, hesitation, nervousness, and fear.

The man didn't wait for the expected reply, his face darkened.

"You guys are here to defend."

As he spoke, he opened the door and walked out.

The shining no-parking sign, the bookstore in the middle of shopping, a family of three enjoying late-night snacks, the hawker and the housewife arguing over the price of vegetables...

The man passed by these familiar scenes in silence, passed by passers-by who curiously stared at the scepter in his hand, and stood at the intersection opposite the office building.

In front of him was the huge signboard of "King Guangzhen Satay", and three uninvited guests standing under the sign, wearing the same fancy clothes and with deep dark circles under their eyes.

"Kaecilius," he said viciously.

"Wong," the leader of the three, a thin man named Casillas, stared at the fat, bald man: "You are standing on the opposite side of history, and darkness is inevitable."

"..." Wang didn't answer, he just raised his scepter in some kind of martial arts starting pose.

"Very good," Casillas nodded slightly: "The ability to eliminate the resistance of those who hold opposite views is also a part of persuasion."

Tsk - buzz.

The three uninvited guests with dark circles raised their hands and pulled out a crystal-clear dagger from the air, like a dagger made of crystal.


boom! boom!

Wow wow wow——

"Help!" "Oh my God!" "What is that?!"

The narrow streets were now in ruins. Burst water pipes, collapsed shops, blazing flames, and passers-by escaping in a hurry formed a standard post-disaster scene.

The most eye-catching thing is the "sanctuary" that the "king" left before.

The office building had completely collapsed and was broken into five or six sections. The broken walls, furniture and rubble were all suspended in the air.

But that's not the point. What's really shocking is the deep darkness behind this wreckage.

It has no fixed "door" or "exit" for gushing out, it just keeps "eroding" outward like a paper towel being soaked.

It's as if it itself is extremely huge and everywhere, and the damaged "sanctuary" only provides it with an opportunity to "contact" and "penetrate".

And through this growing darkness, you can see that the interior seems to be a deep cosmic space, but the normal cosmic space is not densely filled with strange-shaped dark planets. Between the planets It is impossible to connect them with tentacles, and there are no peeping eyes in the dark background of the universe.


At this time, a sudden burst of fire appeared in the sky, like a burst of light during electric welding. It appeared from a point as high as a person, then dispersed left and right, drawing two symmetrical arcs, and then merged close to the ground.

At this moment, the street scene seen through the "Spark Circle" suddenly changed, from the ruins of the outdoor walls to...the ruins of the indoor walls.

But the difference is that there are two more people on the opposite side of the ring. The moment the spark ring is formed, they jump over like lions in a ring of fire.

One of them is a black man wearing black clothes and carrying a long knife, who looks like a ninja. The other is a white man with curly hair, a slender face, wearing a blue robe and a red cape.

"Ah, dear Dr. Stephen Strange Sherloes, and Baron Mordo," Casillas, who was standing in front of the sanctuary, turned around and spread his hands: "It's a pity that you are late, King There was clearly a serious misperception of his capabilities."

"The Ancient One is dead." Strange looked around and said nonchalantly.

"Of course, I killed him," Casillas said with a smile: "My dear friend, do you want to try me for this? Can I apply to see my lawyer?"

"As a Supreme Mage who can foresee the future, why do you think she died?" Strange raised his hand to stop Mordo next to him who was about to rush to attack.

"Because my plan is foolproof, dear Stephen," Casillas replied: "'Predicting the future' is a very good ability, but if all the futures point to the same ending, she may have to choose a less painful one. the process of."

"For example -" the mage with dark circles raised his hand and pointed back: "Being swallowed by the great Dormammu!"

"No, there is a fatal flaw in your words, dear Casillas," Strange said: "We all know that the Supreme Mage is a person who must retaliate against evil and return thirteen times. If she faces no fate, If she is facing a certain death situation, she will definitely set up a back-up plan to make the person who brought her to this point pay a heavy price."

"...Hmph, ridiculous," Casillas paused for a moment, but immediately refuted: "Where is the person who made me pay the price? Is it you?"

"I originally thought that as a student of Teacher Gu Yi, you and I should be at the same level of wisdom, but now it seems that I was wrong." Strange said while looking at the spreading darkness in the sky.

"Huh, of course, not only the wisdom, but also the strength are not at the same level." Casillas raised his chin: "Why don't you use the 'Eye of Agamotto' yet? It will be too late."

"I believe that you must have found a way to deal with it from Dormammu, such as a trick to break away from the time flow and attack me." Strange looked at Casillas's darkening face: "But I don't Plan to use it.”

"Strange! Do you want to join Dormammu?!" Baron Mordo beside him asked sharply.

"What a pity, this bus is full." Casillas smiled proudly.

"Calm down, my friend," Strange patted Modo on the shoulder: "Try to think about what our teachers will do after facing a desperate situation?"

"Don't make me think! Just tell us whether we can win this time!" Modu slapped his hand away.

"Oh... of course." Strange sighed.

"In a dream?" Casillas scoffed.

Boom boom boom——

At this time, the eroding darkness had grown larger and larger, almost completely covering the sky.

Through the ever-eroding darkness, those dark planets and the tentacles connecting them appear more and more real, and the eyes in the space become more and more strange. When ordinary people who have not run away around see those things, don’t they become like The walking dead just started jumping and screaming like crazy.

"What, you really don't plan to use it?" Casillas continued: "If it's too late, this city will be destroyed?"

"I'm still too soft-hearted," Strange shook his head and looked at Casillas: "Let me tell you straight, before he died, the Supreme Mage used the earth as collateral to borrow money from hundreds of cosmic demons. The maximum amount of usury has been reached."

"So what, didn't you die in my hands in the end?" Casillas replied nonchalantly.

"..." Mo Du, who didn't like to use his brain, noticed something and frowned slightly.

"No one believes that the Supreme Mage who protects the earth will default on his debt, just like I haven't guessed the method you used to kill her yet," Strange looked at Casillas and continued: "If you were not addicted to dark magic , but if you have even a basic understanding of finance, you will understand what the situation is now."

"What...situation...?" Casillas raised his head and looked at the eroding dark dimension, feeling something bad.

"The Ancient One made a large loan using the Earth as collateral," Strange said. "You killed the borrower, and your boss, Domammu, was about to seize the collateral."

"Pfft." Modu laughed.

"...Wait?" Casillas's eyes widened with dark circles.

"No matter how powerful Dormammu is, he can't take the risk of fighting hundreds of demon gods of the same level to seize the earth. Moreover, as long as he retreats, this matter will have nothing to do with her," Ste Lan Qi looked at Casillas with pity: "Guess, as a small agent who was raised by just giving some power, you have made her keep her life even if she goes to war with so many demons." Is it worth it?”

"...No, this is all nonsense. Ancient One is a great Supreme Mage and would not do such a thing!" Casillas roared filial piety.

"Oh, 'Great Sorcerer Supreme,' I haven't heard that from you in years," Strange scoffed.

"You did a good job, Casillas." At this time, a terrifying voice came from the dark dimension: "After I occupy the earth, I will hand it over to you to manage it as promised."

"Pfft." Modu laughed again.



"Black skin!]"

Before Casillas could react, brilliance suddenly bloomed in the dark dimension, and countless colors, entities and noises that could never appear there rushed in, dyeing the original darkness of the dark dimension into... colorful black.

As the demon god who controls the dark dimension, Dormammu naturally does not have a good temper and immediately began to drive away these invaders. However, as the number of invasions increased, she gradually became unable to do what she wanted. The originally terrifying erosion of the dimension looked like a noisy Same as the wet market.

Finally, a voice that was several times more terrifying than Dormammu's voice came through and suppressed all the noise.

Dormammu, I'm here to negotiate terms with you. ] she said.

"What, what conditions?]" Dormammu obviously recognized the man, and his voice was obviously trembling.

An offer you have no right to refuse. 】An unknown existence answered.

Dormammu didn't answer, but Strange could clearly see an angry look directed at Casillas from the infiltrated dimension.

"..." Casillas was stunned for half a second, then dropped the crystal dagger, ran over and grabbed Strange's cloak: "Brother! Please use the 'Eye of Agamotto' immediately!" Bring back our dearest teacher!”

"Seriously," Mo Du said with a smile, "Teacher obviously didn't leave any traces."

Strange looked at the pleading Casillas, shrugged, and raised his hand to activate the green pendant on his chest.

At this moment, everything around him was completely still, and then began to replay like a movie in reverse. The dark dimension eroded and disappeared, the collapsed sanctuary became intact again, the cracked fire hydrant returned to its original state, and the hawker and the housewife continued to argue over the price of vegetables. , a family of three continued to enjoy late-night snacks, the bookstore closed the rolling shutter door, and the no-parking sign turned off the lights.

The last person to appear was the Fat King standing at the door with a scepter and a confused look on his face.

"Hey, Strange, it seems you won this time, but what if you guessed wrong?" Wang looked around and asked Strange.

"What we learned about her character when we learned magic from her is enough," Strange replied: "In other words, she would disappear without a trace. This in itself is the biggest abnormality. I even have one now. There is a suspicion that she plans to take this opportunity to give up her duties as the Supreme Mage and take a vacation."

"This is simple reasoning, my friend."

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