The Collection of The End

Two thousand and sixty-three, North American Mythical War (13)

Hell's Kitchen, The Fisk Family.

"Father, I——"

"Oh! Wait! Good girl! For the love of God, can there be a warning before opening this thing?]"

On the communication screen, a beautiful woman with short red hair, emerald green eyes, wearing a white shirt and black trousers, obviously of Italian descent, had just taken off the shirt of a strong, bald man with wheat-colored skin.

"Well, I shouldn't believe that you will really get angry," I closed the "phone bug"'s eyes: "Also, don't bring the 'phone bug' with you when you enter the bedroom."

Hmm, I just took a quick look and it seems that the furnishings are in a study room? ……never mind.

The people who just appeared on the screen are "Kingpin" Rachel Fisk's father Wilson "Kingpin" Grant Fisk wilsongrantisk and mother Vanessa.

They are the "Emperor" and "Empress Dowager" of the "Fisk Family"... although I don't know if there is such a term in the Latin language.

There is a queen anyway. 】

‘Call me Princess! ’

Okay queen, no problem queen. 】

‘I knock. ’

Ouch! 】

According to the original Marvel work, Kingpin, who was originally on the rise in his career, handed over his gang to his men and chose to retire to the countryside after meeting Vanessa. It was not until his son "Richard Fisk" was assassinated that he brought Come back full of anger.

This incident is actually quite outrageous. Who on earth would deal with the son of a gangster who has already washed his hands of the underworld? And until Kingpin became the largest gangster godfather in the United States, the original film still did not explain what happened to the enemy who assassinated his son.

If you ask me, the answer is was the Marvel editors.

They arranged a wife and son for Kingpin on a whim, but found that this way he would gain the sympathy of readers and even the understanding of his old rivals Spider-Man and Daredevil, so they decisively changed hands and killed them.

are you crazy!

Of course, it’s not easy to change things that have already happened, but who made Doctor Strange try to use the time stone to resurrect the Ancient One?

At that time, Strange and Casillas happened to be fighting in the HK temple. Jin Jing and her two roommates happened to be calming the situation in HK. After the "crown" was removed, a tree fell from my parallel world and could be used. The giant tree "Eve" jumped in the world line, and my "Dimension Ascension Erosion" happened to reach the critical point. As a result, the two worlds intersected. Ancient One, who was hiding from debts in the multiverse after escaping from death, happened to run into my virtual world. dimensions.

Then, there is eternal death and the transfer of debt.

At that time, Jin Jing and the others had already entered the reincarnation space. I threw them into this Marvel world with the idea of ​​​​seeing what happened to those cosmic demons. In order to explain why they would always suffer from poverty, I specially included the one in each season. No matter how you get rich, you will inevitably end up penniless. The template of the American TV series "Broke Sisters" is used.

Originally, the script of "Three Bankrupt Sisters" had been written, but Jin Jing was arrested by the Space-Time Administration during the introduction.

Judging from the mission given to her by Mr. 3m, the Space and Time Administration wants to keep the general plot of the original world line unchanged. In order to prevent her from affecting the original plot too much, it also specially arranged for her to become Rachel, the daughter of Kingpin, the godfather of the American gang. richer, and in the assassination incident, it will be Kingpin and Vanessa who will die, and in order to avenge her parents, Rachel will become an avenger in the dark, the dark Valkyrie "Jin Jing" - this code name is purely for the world line. Finished.

The Space and Time Administration has definitely read DC comics! What are Batman's superpowers? It’s Rachel Rich!

This identity is indeed very suitable for appearing in the corners of various main plots, sneaking in benefits and getting the plot back on track, but only if she is really the daughter of a rich and powerful underworld boss.

As we all know, if Batman loses his only ability to make money and loses the Bat suit, he will be just an ordinary person...well, he will still be a fighting expert and tactician, but don't expect to be able to compete with those super villains.

As for Jin Jing and her two roommates, they will be wiped out by "debts" after entering the world. The two who had nothing to begin with are okay, but Jin Jing's side... Jinpin is bankrupt, let alone the Marvel girls. It's a version of Batman, and he's not even qualified to be Bullseye.

My idea at that time was to first change the mission of the Space-Time Management Bureau, and then squeeze out the Universe Demon God assigned to Jin Jing, and play around in the Marvel world as her creditor.

But after preparing to implement it, I discovered that there was a problem, that is - it was not easy to jump in line.

Cosmic Demon God is a very broad concept. The lower limit is to destroy a planet by a single person, while the upper limit is to destroy the entire universe. The representatives of the lower limit and upper limit are Captain Marvel and the Celestials respectively.

If you have to find a standard unit of measurement... Odin.

Of course, this is only judged from the perspective of strength. The cosmic demons in Marvel's common sense generally refer to the seven "dimensional lords", namely Cytorak of the "Crimson Dimension", the Beholder of the "Extra Dimension", and the "Magic Dimension". "Vishandi", Dormammu from the "Dark Dimension", Incubus from the "Dream Dimension", Mephisto from the "Hell Dimension" and Sithorne from the "Chaos Dimension", in addition to other titles such as "The Symbiote" "God" Nar, "Snake God" Set and other super powerful individuals that are not easy to classify.

Most of them probably didn't care at all about the power they lost after lending it to the Ancient One, but they were certainly happy to collect the debt.

According to the description of "debt", reincarnators can repay their debts through various special behaviors. This does sound a bit incredible, but it is also based on facts. For example, "Weishan Emperor", an old creditor from ancient times, seems to have He did not ask her to return her power, but instead expressed deep appreciation for her taking the initiative to borrow power from the little devils and then using her own power to fight off those little devils.

This makes one have to wonder whether he gained more benefits from this process than collecting debts. If there were accounting books to calculate the income and expenditure, Emperor Weishan might have made a lot of money long ago.

To sum up, these cosmic demons must get more from reincarnators by collecting their debts than they clearly owe, so no one will give up their share easily. If they insist on doing so, they must either negotiate terms or fight. One plane.

At that time, I had just made a decision to wait and see who the creditor assigned to Jin Jing was. If it was a demon god of Cytorac or above, I would try to negotiate the terms. If the strength was lower than him, I would directly beat him. .

It's not about bullying the weak, it's mainly about fighting against those who are too powerful. It's easy to have a situation like "the fierce battle reaches the edge of the universe and the avenue is wiped out". When Marvel's "death" comes to visit, I still have to fight with her. Act out a real or fake Monkey King.

At that moment, Strange activated the Time Stone to try to resurrect the Ancient One. Several of them were not affected by time, and followed the consciousness of the universe demon who was watching the excitement to swim upstream together with the retrograde time, and then ran into him head-on. I am with Jin Jing.

As a result...with a bang, the dimensional wall shattered.

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