The Collection of The End

Two thousand one hundred and fourteen, North American Mythical War (64)

——Marvel, 2011——

New York, Westchester District.

Westchester was not originally part of New York, but is now part of Manhattan, across the river from Clinton, known as Hell's Kitchen.

Because there had been a fierce battle there before, completely razing large areas of cliffs, woods, and hills, the residents of Hell's Kitchen who believed in protecting themselves wisely had no idea of ​​joining in the fun.

Although there are rumors that buildings in the college area and residential areas are being built there as if they are growing out of the ground, now that Stark is involved, it doesn't sound so strange anymore.

"The results of the survey are not optimistic. I thought that 99% of them were Hydra was an exaggeration, but this number turned out to be conservative,"

Steve, Colson and Natasha sat together in the great hall of "Hogwarts" that had been built in advance, and said seriously:

"You must add at least two 9's after the decimal point."

"Isn't this right?" Natasha held the wine glass: "If Hydra has completely controlled SHIELD, why haven't we 'outsiders' been cleared out?"

"Because they have serious internal differences," Steve raised the corners of his lips slightly: "After hiding their identities and infiltrating various modern institutions for many years, the new generation of Hydra no longer adheres to the original evil goals. About half of the Hydra The first half hopes to maintain the current 'parasitic' state and influence everything secretly. The smaller half advocates completely taking over various institutions and using only their own people to achieve de facto control. The members who want to openly and openly use the banner of Hydra to occupy the world , is the smallest in number, but in addition, there are more third- and even fourth-generation Hydras who even regard being a Hydra agent as a part-time job, and they can fish wherever they can."

"Fishing? Captain, you are learning more and more new words from the 'White Queen'," Natasha joked, and then said: "In other words, although our current situation is very dangerous, it is not that dangerous. It’s dangerous, as long as you don’t irritate those hydras and let them move.”

"Yes," Colson nodded: "Although their overall number is astonishing, they have a single line of contact, and most of them remain silent. If one of the lower status people is caught for interrogation, he may think that Aegis Only 20 to 30 percent of the bureau’s members were infiltrated.”

"So, sometimes the personnel involved in an operation to capture Hydra agents may all be Hydras," Natasha said with a smile: "In order to prove to other Hydras that have no contact that they are not Hydras, they will do their best to prove that they are not Hydras. Deal with the exposed Hydra.”

"If this kind of behavior hadn't allowed them to discover that S.H.I.E.L.D. was already riddled with holes, I would really like to suggest that Director Nick arrange more similar actions," Steve looked at other parts of "Hogwarts": " What happened to the research results of the 'Cosmic Cube'? Where are they?"

"Tony has solved his heavy metal poisoning and is preparing to help that 'Asgard' repair the 'Rainbow Bridge'." Natasha replied: "If nothing else, it should be at the observatory."



As the tallest building in the "Hogwarts Academy for Gifted Youngsters", it has an open and flat rooftop at the top. If it is officially completed, it should have a curved roof and many observation equipment.

At this time, there were many machines of unknown meaning on the platform, and the "Cosmic Cube" was being fixed in the middle of one of the arch-like mechanical structures.

And Stark and Atreus, wearing white coats, were having a heated argument.

"Mr. Stark, I admit that your technological level is very high, but the Rainbow Bridge uses divine power, and any changes to it will carry unknown risks."

"The so-called gods are just creatures that have mastered powerful power, and the so-called divine power is just a more advanced way of using energy. Since I can analyze it, I can transform it."

"That has no precedent. If you can let my brother pick up Mjolnir, I will approve your transformation."

“Everyone here can pick it up, it probably depends on IQ.”

"Hey! I'm listening!" Thor protested loudly.

"Dr. Banner can't pick it up." Atreus changed his target.

"His IQ must be discounted by 50%." Stark continued to bombard him.

"Don't get me involved..." Dr. Banner shook his head and pulled Thor out of the observatory: "Let's go drink."

"Blonde...Bai...Rachel, what do you say?" Stark turned to the last audience member.

"Sister, you will definitely not agree." Atreus began to play the family card.

"Well...why don't you repair it as it is before transforming it?" Rachel asked with a wink.

"Oh, I can tell by looking at this child's eyes that he is the same person as me." Stark patted Atreus on the shoulder: "If I repair the 'Rainbow Bridge' first, he will definitely be there." Run away and never come back.”

"Very clear self-awareness," Rachel complained.

"You know, sister," Atreus touched his head: "I am not compatible with space spells. I can barely use ether particles to interfere with the output of the Universe Rubik's Cube. If something goes wrong with the random modification part... …”

"Nothing can go wrong with anything Stark builds!" Stark declared confidently.

"I think..." Rachel suddenly froze mid-sentence, then looked up at the sky.



A dark crack suddenly appeared in mid-air, and then, a giant humanoid monster with a brown body and an armored stomach very similar to a steel suit fell from the sky, leaving deep footprints and a large crack on the roof of the building, and then He roared loudly at Atreus.

Atreus raised his hand towards the monster, but fell on his back as if he had been punched in the face.

"Go and put on the mecha, and call Dr. Banner and the golden-haired idiot." Rachel raised her cane to block Atreus and said to Stark.

"JARVIS! Bring up my armor!...JARVIS? JARVIS?" Stark pressed the earphone and shouted twice, and ran downstairs with a solemn expression.


The dizzy Atreus raised his head with difficulty and saw that the cane in Rachel's hand had changed like magic, from a short staff to a short sword that exuded a faint blue light.

"Stand back, monster, I can still spare your life." She said.


At the same time, streams of black mud-like things poured out of the brown monster. They entangled with each other and formed a "dark elf" that Atreus had seen in Asgard's records. Not only that, from the perspective of ugliness, he is also the most powerful "cursed warrior".

"I am very lucky, woman." The dark elf said in an unpleasant voice, and then transformed into a pair of straight swords with an unknown red light in his hands.

"Who are you?" Rachel raised her dagger, guarding against two enemies at the same time.

"I am Malekith, and I want to take back what belongs to me."

Malekith? That is--

Before Atreus could issue a warning, the brown armored monster and the dark elves made of black mud attacked Rachel at the same time.

"You can't take anything away!" Rachel burst out with a strong momentum and fought with the two men with her dagger.

Damn... He couldn't help, and knowing full well that the other party was coming for him, Atreus held his breath and gradually retreated, trying to escape quietly.


When he was about to reach the stairs, Malekith, who was originally fighting with Rachel, suddenly appeared in front of him.

"You took my stuff, kid.]"

He pointed it as a knife and stabbed Atreus straight into the heart.

"Get your dirty hands off!" Rachel pushed back the brown monster with one move, then turned around and hit Malekith with a crosscut.

Then it was cut out.

"What a pity, that's a phantom.]"

Malekith's figure appeared behind Rachel.


The straight sword emitting dazzling red light pierced Rachel's back and came out of her chest.

"Sister——!" x2

In the midst of unanimous roars, Thor rushed to the rooftop with Mjolnir in hand, and struck Malekith with lightning flashing all over his body.

"What a pity, I-huh?]"

Malekith tried to draw his sword and walk away, but found that he couldn't pull it back.

Creak, creak, creak——

Rachel was impaled, starting from the wound, and her whole body transformed towards the diamond statue at a very high speed, firmly fixing Malekith's weapon in her body. When Malekith sensed something was wrong, he withdrew his sword and tried to escape. There is no chance.

Boom boom boom——

The sludge completely dissipated into steam under the bombardment of dazzling lightning.

The brown humanoid monster sensed something was wrong, picked up the machine with the Cosmic Cube embedded in it, turned around and ran away.

"Profiteer! Hold on! Is this your ability? If there is anything we can do, tell me!" Stark, dressed neatly, was the first to fly to Rachel's side.

"Don't tell my father...]" Rachel had only one face that was not a diamond, and her voice had a strange sound of the collision of stones: "Build Hogwarts...]"


"I'll go and come back...]"

The "White Queen" completely turned into a diamond statue.



It’s been a long time since I’ve used a knife myself, so I’m not very good at it]

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