The Collection of The End

Two thousand one hundred and twenty-four, North American Mythical War (74)


Helm's underworld.

Dumbledore once said: "For the sane man, death is just another great adventure."

But the adventure was a little too grand.

"Hello, do you need help with anything?"


"Is that so? That's really unfortunate. We'll help."

Gandalf watched "Artoria" deviate from the navigation route again, and after taking over a "mission" with ease, he stroked his beard helplessly.

It seems that whether it is "Gandalf", "Magneto", "Professor X", "Dumbledore" or "Merlin", he is always responsible for taking care of a group of children.

Regarding the superposition of multiple identities, Maia, who can change her appearance at will, should now be called Ainur. It can be said that Gandalf is very familiar with it, and it looks like what she plays.

Because he only had relevant memories, the specific identity information was somewhat distorted in retrospect, but he was confident that he could play any role well in front of acquaintances with relevant identities - although they could not even escape from their original world, let alone reach the underworld of Heim. .

The world originally known as "The Lord of the Rings" is being transformed by "Yinluvita" into the "Song of Ice and Fire" world. Human intrigues and struggles have become mainstream, and supernatural creatures and extraordinary powers are gradually beginning to withdraw - but why does she Will the dragon be kept? Because he's handsome?

However, as the Ainur created by Inluvita, Gandalf was not dissatisfied with this situation. After all, there were many Ainur who had never left the Eternal Palace since their birth. When Inluvita did not need them, he could just fall asleep.

But what if... Yin Luvita disappears?

In the eyes of most Ainu or Maia, Yinluvita is an image wearing a green hood and always sitting on the throne of the eternal palace. Any order is full of wisdom and cannot be violated.

However... Gandalf has definitely seen two "Inluvitas", one black and one white. Although the conversation between them also shocked Gandalf as a creature, the little girl-like demeanor and words used , completely unable to inspire awe.

And shortly after the "White Yinluvita" left, the "Black Yinluvita" who was busy transforming the world of "Iya" also disappeared. The other Ainu had no reaction to this. After all, the supreme being would frequently issue orders. It's a relatively rare situation.

When Gandalf tried to contact the false image, he was not surprised to receive a message from "Black Yinluvaita":

"It's so troublesome to change the world...]"

"It seems faster to destroy and recreate...]"

"Wow, it was so dangerous, I almost did it.]"

"It's all that Jing Zhengu's fault...what? I'm a village girl too? Then it's okay.]"

"Forget it, just skip work and go travel to her place.]"

"No! It's a business trip! It's to learn advanced production technology!]"

Although some words he didn't understand, Gandalf still felt a strong rejection of work and an extreme desire to fish.

All in all, Black Yinluvita went to play with White Yinluvita, and the Eternal Palace was left unattended at this time.

If the person at that time had been Morgoth, he might have been planning how to seize power, but at that time Gandalf could only think of how to help Yinluvita, who was out "learning skills".

At that moment, "Sun", who should not be able to appear in the "Eternal Hall", staggered in front of Gandalf carrying his stick.

"What do you think about teaching in a magic school?" he asked.


"I asked clearly. His supermarket is occupied by a group of ghouls and we need to help him take it back."

"Artoria", "Scarlet Witch", "Rachel Fisk", and... "White Yinluvita" said so.

"Is that shopkeeper a professor worth recruiting? Or does he offer particularly good rewards?" Gandalf asked.

"No?" Rachel replied doubtfully: "He has no ability, and the only reward he provides is some energy coins and food."

So why do you want to help him?

Gandalf didn't ask this question, because the answer he got must be "because he needs help."

If pressed, she will continue to talk about camp, reputation, happiness, safety and other difficult words, and she thinks she is very reasonable.

What about the "professor" you plan to recruit?

This sentence is of no use. She will "suddenly wake up", then complete the current task at a very fast speed, and then go to study the location and route where "the professor may be found", and meet another "person in need of help" next time "I completely forgot about it.

Of course, this behavior is not without its rewards.

Gandalf looked to his side. Just like what he would experience in all identities, a group of people gathered around him... maybe they were people.

A native dog named "Luwei" was once named "Dogrou", "Babas", and "The Demon God's lackey".

A super mutant named "Hagrid" used to be named "Strong", "Green Light", and "Anti-God Noble Phantasm".

A dark elf named "Severus Snape", who was, no, now named Drizzt Do'urden, refused to accept "Artoria"'s request to change his name. But he accepted the harp as a gift from her and allowed her to call him Drizzt.

Intuition told Gandalf that Rachel's purpose had actually been achieved, but it probably involved high-level factors such as "multiple identities", so he had no way of detecting it.

"The next task is -" Rachel held the pointed hat on her head with one hand and pointed the wand in her hand at the supermarket not far away: "Destroy all the ghouls inside without destroying the supermarket facilities!"

"Woof woof woof!" "Hagrid is going to flatten Dry Skin!" The native dog and the super mutant rushed out at the lead.

Drizzt sighed first, put away his harp, then unfurled his bow and nocked an arrow, slowly following behind Rachel, like a qualified guard.

It was a familiar cycle, Gandalf following behind with his cane.

First, "Artoria" actively found a seemingly small thing to do for herself, and then quickly expanded the matter with the "help" of Lu Wei and Hagrid. Finally, she or Drizzt used spells or Use force to suppress and control the situation.

This time is no exception...probably.


Although the underworld of Helm is divided and ruled by Valkyries and Giants on the surface, the elves are fighting among themselves, and humans are caught in the cracks and struggling to survive... Can you use the word "survival"?

But there are many species in this world that are intelligent but not too advanced.

Such as death claws, two-headed bulls, mutant dogs, super mutants, zombies and out-of-control robots, wandering everywhere, occupying locations, and becoming enemies of any intelligent creature.

In terms of a normal ecological environment, it is impossible for these monsters to occur naturally. First of all, they are products of a civilized world and are highly industrialized. There is no reason for robots to appear. But since there are dead people from different countries in the "Nine Realms" in this world, listen. It doesn't seem that strange.

In addition, the currency of this world is something called "energy coins", which look like golden iron pieces. They will generate themselves over time. Although most of them appear scattered in the wilderness and ruins, Sometimes whole boxes appear in certain "treasure chests".

The principle of their generation and the reason why they can be absorbed as energy by the dead souls in this world are not yet clear, but there is no need to delve into it.

After all, this is a world where "Yinlu Weita" walks, and any strange things that appear should be regarded as "settings".

Speaking of this "Rachel Fisk", the "White Inluvatar" is very different from the "Black Inluvatar" in Gandalf's impression... although he is not that familiar with the "Black Inluvatar".

Rachel would stare at the air in front of her in a daze from time to time, cast magic randomly, mess with the "Sorting Hat" for no reason, rush into some ruins and find boxes of energy coins as expected.

She claimed that she was recruiting professors for a school, but the mutant dogs and super mutants she had recruited so far did not look like they could be professors. As for the dark elf, he only wanted to destroy the "Light Elf Academy". Just go with them for the time being.

Based on Gandalf's investigation and communication with Drizzt during this period, he found that the problems between the light and dark elves were more serious than imagined.

All elves are in the state of "light elves" when they arrive in the underworld of Helm, as if death has filtered out the haze in their hearts. But as time goes by, perhaps due to the characteristics of the underworld, the original light elves will inevitably move towards "Dark Elf" Transformation.

This was fine for the original dark elves, but the original light elves couldn't bear it. After many experiments, they found a way to remove the darkness from the dark elves, and even reversed them into light elves, and then began to summon all Elves, trying to save everyone from this "symptom" of "falling into darkness".

Drizzt was vague about the details that followed, but it was clear that after a series of events, the dark elves completely broke away from the light elves, took all their tribesmen to live underground, and named their organization "Railway" "The two sides became the most serious conflict after Valkyrie and Titan.

As for Drizzt, a light elf who fell into darkness, he did not rush to find a way to convert back. Instead, he conducted a detailed investigation of their social structure as a dark elf, and finally concluded that the two could coexist peacefully. conclusions and methods, and try to generalize them.

The result is obvious. The light elves regard him as a traitor, and the dark elves regard him as a spy. Drizzt wants to satisfy both sides, but the result is that both sides hate him deeply.

Drizzt was not discouraged, and he was ready to solve the problem with his own efforts, that is, to sneak into and destroy the "reverse transformation device" in the Academy of Light Elves.

His theory is that the dark elves will temporarily turn into light elves when they come to the underworld of Helm because the two have the same origin. It is only because they live in countries with different environments that they become what they are today, but after death, they all recover. After losing their original appearance, as the elves begin to adapt to the underworld of Helm, affected by the harsh environment, they will inevitably transform into dark elves.

The specific solution is to stop those meaningless "bleaching" methods and use it to build a protected area in the underworld of Helm consistent with the environment of the country of the light elves during their lifetime. You only need to choose a residence where you want to transform.

Of course, no one listened to him, and the mature bleaching process would not be stopped or reformed because of his theory, so Drizzt decided to take action directly, destroying the process directly, and killing it first and then telling it later.

How this reckless behavior got Rachel's approval, Gandalf still doesn't quite understand.

But the solution is very clear - destroy the bleaching project and build the "protected area" directly at the same time. Even if those guys from the Bright Elf Academy are full of anger, they have no choice but to follow his plan.

At that time, she can take away the college professors who lost their jobs because the bleaching project was destroyed - this circle is too big!

"Woof woof woof!"

"Hagrid wants to flatten Dry Skin!"

At this time, the noise coming from the "supermarket" interrupted Gandalf's thinking.

Oh, has it reached the "Luwei and Hagrid make things big" stage now? He hurriedly walked into the supermarket while cursing.

According to the common sense Gandalf gained from his identity as "Magneto", without a modern industrial foundation, various buildings and machines that look similar to "reality" cannot be manufactured at all. At most, they can only be imitated by Valkyrie's divine power. make.

According to speculation, these "modern buildings" in the Heim Underworld were probably built a long time ago when there was a large-scale industrial base in the Heim Underworld. However, for some reason, the prosperous civilization disappeared and turned into what it is today. A desolate look.

However, now is not the time for archeology, and it is obvious that Lu Wei and Hagrid are in trouble.

Similar to most places with names used in modern society, this "supermarket" is just a formality. Not only does it have no stock of goods, it also looks abandoned for a long time, but in fact, it is indeed "open" state, if there weren't those "ghouls".

They are monsters that are more similar to humans and look like mummies, but no one would doubt that they were once humans, because humans do not "transform" like elves, and each human soul goes from "birth" to "Death" is what he looked like in his heyday.

At this time, this group of more than a dozen corpses were surrounding the shelves, confronting Lu Wei and Hagrid—mainly Hagrid.

Hagrid can easily crush them, but he will also destroy all the shelves. The ghouls are not smart enough to judge that Hagrid is throwing rat traps, but they still stay motionless among the shelves with their survival instinct.

As for the magical Scarlet Witch... Gandalf looked at Rachel, who was also frozen there holding a wand.

Any magic would turn into burning and explosion, and she obviously couldn't handle this kind of situation.

Swish swish—chichichichi—

When Gandalf was about to take action to solve the problem, a series of steel nails struck through the air, pinning the ghouls to the wall like living targets.

"Really," an old voice sounded from the back door of the supermarket: "It actually requires an old guy like me to take action. Today's young people are really inferior to each other."

"Mr. Stark!" Gandalf heard Rachel making a surprised sound.


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