The Collection of The End

Two thousand one hundred and twenty-six, North American Mythical War (76)

——Marvel, 2012——

New York, Stark Tower.

Avengers common room.

Due to a textbook-like "complete victory", the Avengers members, reserve personnel and family members who were conducting research, training, learning and entertainment were relatively relaxed, but they were more or less paying attention to Jarvis's projection. Special guest interviews on the big screen.

"...Yes, it was 'SHIELD' who led the 'superheroes' to repel the alien attack.]"

There is no other reason. The person who was chatting with the beautiful host on the show was none other than Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Although the existence of S.H.I.E.L.D. is not a secret among senior people, ordinary people also know a lot about the existence of "superheroes"-the age distribution of Captain America fans alone spans at least four generations.

But for the first time, the official stood up and made it clear that these superheroes were managed by a secret organization that always protects the security of the earth. It still caused considerable discussion. Many people questioned whether such an organization would deceive superheroes and seek profits. Self-interest.

However, the skin color of the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the orange cat he always held in his arms made this doubt a lot smaller. Moreover, using superheroes or something, after another even more shocking news appeared, it sounded like It's not that important anymore.

"Perhaps many people have seen videos on the Internet about how we fought against alien invaders, but they may not have seen the real full picture of the Helicarrier. I can show it to you here.]" Nick Fury said on the side As he answered, he raised his hand to signal, and the edited "Battle of New York" began to play on the big screen behind him.

In the picture, those "armed trains" carrying "claws" appeared in the air in an extremely oppressive manner, descending towards New York with a momentum that seemed to destroy everything. Then, with bursts of artillery fire, their The advance was blocked and stalled, and then, three "aircraft carriers flying in the air" appeared proudly and confronted those "armed trains". Alien flying vehicles and fighter jets ejected from the aerospace carriers were fighting each other in the background of the screen, and missiles Trails and lines of gunfire filled the sky, and finally, the screen zoomed in, showing a series of montage-style close-ups of the battles of superheroes such as Iron Man and Captain America.

Just watching this movie, anyone would think that the three space carriers were the important reason for victory in the battle, and the superheroes who broke into the enemy formation and defended the surface only played a role in checking for leaks and filling in the gaps.

"I think they must have hired top editors and post-production workers from Hollywood," Natasha scoffed. "The camerawork is amazing."

"As we all know, humans have been looking for aliens and want to prove that they are not alone in the universe.]" Nick Fury touched the cat: "But obviously, all aliens love peace and can communicate. It is just our wishful thinking. The idea is that when a habitable planet that is rich and weaker than them is discovered, occupation, plunder and extermination are the most likely things to happen, just like...this time.]"

"Hmm," the host also noticed something was wrong, so he quickly changed the topic: "So, should we actively prepare to resist alien attacks? Do you think we should increase military spending?"

"Good fellow," Colonel Lord said, and then repeated: "Good fellow."

"SHIELD is an organization under the United Nations Security Council with the mission of protecting mankind and the earth. It will not interfere with any policy of any country." Nick Fury did not accept the words: "We will do our best to protect mankind from external threats." If the governments of various countries are willing to provide financial assistance for the damage caused by interstellar invaders, of course we will not refuse.】"

"After this victory, can we prove that our strength has surpassed that of aliens? Do we have a way to fight back against them?]" the host continued to ask.

"I'm afraid it's difficult," Nick Fury replied: "Humanity's exploration of space is limited to the solar system, and it has only set foot on its own satellite. This navigation method is close to the 'space tunnel' or 'wormhole' in science fiction novels. , we don’t even know the basic principles, and technological recovery and counterattack are out of the question. However, no matter how many times they come again, we will definitely win.]”

"And it must be us who contribute." Stark snorted.

"After all, you can't expect a group of ordinary people to fight aliens," Steve shrugged: "Just like the ordinary residents of Clinton District, their weapons can't even scratch the surface of alien spaceships and armors."

"You call a group of gangsters with bunkers and fortifications, sufficient firepower, and complete logistics 'ordinary residents'?" Stark glanced at the diamond statue of the "White Queen" on the other side of the lounge: "If I hadn't known she was secretly stabbing She is preparing to control all cities in the United States. I thought she knew in advance that there would be an alien invasion. "

"If she had the ability to predict, she wouldn't have been smashed through the roof again and again," Natasha said with a smile, "It seems like she was just a little short this time?"

"If I hadn't taken action in time, her restaurant would have been completely rebuilt this time," Stark rolled his eyes: "Those two assistants are really ungrateful."

"Is there a possibility, Mr. Stark?" Peter, who was doing his homework, raised his head: "Miss Fisk set up some means of dealing with air threats in her restaurant, and she was proud of it, but the target was in those devices. It was knocked away by you before it was activated."

"Write your homework." Stark thought for a moment, then glared at him.

Peter stuck out his tongue and continued to compete with the questions in the textbook.

At this time, the interview program on the big screen was coming to an end, and footage of military personnel cleaning up the scene began to play on the rear screen.

"...Compared to the previous uo incident that was unclear, this time there are clearly alien vehicles and alien corpses. Do you think this is an opportunity to significantly improve the level of human science and technology?]" the host asked.

"I think it's very difficult," Fury touched the cat again: "According to the preliminary assessment given by Stark Industries, the technological level of these aliens is not much higher than ours. Rather, in some aspects, They are even lower than us, but they are somewhat specialized in combat functions, as if they specialize in robbing the resources of other planets for a living. If there is any progress, it will also be in mineral exploration and development, garbage classification and recycling, As well as technology in resource recycling, if I were to give these aliens a specific evaluation...'scavenger collector']."

"So," Dr. Bruce Banner looked at the big screen and then touched his chin: "We actually just defeated a group of trash pickers?"

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