The Collection of The End

Two thousand one hundred and twenty-eight, North American Mythical War (78)

——Marvel, 2012——

Helm Underworld, Bright Elf Academy.

This is a strange giant tree that grows upside down underground and emits a faint fluorescent light.

Its branches have many natural paths, spiral staircases, and halls and houses of various sizes and elegant shapes. Many elves, also shrouded in pale white light, walk and talk gracefully on them.

In the crown of this giant tree, which is the deepest part of the "academy", there is a majestic pure white hall.

In the middle of the hall, there is a huge, clear and transparent pool with waves of blue light surging on the surface.

Floating above the water was a female elf wearing a luxurious robe with a white background and gold edges, her long snow-white hair fluttering in the wind, and her eyes glowing with dazzling white light.

"Gandalf, I knew you would make my world a mess."

She said this to the visitor in front of her.

"Galadriel?" Gandalf shook his eyebrows: "Although it is surprising, it is not completely unexpected. I remember that you did have the opportunity to become the 'Goddess of Death' in Middle-earth, but in the end you gave up."

"I don't like to be given power by others, especially that Sauron," Galadriel said: "Besides, it would be too boring for both identities to be the 'goddess of death'."

"Since you appear here, does it mean that our journey has reached the end?" Gandalf looked back at his team: "You'd better not say 'not yet'."

After confirming that control of the underworld of Helm has been divided between four equally matched forces: the "Valkyrie Guards", the "Giant Brotherhood", the "Light Elf Academy" and the "Dark Elf Rebels", what will anyone do? The only thing that can be decided is "to surrender to and support a certain force, and then help them take the entire underworld of Heim into their hands."

But unfortunately, "Ilúvatar", who gave herself the code name "Scarlet Witch", does not belong to the category of "anyone".

She actually chose to fill up the "safety", "happiness" and "loyalty" of all human settlements, and then led the humans who were originally at the bottom to defeat all other four with archaeological weapons from the "previous era". A group of forces established an organization called the "Human Federation".

According to the information obtained from archaeology, the rulers of the underworld of Helm in the "last era" turned out to be humans from Midgard, that is, humans from the earth. At that time, because the war had not yet broken out in the nine realms, whether it was Valkyrie, giants or elves, , the number of dead souls is quite rare, which makes human beings who grow old, sick and die relatively quickly, and can easily give birth to geniuses, become the leaders of the underworld.

But the good times did not last long. Human beings' infighting nature could not be suppressed even if they were all dead in the underworld. Finally, after the "technology" developed to a certain extent, a war broke out, completely reducing the Heim underworld to ruins and dissipating countless souls. , and then, Odin went to the nine kingdoms and brought a large number of powerful non-human souls to the underworld of Helm, completely eliminating the possibility of them rising again and doing it again.

But Rachel, who made mankind great again, did not suppress other forces to become the king. Instead, she took the lead and established a cooperative organization called the "Nine Realms Alliance" in the Heim Underworld.

This name... doesn't she know that some of the nine kingdoms have no life at all? Or... is she planning to arrange for the "Nine Realms Alliance" to colonize there? How are a group of dead souls going to colonize!

Of course, there is another possibility,

What Rachel did was just for fun or to "earn achievements", but those things were intertwined, intertwined, and fermented, and eventually developed in a completely unexpected direction.

Because her performance is too "ordinary" and "ordinary", it is easy for people to forget that she also has the identity of the creator and maintainer of the world "Iluvatar". Based on this fact, even if she does not deliberately use this The authority of one’s identity and the consequences of one’s actions will also be affected unconsciously.

Time returns to the present.

"Of course, your journey is over,]" Galadriel glanced at the entire team, then looked at Rachel: "Is this the person you want to take away? There are fewer than expected."

"Yeah..." Rachel pressed her hat and responded with confusion: "I don't think we look that similar. How did Thor and Atreus admit their mistake?"

"They are fools.]"

"That makes sense."

One dares to answer and the other dares to answer... In a sense, you are quite similar.

"Then, I allow these dead souls to return to the living world," Galadriel raised her hand slightly, causing all the team members to be shrouded in white light: "But you must remember that as a being who has 'died once', if you die again Death will 'disappear completely', and there is no such thing as 'resurrection'.】"

"Don't worry, I will ensure their safety." Rachel said confidently.

"Gandalf, I have a gift for you, but it is up to you to decide whether to accept it or not." Galadriel looked at Gandalf.

"Oh? What is it?"

"'The Ring of Water·Nanya', or in other words, the 'Mind Gem'."


Before Gandalf could recover from his surprise, the goddess of death stretched out her hand towards him, and a pure white ring set with diamonds slipped from her finger and floated in the air slowly flying towards Gandalf.

The ring seemed to melt, constantly changing its shape as it flew in the air. Finally, when it flew in front of Gandalf, it transformed into a brilliant golden rough diamond.

"Should I take it?" Gandalf turned to look at Rachel.

"Well, this is my oversight. Although Magneto can simulate the effect of telepathy with the help of magnetism, he is not a real psychic after all." Rachel nodded: "Take it, Professor X."

The problem is... no, forget it, since she can leave the Reality Stone to Loki and the Space Stone to Stark, it is not surprising to give the Mind Stone to "Magneto".

Gandalf raised the staff in his hand and tentatively touched the beautiful golden gemstone with the tip of the staff.

Without any hindrance, the gem sank into the top of the staff and merged with it.



At this moment, countless noisy "voices" were transmitted into Gandalf's mind, and at the same time there were overwhelming lines of various colors. Even though he was mentally prepared before touching the gem, this level of information congestion Still made his mind go blank for a while.


"Should we call an ambulance?"

Which hospital's ambulance can come to the underworld to save people?

The outrageous suggestion instantly restored Gandalf's consciousness, but the world in his eyes was completely different:

Almost everyone has "word bubbles" popping up on top of their heads, and threads of different colors are intertwined between these people.

The most eye-catching are the two big red lines, coming from between Mr. and Mrs. Howard:

Howard Stark - Love → Maria Stark

Howard Stark Loves - Maria Stark

Tsk tsk...

Gandalf looked around like a child who had just been given a toy.

Between Lu Wei and Hagrid, they are "the stupid big guy" and "the noisy food" respectively.

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