The Collection of The End

Two thousand one hundred and thirty-four, North American Mythical War (84)

——Marvel, 2012——

Harlem, underground.

"It's unbelievable, Captain. If someone told me that this is actually a secret factory of the Stark Group, I would not doubt it."

"No, Tony will refuse to admit that such a backward factory belongs to him."

What Captain America and Hawkeye finally arrived at through the underground secret passage was an unusually large underground machinery factory with blue and gray as the main color. Whether it was the walls, doors, windows or lathe machinery, it all gave off a sense of heaviness, as if it were the owner of the place. Prepare to keep them running for two to three hundred years.

In the assembly workshop of this factory, there are racks of giant suits that are at least two times larger than Iron Man's suit. They basically all have obvious reference marks to the Mark series, but they are not too careless. It has been covered up in various ways, such as changing the right angles to rounded corners, changing the red and gold color scheme to black and green or blue and white.

"Iron Overlord" has done similar behavior a long time ago, and the effect was unsatisfactory.

Steve and Coulson were still moving forward cautiously, wary of alarms or traps that they might encounter at any time, but as time passed, the entire factory became dead silent. Except for the pale green street lights that used separate power sources, there was nothing to control them. The uninvited guest responded, and they gradually increased their actions and began to conduct a detailed search of the factory.

"Almost all precision circuits and electronic carriers were destroyed by electromagnetic pulses. It's as if someone lost an emp here, captain." Colson quickly discovered the cause of the abnormality in the factory: "But I'm not sure. What was thrown by its enemies was placed by its owner in order to destroy the information during retreat."

"Obviously, they are enemies, and they are hovering above us now," Steve said.

"Above the head?" Colson looked up in confusion, his voice lowered subconsciously: "...Hydra?"

"Maybe all of them, maybe some of them, but they are probably not the same ones who instigated the master here to attack Stark, which gives us an opportunity." Steve showed a look of recalling the past: "Just like those who were with us back then. Operation Kinna, their different clandestine units, staffs, conflicts between the naval factions and the army factions helped us a lot."

"In other words, a group of Hydras found out that they were about to find information about another group of Hydras. In order to prevent these information from implicating themselves, they destroyed everything?" Coles said that he understood.

"However, they obviously don't understand the Russians' paranoia about old things." Steve rummaged through a cabinet for a moment and found a tape: "emp is ineffective against this stuff."


"We...were fooled," an old voice came from an old tape player: "That guy who calls himself a 'military representative'...zizi...didn't help us." The plan is just... to use us as a tool for them to eliminate dissidents.】"

"Isn't that natural? Who would be nice to you for no reason? It's not your parents." Colson muttered.

"Shh," Steve signaled Coulson to be silent and adjusted the player to make the sound clearer.

"After Mark took the injection they provided, he did turn into something similar to the green monster, but he was smaller in size and brown in color. His IQ seemed to have declined to a certain extent, but he was a bit stupid to begin with. , I didn’t pay too much attention, I was just busy equipping him with an ‘anti-Stark armor’ that matched his size. Thinking about it now, I was probably carried away by the obsession for revenge.]”

"The plan given by that person was to destroy one of the uneducated playboy's factories in front of him while he was patrolling in New York, then provoke him with words, and use secret weapons after he did it, in front of all the onlookers. Defeat him completely in front of the enemy.】"

"So, this is the truth about Peter's attack," Steve whispered: "If it was Tony who was in the suit at the time, he might have succeeded."

"But, we were fooled. The location that the man gave us was not Stark's factory at all, but belonged to the military. He was not from the military at all!" The old man's voice was a little angry: "And After Mark used the 'secret weapon', although his strength increased greatly, he completely lost his mind and was controlled by another will that came out of nowhere. He completely ignored my command and was actually preparing to attack Stark Tower! ]"

"Hulk? Banner?" Coulson asked confused.

"No, keep listening." Steve shook his head.

"We want to defeat 'Iron Man' to prove Howard is wrong, not to eliminate 'Tony Stark' to prove that we are wrong! The most important thing is that we have no intention of sacrificing Mark, so Numerous safety devices have been set up for him to ensure that he can be recovered, so the mecha is not kept secret at all. Anyone who gets it will definitely follow the clues and find us.]"

With a very clear understanding of himself, Steve nodded.

"So, we are going to abandon this stronghold and temporarily evacuate New York until this storm passes and then come back, Katcha."

The tape clicked twice, and there was a brief blank. It seemed that the recorder had paused and dealt with other things before returning to continue recording, but the interval should not have been that short.

"Hell!]" The old man's voice sounded furious: "The 'Iron Man' defeated by Mark was just an empty shell. That guy Stark was visiting the Fisk family. Although he didn't know what happened, he soared from there. Judging from the thunder, he has obviously made a big mistake and there is no time to clean it up. We need to evacuate immediately!]"

"Father, Mark sent back the news, but I can't confirm whether it was him.]" A new voice appeared.

"Oh? What did he say?]" the old man responded.

"He said the person who deceived us was an undercover military agent who was working as an undercover military agent after Hydra broke into S.H.I.E.L.D.]"




An awkward silence filled the room between the three people across time and space.

"Mark said that before his consciousness dissipated, he partially infiltrated with the consciousness of the bird occupying the dove nest, so he learned some of Hydra's plans and base location. He hopes that we can avenge him.]"

"Mark never asked us for anything, so this is fake.]"

"Okay, father, I will destroy the relevant information right now.]"

"No, keep it, and then store it in a medium that will not be destroyed by EMP," the old man said: "I hope that after we leave, the enemy of Hydra will find this information."

"Okay, Father, I'll do it right now." An unexplained mechanical roar began to appear in the background of the recording.

"The 'Insight' plan, the 'Winter Soldier' ​​plan, ha..." The old man's voice was a little sarcastic: "This kind of plan that ignores past glory and only wants to control power, Hydra? Are you worthy of it?" "

Click, recording ends.

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